Chapter 221 The old driver

Seeing that Lin Jiu agreed, Ren Tingting smiled slightly and said, "Master, don't worry, I will take care of this matter." After speaking, Ren Tingting took Awei and left to borrow a car.

After seeing Ren Tingting and Awei leave, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, is this matter extremely difficult?" "Well, I am afraid it is more difficult than we imagined. I heard that the zombie It has already begun to harm people, so we need to rush to another Renjia Town as soon as possible, otherwise, we don't know how many innocent people will die in the hands of this zombie.

Also, your uncle's strength is not considered strong. Without the jurisdiction of the elders, he will not work hard to cultivate. Therefore, even if we have not seen each other for so many years, you, a disappointing uncle, will not make much progress. If we It's too late, maybe he will die in the hands of zombies. At that time, I don't know if he has the courage to destroy himself, so as not to become a zombie. "

Although Ma Madi's cultivation is not high, he is a cultivator after all. Once transformed into a zombie, he will become extremely difficult to deal with. Even if he and Lu Yue join forces, they may not be able to make these two powerful Zombies, beheaded.More importantly, once this matter is known to others, their Maoshan faction will become the laughing stock of the cultivation world.

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue frowned tightly, "Master, what is the strength of Master Uncle now?" Extraordinary, if the realm is higher, it will be a miracle?" Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue with hatred and said, it is not difficult to see that Lin Jiu has a lot of opinions on this uncle Ma Madi.

Before, Lu Yue had already guessed that the strength of this uncle, Ma Madi, would not be so strong, otherwise, the master would not be like this, but Lu Yue did not expect that the strength of this uncle was no better than that of the teachers. "Master, can we become a teacher when we reach the realm of human teachers in Maoshan?" If this is true, then it won't be long before I can become a teacher.

Thinking of this, Lu Yue's heart was full of motivation. He wanted to break through to the realm of human teacher as soon as possible, and a smile appeared on his face. After breaking through the realm of human teacher, his combat power would increase a lot. Special, you only need to find a deep mountain and old forest to practice for a period of time, and your own cultivation base can be quickly improved with the help of many plants. It is not a big deal for Lu Yue to reach the realm of earth masters in a short period of time. difficult things.

Once Lu Yue's cultivation breaks through the realm of the earth master, unless the celestial master makes a move, otherwise, no matter whether it is a human, or a demon or ghost, he is no match for Lu Yue, and even if the celestial master makes a move, Lu Yue can escape even if he loses , It's really sky high, let the birds fly to the sea, and the sea is wide, and the fish leap, it's extremely fun.

Looking at the smile on Lu Yue's face, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking, and quickly said, "Lu Yue, you think too much. After the master realm, you can become a teacher, but for a genius disciple like you, if you want to become a teacher, you must reach the master realm, otherwise, it is impossible for you to become a teacher, and you have to be a teacher at the beginning. Only after you have attained the realm of being a teacher can you become a teacher."

There is one more thing that Lin Jiu did not tell Lu Yue, that is, Lu Yue, as the young head teacher of the Maoshan School, even if he leaves the teacher, he will not be able to travel for a long time, and he will be recalled to the Maoshan School. People take turns to teach and practice, and learn various Taoism and secret techniques. It is impossible to let Lu Yue travel outside all the time.

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue feel regretful. He thought that he would be able to become a teacher if he reached the realm of human teacher, but he didn't expect that he had to reach the realm of earth teacher before he could become a teacher. It will take several years.

Next, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't say anything more. At this time, they had their own concerns in their hearts, and they stood quietly in place, waiting for Ren Tingting and Awei to appear.As Ren Tingting said before, the two of them came back in a car soon, and after that, a man stepped down from the driver's seat, "Mr. Lu, I will leave this car to you."

"Okay, I owe you a favor this time." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue got into the driver's seat, and Lin Jiu, who was at the side, also got into the car when he saw this. Afterwards, Lu Yue drove the car and left quickly .Looking at the leaving car, the driver knew that Lu Yue really knew how to drive a car and was more proficient than him, so he returned home to reply to the master without any worries.

Ren Tingting and the others knew before that that Lu Yue would not use this kind of thing to deceive themselves, but Ren Tingting and the other three still had some worries in their hearts, fearing that Lu Yue's skills were not good and something would happen to them.But soon, Ren Tingting and the others discovered that Lu Yue's driving skills were better than they had imagined, even better than the previous driver. Like a professional driver.

"Brother Lu Yue, how can your driving skills be so good?" Awei looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked.I am also a cultivator now, and it is not difficult to earn money after I graduate from the teacher.Therefore, it is not difficult for Awei to save money to buy a car.

Although Awei has never bought a car, he has heard others say that learning to drive is not an easy task, and it takes a lot of time to learn.

"Awei, learning to drive is not difficult for those of us who practice. When you can afford a car, it is not difficult to learn. You have to remember that you have already They are no longer ordinary people, but practitioners."

With the continuous improvement of cultivation base, the control over the body will also become stronger and stronger. Learning to drive is naturally not a difficult thing.If a powerful person like Lin Jiu wants to learn how to drive, he can learn to drive in a day or two with his strong control over his body.

Lu Yue's words made Ren Tingting and Ah Wei stunned. They didn't expect Lu Yue to be like this. After a while, Ren Tingting was the first to understand what was going on, and a bright light flashed in her eyes. Not long after Ren Tingting understood, Ah Wei also understood the reason, and was more and more fortunate that he could worship Lin Jiu as his teacher, so that he himself had the opportunity to become a master.

"Master, you all sit down, I'm going to speed up." After the previous manipulation, Lu Yue's control over the car has improved a lot, and he can try to speed up. Facing the zombies, Lu Yue dare not delay even a little bit. For this kind of thing, the faster the killing, the better. Otherwise, as long as enough time is given to the zombies, the zombies will increase their speed beyond their imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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