Chapter 226 Nightmare
A Qiang and A Hao, who had already predicted what would happen to them, were naturally unwilling to leave with Lin Jiu, struggling constantly, wanting to get rid of Lin Jiu's palm and return to Ma Madi's side, but, just relying on them With a little strength, it is still a little short to break free from Lin Jiu's palm.

And this Lin Jiu is their uncle after all, A Qiang and A Hao didn't dare to make too much moves, otherwise, Lin Jiu would definitely beat himself up in front of Ren Zhuzhu and others. Pause, the attack will be heavier, and more importantly, I will lose face in front of Ren Zhuzhu and the two sisters, and there is no possibility of embracing the beauty.

Now, Ah Qiang and Ah Hao can only pin their hopes on their unreliable master, hoping that Ma Ma Tei can save themselves. Based on their understanding of Ma Ma Tei, how can they not know Ma Ma Tei and love themselves very much? For the sake of face, even if the two of them made mistakes, it should be punished by him, the master, not Lin Jiu, the master. What's more, Ma Madi hated Lin Jiu very much.

Sure enough, Aqiang and Ahao guessed right. Hearing Aqiang and Ahao's begging for mercy, he numbly felt that his face had been humiliated by Aqiang and Ahao. Enraged by Lin Jiu's domineering, he shouted in dissatisfaction, "Lin Jiu, what do you mean, A Qiang and A Hao are my disciples, even if there is a mistake, I, the master, will punish it, and you don't need to come. "After finishing speaking, Ma Madi wanted to step forward and stop Lin Jiu.

However, how could Lu Yue give Ma Madi this opportunity? Stepping on Yu steps, he appeared in front of Ma Madi in an instant, "Master, please sit here for a while." Get the hell out of here, or else, don’t blame me for being ruthless.” Lin Jiu didn’t beat his disciple, so today he will beat Lin Jiu’s disciple severely.

In Ma Madi's view, he is not Lin Jiu's opponent, but it is not difficult to deal with Lu Yue, a junior.However, what happened next filled Ma Madi's heart with shock. Originally, he thought that Lin Jiu would stop after hearing his words and protect Lu Yue from being beaten by him. Don't hear yourself in general.

It made Ma Madi even more angry. What does Lin Jiu mean? Could it be that, in Lin Jiu's view, Ma Madi was so useless that he couldn't even deal with Lin Jiu's disciples?
The next moment, Ma Madi knew that he had overestimated his own strength, and he really couldn't do anything to this disciple Lin Jiu. If he really took action, in the end, he would definitely be the one who was unlucky.

It turned out that just now Lu Yue used all his strength to cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, covering his body with a layer of lightning, and kept walking around, making Ma Ma feel the great danger. He stared at Lu Yue with wide eyes and said in disbelief, " Lightning and Thunder Fist on the fourth level, how is this possible, how can you cultivate Lightning and Thunder Fist to such a level at this age?"

The power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist is extremely powerful, and it is really because of this that it is extremely difficult to improve the Lightning and Thunder Fist. Lu Yue has not yet broken through to the realm of human masters. How can he practice the Lightning and Thunder Fist to such an extent? Realm, could it be that Lu Yue's aptitude is better than that of Lin Jiu and the elder brother? four floors.

After understanding this, he looked at Lu Yue numbly, full of fear.With the four-layer Lightning and Thunder Fist, even if he is stronger than Lu Yue, he is not Lu Yue's opponent, and even if he is easily killed by Lu Yue, a junior, then he will really lose face.

Moreover, people with extraordinary aptitude like Lu Yue are all registered in the Maoshan faction. It is not that they can be compared with each other. It is better not to conflict, so as not to suffer in the end.That's right, if this matter becomes a big deal and many elders in the Maoshan faction know about it, it will definitely be me who suffers in the end.

After understanding this, he snorted coldly, found a chair and sat down.Seeing this, Lu Yue dissipated the lightning from his body and found a seat to sit down. He didn't argue with Ma Madi any more. Although his identity was higher than Ma Madi's, Lu Yue didn't intend to expose it. Of course, The premise of all this is that Ma Madi will not be a demon, otherwise, Lu Yue doesn't mind sending Ma Madi to the Law Enforcement Hall. At that time, Ma Madi's fate can be imagined.

And not long after Lu Yue sat down, everyone heard the screams of A Qiang and A Hao, which kept ringing, making the people present tremble slightly, and were startled by the screams.

In addition to the screams, there were also begging for mercy, but Lin Jiu ignored the two's screams and begging for mercy, and kept lashing the two of them with the rattan whip in his hand.Although this Ren Zhuzhu is not a disciple of Maoshan, but this Ren Zhuzhu is Ren Tingting's cousin, and she can also be said to be her own. No matter which faction it is, it is an unforgivable thing to use Taoism to bully a family member who has no cultivation. crime.

If this matter is known by the elders of the Maoshan School, waiting for A Qiang and A Hao, they will have to be withdrawn and expelled from the sect.Even their master, Ma Madi, will be implicated and will need to stay in the law enforcement hall for a long time.

Originally, Master Ren and the others thought that even if Lin Jiu punished the two of them, he would stop soon. However, showing them this way would not really do anything to them?
After all, Ren Zhuzhu didn't suffer any real damage, and now they still need the strength of two people to deal with the zombies, but what Master Ren and others didn't expect was that after an hour, Lin Jiu didn't stop, The continuous shouting for an hour made the begging and screaming of Ah Qiang and Ah Hao much weaker than before.

However, compared to the first time, the whipping sound was not lessened. At this time, they could still hear the whipping sound, and they couldn't help but start to worry in their hearts. They were afraid that Lin Jiu would beat Ah Qiang and Ah Hao to pieces. At that time, even the masters of the two would definitely resent themselves, thinking that they might be hated by a Taoist priest, Master Ren and others were full of worries.

Looking at Lu Yue and Ma Madi, who were not far away, they hoped that they would open their mouths to persuade Lin Jiu, and stop embarrassing Aqiang and Ahao.Ren Fa and the others didn't deliberately hide their thoughts, so Lu Yue and Ma Madi didn't know what the two brothers Ren Fa meant, but neither Lu Yue nor Ma Madi had any intentions. Speak at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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