Chapter 230 Discovery
After experiencing the death of his father's corpse, coupled with Ren Fa's persuasion, Ren Yue also knew that worshiping Lin Jiu as a teacher was good for his daughter, and it was really because of this that Ren Yue would easily let Ma Madi go, otherwise, Ren Yue would The sooner the security team will clean up Ma Madi's group severely.

Although Ren Yue did not prevent Zhu Zhu from contacting Lu Yue, Ren Yue did not expect that his daughter would fall in love with Lu Yue so quickly, and his heart was filled with shock. You must know that his daughter was extremely sunny, and ordinary men would not I just can't see it.Although Lu Yue performed extremely well before, logically speaking, it is impossible for his daughter to fall in love with Lu Yue so quickly.

Could it be that Lu Yue performed some unknown method on his daughter, so his daughter would be like this, and Ren Yue denied this idea as soon as it came out.

Because, as far as it looks now, Lu Yue didn't take a fancy to his daughter, or even looked at her much. He sighed in his heart. It seems that Lu Yue's charm is greater than he imagined. That would be the case, thinking of Lu Yue's handsome appearance, as well as his formidable strength and extraordinary family background, it is not uncommon for his daughter to fall in love with Lu Yue.

It's just that Tingting has long been interested in Lu Yue, and I'm afraid she won't give up easily. At that time, there is a high possibility that the two sisters will have fierce conflicts and even turn against each other because of Lu Yue.It seems that I need to find an opportunity to make Zhuzhu give up the idea in my heart.

But he said that after Ma Madi and others left the Ren Mansion, Ma Madi couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore, looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Lin Jiu, what's the matter with your disciple, his cultivation base is not high, but he can Have you cultivated the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fourth level?" Could it be that Lu Yue possesses some kind of special acquired spiritual body, otherwise, how could he be so monstrous?
Hearing Ma Madi's question, Lin Jiu stopped in his tracks, looked at Ma Madi solemnly and said, "Junior brother, Ma Madi, you have crossed the boundary." Although Ma Madi also knew that he had gone too far this time, Ma Madi would not Will admit it, but instead looked at Lin Jiu angrily and asked, "Lin Jiu, what do you mean by this? I'm just curious about Lu Yue's physique. Why are you like this? Is there anything special about Lu Yue's physique? Where is it?" Could it be that he guessed it right, or else, based on his understanding of Lin Jiu, Lin Jiu would not treat him like this.

Hearing Ma Madi's words, Lin Jiu didn't say anything, but looked straight at Ma Madi with sharp eyes, which made Ma Madi feel more and more ominous.

I understand that my guess is very likely to be true, this Lu Yue really has a spirit body.Only in this way, Lin Jiu would be so nervous, deeply afraid that Lu Yue's physique would be known by others.

Especially his two disciples, Lin Jiu was worried that after Aqiang and Ahao were expelled from the Maoshan faction, they would bear hatred for the Maoshan faction and tell about Lu Yue.

Based on my understanding of A Qiang and A Hao, if they were really punished by the Maoshan faction and expelled from the Maoshan faction, they might really tell about Lu Yue's physique in the future.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Jiu numbly and said, "Hmph, cheapskate, just don't ask. Let's go find the zombie quickly, lest the zombie continue to harm people." Hearing this, Lin Jiu didn't say anything else, Start looking for where the zombies are.

Before, Lin Jiu went to Ren Yue's place and asked for some blood. It was not difficult for Lin Jiu to find the location of the zombie. After leaving Ren's Town, Lin Jiu took out Ren Yue's blood , dropped on the compass, and began to look for traces of Nintendo.

Lin Jiu's ability is extraordinary, and it didn't take long to discover the traces of Nintendo. However, Lin Jiu didn't feel happy because of it, but his complexion became extremely dignified.

Ma Madi beside him, although he couldn't use Lin Jiu's current method, he also knew what method Lin Jiu was using. When he saw that Lin Jiu found the trace of the zombie and didn't catch up, he looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously and asked, "Lin Jiu , what’s the matter with you, since you found the zombie, why didn’t you catch up and kill the zombie?” If Lin Jiu’s jealous temper was like a hatred, he would have caught up with him long ago, why didn’t Lin Jiu chase after him today? How about going up?

Hearing this, Lin Jiu looked at Ma Ma angrily and said, "Ma Madi, don't you see something from this compass?" Seeing this, Ma Madi began to carefully look at Lin Jiu's hand Compass, wanting to know what Lin Jiu meant.

Although Ma Madi's cultivation base is not very good, under the persecution of many elders, he learned a lot. Soon, Ma Madi discovered the abnormality, looked at Lin Jiu in shock and asked, "Lin Jiu, what is this?" What's going on, why, the position of this zombie is constantly changing?"

Could it be that this zombie can walk in the sun?As soon as this idea was conceived, he was hesitantly denied it, because sunlight has a great restraint effect on evil things like zombies, and he has never heard of zombies that can walk under the sun.

It seems that this zombie has been controlled, otherwise, this situation would not have happened.It's a pity that Lin Jiu's next words dispelled the little luck in Ma Madi's heart, "Ma Madi, this matter is more difficult than we imagined. I can be sure that this zombie has not been controlled? "In other words, this zombie can walk in sunlight.

Ma Madi couldn't hear the unfinished meaning in Lin Jiu's words, looked at Lin Jiu in disbelief and asked, "Lin Jiu, are you sure that the zombie is not under control?"

If this zombie can really walk in the sun, then this zombie must be extremely powerful. Even if Lin Jiu breaks through to the half-step celestial master level now, he may not be able to kill this zombie. Mutated zombies are more tricky than normal zombies.

Unless they can find something to restrain Nintendo, or know the weakness of zombies, otherwise, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to kill them.

"Ma Madi, I can tell you very seriously that the zombie is definitely not under control." After speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Ma Madi and quietly approached Nintendo.

Although I don't know the strength of this zombie, but this zombie can walk in the sun, which means that it is definitely extremely powerful. It is not Ma Madi who can deal with it. If you want to kill this zombie, you need to rely on yourself and Lu Yue.

It's just that Lu Yue is not here now, so he can only rely on himself.However, Lin Jiu didn't intend to fight against Nintendo, but wanted to take this opportunity to see how strong Nintendo is. If Nintendo's strength is not considered strong, then he will make a move himself. Otherwise, wait until Lu Yue comes. , are teaming up to deal with this zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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