Chapter 220 Another Zombie
Seeing Lin Jiu's ugly face, Lu Yue asked curiously, "Master, what happened?" Now, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are already having a hard time, which makes Lin Jiu so angry.

Because, these two people have been scared by the master. Now Wencai and Qiusheng, once Lin Jiu gets angry, Lin Jiu will use the rattan whip without saying a word, and educate Wencai and Qiusheng well.

As for Awei and Ren Tingting, they will not make Lin Jiu angry anymore. These two people are now focusing on cultivation, hoping to become personal disciples as soon as possible.

And with Ren Tingting watching, even if Ah Wei wanted to be lazy, he wouldn't dare, otherwise, Ren Tingting would clean him up without Lin Jiu saying anything.Of course, the more important thing is that Awei and Ren Tingting are more mature than Wencai and Qiusheng. They know how rare the opportunity before them is, so naturally they will not slack off in order to avoid disappointing Lin Jiu. The two of them were expelled from the division, leaving them nowhere to cry.

In this way, there is only one possibility left, that is, the master's juniors made mistakes, and the mistakes made by the master's uncle are not small, otherwise, the master would not be so angry.

"Your uncle has an accident. We need to go there. Otherwise, we don't know how many people will be killed by zombies?" After speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Lu Yue and returned to the room. After packing up his things and understanding the reason, Lu Yue didn't say any nonsense, packed up his things, and prepared to go with Lin Jiu.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that he and his master were the only ones going this time, but when Lu Yue came to the front yard, he saw Ren Tingting and Ah Wei, also waiting for the master to appear.

"Why, do you two want to go with Master this time?" Ah Wei and Ren Tingting have just started to practice and have not had much time. It is the choice of Qiusheng and Wencai.

After all, after this period of painstaking practice, Wencai and Qiusheng's strength has improved a lot. Even if they can't help them much, they are still stronger than Ren Tingting and Awei.

"Yes, brother, this matter is related to our Ren family. Even if Master doesn't say anything, we will go to another Ren family town soon." Ren Tingting explained.

Hearing this, a flash of understanding flashed in Lu Yue's eyes. It turned out to be like this. No wonder, Master would bring the two of them with him.Afterwards, Lu Yue thought of something, looked at Ren Tingting and A Wei and asked, "Could it be your Ren family, and zombies appeared again?" Thinking of the special blood of the Ren family, if something really happened to the Ren family, It is very likely that there is light with zombies.

Lu Yue's words made Ren Tingting and Ah Wei's faces stiff. Seeing this, Lu Yue understood that his guess was not wrong. This time, zombies appeared again in Ren's family. I hope that the zombies that appeared this time would not be too powerful. Otherwise, it would not be easy for them to settle this matter.After all, the blood of this Ren family is extremely special, and it would be extremely difficult if they really turned into zombies.

Lu Yue's words made Ren Tingting and Awei not know what to say for a while. During this period of time, under the guidance of Lin Jiu, Ren Tingting and Awei already knew a lot Knowing what is special about the bloodline of their own family, how can they not know how troublesome it will be if their family members become zombies.Fortunately, at this moment, the two of them saw Lin Jiu coming over and explained what they had done, which made them both heave a sigh of relief. Then, they followed Lin Jiu quickly to another Renjia Town go.

There is a considerable distance between the two Renjia towns. If there were only Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, with their current physical fitness, they could use the magic amulet all the time to go to another Renjia town. Now there are still Ren Tingting and Awei who have not been practicing for a long time.

After this period of training, the physical fitness of Awei and Ren Tingting has improved a bit, but with their current physical fitness, they are still a little weaker if they want to use the magic amulet to travel.Therefore, Lin Jiu and others planned to hire a carriage to go there.

Knowing Lin Jiu's plan, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu and suggested, "Master, why don't we borrow a car." This car is much faster than a horse-drawn carriage. With a car, they will be able to reach their destination tomorrow night.

"Lu Yue, can you drive a car?" Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue in shock and asked.Although Ren Tingting and Awei are relatively wealthy, neither of them has learned how to drive a car.Therefore, even if they borrowed a car, it could only be driven by Lu Yue.

Meeting the eyes of the three, Lu Yue nodded and said, "Master, I can drive a car." Lu Yue's words made Ren Tingting and Ah Wei's eyes light up. They didn't expect Lu Yue to have this ability. He is the young master of a big family in the provincial capital, not that they can compare.

"Master, let me take care of borrowing the car." After returning to Renjia Town, Master Ren brought Ren Tingting to meet many friends. Those who can become friends with Master Ren are all rich. People, the children of these people, in order to show their status, also bought a car, firstly, it is convenient to travel, and secondly, it is to tell others that their family is not weak.

Master Ren's family didn't sell it because he only had Ren Tingting as a relative. He planned to buy a car after Ren Tingting recovered after a while to make Ren Tingting happy.

However, Mr. Ren did not expect that Ren Tingting would end up worshiping Lin Jiu as a teacher, so she could only give up her plan to buy a car.He planned to wait until Ren Tingting needed it before buying a car.

These days, cars are extremely rare and expensive, even if they are borrowed by relatives, they may not necessarily borrow them, let alone good friends. "Tingting, can you really borrow a car?" Lin Jiu looked at Ren Tingting suspiciously and asked.

"Master, you have underestimated your reputation in Renjia Town. With your reputation and the face of Senior Brother Lu Yue and I, it is not a good idea to borrow a car from those bosses. What a difficult matter." After all, whether it is her or Lu Yue, it is not difficult to buy a car. If the borrowed car is really damaged, the two of them will definitely compensate each other. A new car, so why are these bosses unwilling to lend them a favor and make them owe themselves a favor?

"Okay, then I'll trouble you with this matter." Facing the zombies, Lin Jiu didn't dare to delay, hoping to arrive as soon as possible to reduce casualties, and also to avoid accidents with Ma Madi and others.

(End of this chapter)

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