Chapter 231 Shocked
Looking at Lin Jiu who was advancing cautiously, he turned around numbly, looked at A Qiang and A Hao solemnly and said, "You two stay here honestly and don't go anywhere, lest you run into zombies, you know?" ?” “Yes, Master, we know.”

Lin Jiu had beaten the two of them very hard before. In one night, the injuries on A Qiang and A Hao's bodies did not recover much. At this time, both of them were in pain, unless Lin Jiu or Ma Madi , Is there any order, otherwise, these two people don't plan to move.

Hearing this, Ma Madi followed Lin Jiu carefully, wanting to see what was so extraordinary about this zombie.Soon, Ma Madi followed Lin Jiu and arrived not far from Nintendo.

Before, Lin Jiu and Ma Madi knew that Nintendo, a zombie, was not afraid of the sun, but when they saw Nintendo walking in the sun, Lin Jiu and Ma Madi were still full of shock in their hearts. They didn't expect There are really zombies that can walk freely in the sun.

Later, Lin Jiu and Ma Madi began to observe Nintendo carefully, wanting to know the strength of Nintendo, but found that they could not see through Nintendo's strength.

"Lin Jiu, can you see the strength of this zombie?" This Lin Jiu's strength is much stronger than his own, maybe with Lin Jiu's strength, he can see something.

But what Ma Madi didn't expect was that Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "I haven't seen what level the strength of this zombie has reached. It seems that if we want to know the strength of this zombie, we need to fight to find out. Junior brother, how about you go up and try the strength of this zombie?"

"Lin Jiu, why don't you go up and have a try?" Ma Madi will not know what his own strength is, although they still don't know how strong this Nintendo is, but seeing that Nintendo can walk freely in the sun shows that this Nintendo The strength is definitely not weak, and it is not comparable to myself. If I rush forward at this time, there is a high possibility that I will die in the hands of Nintendo.

Then, Ma Madi thought of something, looked at Lin Jiu unkindly and asked, "Lin Jiu, although I offended you before, but no matter what I say Ma Madi, he is your fellow apprentice. Why, Lin Jiu, are you just like this?" Do you want me to die in the hands of this zombie?"

"Ma Madi, I didn't expect that after so many years, you still have some progress. Compared with before, you now have at least some self-knowledge." Lin Jiu looked at Ma Ma and said mockingly.

Lin Jiu's words filled Ma Madi's heart with anger, and he wished to fight Lin Jiu desperately now, "Lin Jiu, you bastard, is it that I am so bad in your eyes? Damn, Lin Jiu, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" , do you believe that I will beat you up now?"

"Ma Madi, if you have the guts, just give it a try. Just in time, I'm also a little curious about your strength. I want to know how much your strength has improved after not seeing you for so many years." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu Quietly looking at Ma Madi, wanting to know if Ma Madi really has the guts to do it himself.

How could Ma Madi not know what his own strength was? If he really took action, he would definitely be repaired miserably by Lin Jiu, "Hmph, Lin Jiu, are you out of your mind? Do you want us to die in the hands of that zombie, so that the strength of the zombie will become stronger, so that we can continue to harm the people around us?"

"Really, then after killing this zombie, let's fight again, what do you think, Ma Madi?" It's all because of Ma Madi's random recruitment of apprentices that such a thing happened, if there is a chance, Lin Jiu doesn't mind tidying up.

After getting along for many years, how did Lin Jiu think, how could Ma Madi not know, "Lin Jiu, you wait for me, after I break through to the realm of Earth Master, I will definitely beat you up." He is not cowardly, but, It's only fair to wait until he breaks through the realm of Earth Master before fighting Lin Jiu.

Hearing this, a trace of disdain flashed in Lin Jiu's eyes. With Ma Ma's aptitude, it is basically impossible to break through the realm of Earth Master without any major opportunity. It seems that there is basically no chance in this life. There was a hemp.

"Ma Madi, just watch here. I'm going to try Nintendo's strength now. Once you find that something is wrong, you should immediately use this sound transmission talisman to inform Lu Yue and ask Lu Yue to come here and help me." With Lu Yue's help, as long as the zombie doesn't break through the bronze-armored zombie, it's not impossible for the two of them, master and apprentice, to join hands and kill this zombie. "Don't worry, Lin Jiu, I know what to do." Ma Madi assured Lin Jiu with a solemn look.

Hearing this, Lin Jiu approached Nintendo quietly.At this time, Lin Jiu had a powerful breath-holding talisman attached to his body. It was precisely because of this magic talisman that Nintendo did not notice Lin Jiu's approach. symbol.

Although the breath-holding talisman on Ma Madi's body is a lot worse than the breath-holding talisman on Lin Jiu, Ma Madi is not a short distance away from Nintendo.

Therefore, Nintendo did not discover the existence of Ma Madi. Of course, if Ma Madi dared to continue to approach Nintendo, it would not be difficult to discover the existence of Ma Madi by virtue of Nintendo's powerful induction.

Before finding out the details of Nintendo, Lin Jiu didn't dare to get too close to where Nintendo is. Fortunately, the breath-holding talisman on Lin Jiu's body is extremely extraordinary. As long as Lin Jiu doesn't appear in front of Nintendo, this Nintendo wants to find Lin Jiu. existence is extremely difficult.

Soon, Lin Jiu came ten meters away from Nintendo, took out an evil-killing talisman, and threw it at Nintendo's body.The power of the evil-killing talisman is not weak. Originally, Lin Jiu thought that Nintendo would be seriously injured if he was hit by the evil-killing talisman.

But what Lin Jiu didn't expect was that the evil-killing power transformed by the evil-killing talisman hit Nintendo's body, but it didn't have any effect. This discovery made Lin Jiu's heart full of shock. I don't know, this What's going on, why this evil-killing talisman can't have any effect, is this Nintendo immune to the damage of Taoism, if this is the case, it will be really tricky.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu continued to approach Nintendo, waved the mahogany sword in his hand, and stabbed at Nintendo, but found that the mahogany sword in his hand did not play any role.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu quickly took out a purple thunder talisman, condensed a bolt of lightning, and hit Nintendo's body, but was shocked to find that the lightning he condensed had no effect on Nintendo's body.

(End of this chapter)

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