Chapter 219
Although Wencai and Qiusheng didn't know what Lu Yue was doing, they also knew that what Lu Yue did was definitely not small. Based on their understanding of Master, Master would definitely not let Lu Yue stop practicing. It is even more impossible to let Lu Yue go far to practice.

After such a long time of contact, Wencai and Qiusheng had already discovered that Lin Jiu would not let Lu Yue walk out of Yizhuang easily. Although Qiusheng and Wencai didn't know what was going on, they I can be sure that I am not mistaken, Master really does not allow Lu Yue to walk out of Yizhuang easily.

The reason, Lu Yue himself knows, unless there is something special, otherwise, Lu Yue will not easily leave the Yizhuang, so Master will not let Lu Yue's junior brother leave the Yizhuang to go to other places this time. Go to practice. In this way, there is only one way, and that is to let them not practice. Thinking of this, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng couldn't help showing a smile on their faces. It seems that they have a great possibility to rest for a while today. I will.

Although Wencai and Qiusheng hid their thoughts well, they couldn't hide them from Lin Jiu's eyes. How could Lin Jiu not know what Wencai and Qiusheng were thinking.

However, before Lin Jiu could say anything, Ren Tingting who was not far away said, "Master, it doesn't really have much influence. As long as we are careful, we can still practice." When she said this, Ren Tingting's heart was full of Instead of worrying, he was deeply afraid that Lin Jiu would punish Lu Yue for this.

If it was Awei who said this, then Wencai and Qiusheng would definitely reprimand Awei to show their identities as senior brothers, but it was difficult for Wencai and Qiusheng to replace it with Ren Tingting, a junior sister. What, and the two of them are still fantasizing about marrying Ren Tingting as their wife.

"Why, you can't stand this little movement. If you can't stand it, you two don't need to practice. As long as you two can withstand the vine whip in the master's hand, you don't need to practice. How about it, you two Do you want to continue practicing, or do you want to see if you have regressed in playing the whip for your master?" Lin Jiu looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng with a smile and asked.

Lin Jiu's words made Wencai and Qiusheng stunned. They didn't expect Lin Jiu to say such a thing, so they didn't dare to say anything more, obediently returned to their original place, and continued to practice.They are not cheap, how could they want to be beaten by Lin Jiu in front of Ren Tingting and A Wei, don't they both want to lose face?
After seeing Wencai and Qiusheng leave, Lin Jiu paid some attention to Lu Yue's situation, so as not to cause any accidents to Lu Yue. After all, Lei Fa's power is extremely violent, and it is extremely difficult to compress it. And dangerous, a careless, may even be seriously injured.

At this time, Lin Jiu didn't know that Lu Yue got the golden robe, otherwise, Lin Jiu wouldn't be so worried.Because the power of the golden robe is extremely powerful, not to mention that Lu Yue didn't fully compress the palm thunder, even if Lu Yue is now fully compressing the palm thunder, with the power of the palm thunder, he can't break the defense of the golden robe and hurt Lu Yue.Unless Lu Yue can cultivate the Thunder Palm to the sixth level, there is only a slight possibility.

For the next three days, Lu Yue kept trying to compress the power of the palm thunder, but found that with his current strength, it was extremely difficult to succeed.

Therefore, Lu Yue first uses another kind of lightning method to compress the thunder and lightning, which may be easier to succeed. Of course, if the Lightning and Thunder Fist cannot make Lu Yue successful, then Lu Yue intends to give up the idea of ​​​​compressing the thunder and lightning now. After his own strength becomes stronger, it will not be too late to compress Leifa. Anyway, he will not go out, so he is not in a hurry to increase his combat power.

Afterwards, Lu Yue began to practice his Lightning and Thunder Fist. He gained a lot from the previous battle with the Supreme Elder. This Lightning and Thunder Fist is not only a thunder technique, but also a powerful boxing technique. , but before he simply regarded Lightning and Thunder Fist as a powerful thunder method and a method of body training, he did not regard Lightning and Thunder Fist as a boxing method.

But now Lu Yue no longer regards Lightning and Thunder Fist as a body training and thunder technique, and even regards Lightning and Thunder Fist as a powerful boxing technique. If he had studied Lightning and Thunder Fist well before , even if the strength of the Supreme Elder is much stronger than himself, with the powerful boxing technique of Lightning and Thunder Fist, he can persist for a while.

Lu Yue has cultivated the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fourth level, which is not a low level. Before that, Lu Yue did not experience the power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist. Now, after some experience, Lu Yue has gained a lot. , and the melee ability has also been enhanced a lot.

However, this is not Lu Yue's biggest achievement this time. After not daring to comprehend the Lightning and Thunder Fist, Lu Yue found that he could use the Lightning and Thunder Fist to improve his control over thunder and lightning. , after becoming more perfect, it is not difficult to compress the palm thunder, and it can even be said to be a breeze.In the following time, Lu Yue continued to practice the Lightning and Thunder Fist, in order to improve his control over lightning.

Lin Jiu, who secretly paid attention to Lu Yue, saw that Lu Yue no longer continued to compress the palm thunder, but chose the Lightning Running Thunder Fist, Lin Jiu felt a little relieved. Compared with the palm thunder, Lin Jiu was more willing to see Lu Yue Yue practiced the thunder technique of Lightning and Thunder Fist.

Because this Lightning Running Thunder Fist is much more mysterious than Palm Thunder. Although it can't make Lu Yue break through to a higher level, it can improve Lu Yue's body, lightning control and melee combat ability.

It seems that Lu Yue has gained a lot from the previous battle with the Supreme Elder, and he has paid more attention to the practice of Lightning and Thunder Fist.You know, Lu Yue also practiced Lightning and Thunder Fist before.

But Lin Jiu found that Lu Yue didn't spend too much time on the Lightning and Thunder Fist. He kept focusing on the lightning in his palm. In the past, Lu Yue only focused on improving the power of thunder and lightning.

After that, Lin Jiu ignored Lu Yue. Unlike Wen Cai and others, a genius disciple like Lu Yue didn't need too much interference from himself. As long as Lu Yue didn't go astray, Lin Jiu would not care what Lu Yue practiced. Because, Lin Jiu knew very well in his heart that Lu Yue had his own plans. Of course, more importantly, Lin Jiu knew that Lu Yue would not let him down. Practice freely.

Time passed, and Lu Yue, who was practicing that day, saw Lin Jiu appearing in front of him with a grim expression, "Lu Yue, clean up and go with Master."

(End of this chapter)

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