Chapter 224 Ma Madi

"Masters Ren, where are my unsatisfied younger brother and my two nephews? I need to ask them about the situation of the zombies?" "Uncle Jiu, the three priests are in prison, but Uncle Jiu Don't worry, we didn't do anything to the two priests, we just worried about them escaping." Ren Fa explained, lest Lin Jiu would be angry.

Ren Fa, who knew Lin Jiu's ability, knew very well that Lin Jiu's anger was not something he could bear, and his daughter worshiped Lin Jiu as his teacher. If he really did something to the three of Ma Madi, Ren Fa was worried that he would be implicated. daughter, even if Lin Jiu can't, Ma Madi and the others can.

Looking at the worried expressions of Ren Fa and the others, how could Lin Jiu not know what the two of them were thinking and quickly explained, "Master Ren, I have no other intentions. My junior brother and the others did this wrong. The two masters Ren did not kill our junior brother. Lin Jiu is already very grateful and has no other ideas. It’s just that this zombie appeared because of them. I think my junior brother must know something about it, and they still Practitioners, with their help, we can understand this zombie better, so that we can kill the zombie."

"Thank you, Uncle Jiu, for your understanding, but, Uncle Jiu, you have worked hard all the way, why don't we eat first, and after the meal, go to the prison and see the three priests?"

"No need for Master Ren. It's getting dark now. Maybe that zombie will appear tonight. Therefore, we need to know the condition of this zombie as soon as possible to avoid any damage." "Okay then, Uncle Jiu, I'll take you there now Prison, see the three priests." After speaking, Ren Yue took Lin Jiu and Lu Yue to the prison, while Ren Tingting and A Wei were left in the mansion.

But he said that Ma Madi in the prison breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Jiu coming. Then, thinking of something, Ma Madi snorted coldly and looked to the other side. Lin Jiu saw that he was so embarrassing , based on his understanding of Lin Jiu, Lin Jiu will definitely keep scolding himself in the next period of time, "Lin Jiu, why are you here?"

"Hmph, if I don't come, I don't know how many innocent people will die in the hands of that zombie." Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to reprimand Ma Madi, but at this moment, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu. Next to Jiu, he secretly pulled Lin Jiu's sleeve, indicating that there are still outsiders here, and if there is anything, it is not too late to talk about it later, so as not to lose face.

Receiving Lu Yue's hint, Lin Jiuqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Ren Yue beside him and said, "Master Ren, I want to take the three of them away and let them atone for their sins. I wonder if it is possible?"

"Of course, as long as Uncle Ninth, you can protect the safety of our family and kill that zombie, I can pretend that this has never happened."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and Ma Madi, not far away, immediately said, "Master Ren, if this is the case, you should have said it earlier, maybe we have already given that zombie to him by now!" Beheaded, there is no need to call this annoying ghost."

Originally, Lin Jiu's heart was full of anger, but because of the presence of outsiders, Lin Jiu didn't get angry. Now that he heard Ma Madi say this, Lin Jiu could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and looked fiercely at Ma Ma who was not far away. "Shut up, or else, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Ma Madi doesn't know about Nintendo's situation, so how can Lin Jiu not know about Nintendo's situation? Although Lin Jiu has never seen Nintendo, a zombie, he also knows the strength of this zombie, which is extremely powerful. Ma Madi can't deal with it. It is also difficult to kill it.

Looking at Lin Jiu's ferocious eyes, he knew that Lin Jiu was really angry, and he was very angry with him. If he really said something next, he didn't doubt at all that Lin Jiu would be ruthless. After beating him hard, thinking of Lin Jiu's powerful strength, he shut up sensibly, lest Lin Jiu beat himself up in front of his disciples and lose face.

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang on the other side were shocked when they saw their master facing the angry Lin Jiu without daring to say a word. They didn't expect Master Lin to be so powerful. The two have been with Ma Madi for so many years, how can they not understand.

It's a dead duck with a stubborn mouth. Even if he faces someone stronger than himself, he won't be polite. Unexpectedly, he was easily suppressed by his uncle. It seems that his master was often dealt with by this uncle Lin Jiu in the past, otherwise , Master will never be so obedient.

At the same time, the two of them were more wary and worried about Lin Jiu. The reason why Nintendo's corpse turned into a zombie to harm people was because of their negligence. If Lin Jiu knew about this, The two of them definitely have no good fruit to eat.Simply, stay where you are, without saying a word, planning to leave the prison first.

When he saw the three of Ma Madi, Lu Yue began to carefully look at the three of Ma Madi, wanting to know their strength.Although Ma Madi's cultivation is much stronger than Lu Yue's.

But Lu Yue could vaguely sense that Ma Madi's cultivation was not considered strong, at most the level of a fifth-rank human teacher. With his current strength, it was not difficult to kill Ma Madi. It doesn't take much effort to kill Ma Madi.

As for the two disciples A Qiang and A Hao accepted by Ma Madi, they are even worse, even worse than Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng. I sighed in my heart, I don’t know their generation, Apart from myself, who else can reach the realm of Earth Master in the future.

'No, Ren Tingting's talent is good, as long as she works hard, it's not difficult to reach the realm of a master. 'And he heard from Ren Tingting before that she has a cousin, maybe his cousin also has yin veins, if this is the case, the achievements of this cousin Ren Tingting will not be worse than Ren Tingting's in the future, and it is also true. The geologist is hopeful.

However, even so, there are only the three of them supporting them. Now Lu Yue only hopes that there are other people in his generation who can become geologists. Otherwise, when Maoshan is in charge, there will be few people under him who can take action. I'm afraid it will make people look down upon.

When Ren Yue stepped forward, Charlie Cao, the captain of the security team, didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he directly opened the cell door and let Ma Madi and others leave.Looking at Charlie Cao in front of him, he hesitated to take this opportunity to say something, but he did not forget how Charlie Cao treated them before.

However, before he could say anything, Lin Jiu said impatiently, "Don't leave, don't you want to stay here for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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