Chapter 222
The blood of the Ren family is special. After transforming into a zombie, the strength of the zombie will be even stronger. If the zombie can't be killed as soon as possible, the strength of the zombie will increase rapidly. At that time, even if the two of them join forces, It may not be possible to kill this zombie.

"Lu Yue, just speed up, we are all cultivators, and a little bit of suffering is nothing to us." How could Lin Jiusan not understand what Lu Yue thought, and naturally hoped Can go to Renjia Town as soon as possible.The distance between the two Renjia towns is not short, even if Lu Yue has extraordinary skills, he cannot reach the other Renjia town in one day.

Now, Lu Yue's physical fitness has improved a lot. Even if he has been driving for a few days, it is not difficult for Lu Yue.It's a pity that the car at this time is not very good, and Lu Yue dare not drive it for such a long time, otherwise, it will break down before they drive to Renjia Town. "Master, I'm afraid we need to rest here tonight."

Looking at the deserted surroundings at a glance, Lin Jiu and others know that it is basically impossible to find a hotel or something, "Okay, then we will rest here for a night, by the way, Tingting, you can rest in the car "Ren Tingting is a girl, so naturally she needs to take care of her.

"Master, with me here, if I let my junior sister sleep in a car, wouldn't that be a slap in the face to me? Master, just watch from the side, and I will build a house right now. Wooden stakes are the way."

As he said that, Lu Yue slapped the ground, and many wooden stakes rose from the ground. Soon, several rooms appeared not far away. Looking at Lin Jiu, he asked.This period of practice has given Lu Yue a lot of insight into the method of wooden stakes. It is not difficult for Lu Yue to build several wooden houses.

"That's right. It seems to Lu Yue that you have improved a lot in understanding the method of wooden piles during this period of time." Otherwise, you can't easily build a wooden house.Seeing this, Awei at the side took the initiative to ask Ying, "Master, then I'll go find some food." Now I have a place to live, but I don't have any food?He has the lowest status in the group, so this kind of thing naturally falls on him. In this case, it's better to take the initiative to make a good impression.

Awei's words made Lin Jiu feel relieved. Although Awei's aptitude is not better than Wencai and Qiusheng, he is better than Wencai and Qiusheng in terms of enthusiasm for cultivation and life. Much better, in the future not only human masters are expected, even earth masters, it is not impossible to break through. "Ah Wei, no need, your senior brother has prepared a lot of food."

Lin Jiu's words made Awei and Ren Tingting feel puzzled. Lu Yue's clothes were simple, and they didn't realize that there was anything to eat on Lu Yue's body. Even if there was, it would not be too much, not enough for the four of them.However, Awei and Ren Tingting knew that Lin Jiu would not use this kind of thing to deceive them. Thinking of this, the two looked at Lu Yue suspiciously, wanting to know what Lu Yue was going to eat, hidden in the Where and how to hide it?
Meeting the suspicious gazes of the two, Lu Yue took out all the food he bought earlier.Seeing the many things that suddenly appeared, both Ren Tingting and Awei widened their eyes, looking at Lu Yue in disbelief, wanting to know where it came from.

"Ah Wei, Tingting, you don't have to be so surprised. I have a storage ring, which can store a lot of things. Eat quickly, and go to bed after eating. You need to get up early tomorrow." After speaking, Lu Yue ignored Ren Tingting and Ah Wei and Lin Jiu ate together.

Sleeping in the open in the wilderness is a dangerous thing. In addition to the current chaos, many people have died because of this. It can be said that there are many evil spirits, so many monsters and ghosts have been bred.

In this way, it is even more dangerous to sleep out in the wilderness, that is, Lu Yue and others are all practitioners, and their strength is not weak. It is not difficult to kill the demons and ghosts who dare to attack them.

However, this time Lu Yue and the others came out to kill zombies, so how dare they waste time here? Therefore, when building the wooden house, Lu Yue deliberately left some cultivator's breath on the wooden posts, so as not to lose sight Demons and ghosts, provoke them.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that after he did this, there should be no unscrupulous monsters and ghosts coming to them.But not long after, Lu Yue knew that he was simplifying things.

Not long after Ren Tingting and Awei fell asleep, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu sensed a cold aura quickly approaching here.After this discovery, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue walked out of the wooden house one after another, wanting to know where the ghosts came from, who dared to come to murder them so boldly.

Soon, the ghost appeared in front of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue. When they sensed the old ghost, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue sensed a strong blood on the old ghost. It is not difficult to see that Well, many innocent people died tragically at the hands of this old ghost, otherwise, it would be impossible for this old ghost to have such a strong blood.

The heart is full of killing intent. Before these demons and ghosts start harming people, they may become immortals, but once they start harming people, it is basically impossible to stop.

Because, to demons and ghosts, human beings are supreme treasures, and the temptation of rapid ascension is absolutely fatal to demons and ghosts, and almost no demons and ghosts can resist it.

"I didn't expect that this time I met not only two excellent furnaces, but also two cultivators. It's really great. If I can suck the two of you dry, my cultivation will definitely improve. Quite a few, it is not impossible to break through the realm of Guishuai in the future."

"Good tone, with your strength, you want to deal with us. It's really naive. Go to hell with me, Lightning and Thunder Fist." As he said, Lu Yue directly cast Lightning and Thunder Fist, and thunder and lightning surrounded On Lu Yue's body, afterward, under the drive of Lu Yue, the lightning turned into a thunder snake and struck the old ghost.

The old ghost didn't expect that Lu Yue had practiced such a powerful thunder technique, and he regretted it for a while. If he had known that Lu Yue had cultivated such a powerful thunder technique, he would not have dared to come here even if he had a little more courage.After all, this thunder method has too much restraint on them. Even if their strength is not as good as them, they can still be beheaded by the thunder method.

(End of this chapter)

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