Chapter 225 The Enraged Lin Jiu
After years of getting along, how can Ma Madi fail to see that Lin Jiu is in an extremely bad mood at this time, if he dares to talk back, Lin Jiu will definitely leave directly, regardless of them, without the help of Lin Jiu and others, their master and apprentice It will not be easy for the three of them to leave the cell.

These days, Charlie Cao has tortured them a lot. How could he be willing to stay here longer in such a numb manner? He didn't say anything harsh, and hurriedly followed Lin Jiu's footsteps and left, intending to talk to Lin Jiu, and this person after leaving here. Damn Charlie Cao, do your due diligence.

As soon as he left the cell, Lin Jiu looked at Ren Yue beside him and said, "Master Ren, I'll take the three of them to find a hotel first, and then return to Ren's mansion to sit in town after the three of them settle down, I wonder if it's okay?"

"Uncle Jiu, there are still a lot of vacant rooms in our house, why don't we let the three of them live in our house." Although Ren Yue looked down on the three of Ma Madi, he valued Lin Jiu very much, and Knowing that the zombies transformed into by Nintendo will immediately find their blood relatives, wanting to kill them and increase their strength. Although the strength of the three of them is not very good, they are cultivators after all. Having one more person can be regarded as more strength, so Ren Yue naturally hopes that Ma Madi and others can stay by his side and be more safe.

Ren Yue doesn't know who Ma Madi is, how can Lin Jiu not know what kind of guy he is as a junior, if Ma Madi is allowed to stay in Ren's mansion, the face of their Maoshan faction will be completely lost by Ma Madi, so Lin Jiu didn't want to see what happened.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to say something, but before Lin Jiu could speak, he heard A Qiang and A Hao speak first, "Master, since Master Ren has said so, then we will Let’s live in Ren’s mansion, uncle, we have no money on us.”

The two of them are still thinking about the beautiful woman Ren Zhuzhu. If they can live in Ren's mansion, they may have a chance to win Ren Zhuzhu, the eldest lady of the Ren family. If this is the case, they can live comfortably for the rest of their lives. There is no need to be a Taoist priest with Ma Madi, the master.

The words of A Qiang and A Hao made Lin Jiu, Lu Yue and Ma Madi feel that they had lost all face to them, and wished to gag them, beat them violently, and express their anger in their hearts. "Uncle Jiu, why don't you come and stay with us."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart. If he refuses again, he will undoubtedly offend Ren Yue. This is not something Lin Jiu wants to see. He nodded and said, "If so, I will trouble Master Ren."

"No trouble, no trouble at all." After finishing speaking, Master Ren took Lin Jiu and the others to his home. With Lin Jiu and the others in charge, it's fine if the zombie doesn't come. If he dares to come, rely on With the strength of Lin Jiu and others, it shouldn't be difficult to kill this zombie.

In any aspect, the Ren family wanted the inn to be much better without spending money, so Ma Madi, who has no money, naturally would not disagree.

However, before leaving to set off, Ma Madi did not forget that Aqiang and Ahao had betrayed him before, and gave them a vicious look. He memorized this matter, and when he killed the zombie He must take good care of Ahao and Aqiang, and let them know what will happen if they expose him as a master in front of outsiders.

Soon, Lin Jiu and others returned to Ren's residence. At this time, Ren Tingting was talking to another woman who looked somewhat similar.However, when the two of them saw Ah Qiang and Ah Hao, the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately, and they looked at them warily, fearing that they would do something rude.

Different from Ren Tingting, when Aqiang and Ahao saw the two beauties, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, their eyes lit up immediately. Before, their brothers and sisters had to go through a fierce fight before they could It's beautiful to embrace, but now there is no need, one for each person.

Afterwards, Aqiang and Ahao wanted to go to Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu to say something, but as soon as the two went up, Ren Zhuzhu looked at Aqiang and Ahao nervously and said "You two stinking hooligans, don't come here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Ren Zhuzhu's words made Lin Jiu's complexion extremely ugly. Without waiting for Aqiang and Ahao to say anything, he appeared in front of them, looked at Aqiang and Ahao unkindly and said, "What is this?" It's the same thing, you two should explain it clearly to me, otherwise, I, Lin Jiu, will clean up Maoshan's house today."

At this time, Lin Jiu's eyes were extremely terrifying. A Qiang and A Hao had no doubts at all. If they didn't make things clear, Lin Jiu would punish them severely, and even abolish their cultivation bases. , and then expelled from the Maoshan faction.These years, Aqiang and Ahao have been wandering around Ma Madi. How could they not know the benefits of being a Maoshan disciple? Willing to give up the status of Maoshan disciple "Master, this is a misunderstanding, we just played a joke with Miss Ren."

"Hmph, what a misunderstanding, Master, you must not believe what the two of them said. Before, the two manipulated zombies to scare my sister and take advantage of her." Ren Zhuzhu had already told Ren Tingting all this before, If Ah Qiang and Ah Hao could sincerely apologize the moment they saw Ren Zhuzhu, for the sake of being both disciples of Maoshan, they would be able to expose this matter.

But just now, Aqiang and Ahao didn't apologize at all, and even looked at them lewdly. How could Ren Tingting spare these two easily?

Hearing Ren Tingting's words, Lin Jiu's originally very ugly complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and his dissatisfaction with the two of them was even worse, because in Lin Jiu's view, this was doing evil, and they must be taught a profound lesson Otherwise, the two of them may harm others in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu looked at Ren Fa and Ren Yue beside him and said, "Master Ren, I want to use the backyard of your mansion to take care of some things. Is it okay?" Wanting to deal with A Qiang and A Hao severely, "Uncle Jiu, just use it."

"Thank you, Master Ren." After speaking, Lin Jiu forcibly took A Qiang and A Hao away. "Master, save me." Although A Qiang and A Hao didn't know what Lin Jiu wanted to do to them, but seeing Lin Jiu's face at this time, they knew that if they were taken away by Lin Jiu like this , the fate of the two of them will definitely be extremely miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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