Chapter 232 Immunity to Taoism
At this time, Nintendo also discovered the existence of Lin Jiu, and reached out to grab Lin Jiu.The more extraordinary the zombie's strength, the stronger the power of this corpse poison. This Nintendo is too weird. If you are injured by Nintendo, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to remove the corpse poison. So, Lin Jiu How dare you let Nintendo touch you.

Quickly retreated to avoid Nintendo's attack. After that, Lin Jiu took out a lot of talismans and hit Nintendo, wanting to see if Nintendo was really immune to damage from Taoism.

After some testing, Lin Jiu's heart was filled with despair. The talismans used to attack before were not weak, but these talismans didn't have much effect, it can be said to be negligible.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu took out the Hundred Years Thunder Strike Peachwood Sword and hit Nintendo at him, wanting to know whether the Hundred Years Thunder Strike Peachwood Sword in his hand would work.

After taking out the Hundred Years Thunder Strike Peachwood Sword, Lin Jiu stared fixedly at Nintendo, wanting to know what reaction Nintendo would have after seeing the Hundred Years Thunder Strike Peachwood Sword in his hand, so as to guess whether the Hundred Years Thunder Strike Peachwood Sword could He works.

Fortunately, Lin Jiu didn't realize what he was worried about. When Nintendo saw the century-old lightning-strike mahogany sword in Lin Jiu's hand, he took a step back in horror and let Lin Jiu know that the century-old lightning-strike mahogany sword in his hand still had some effect on Nintendo. Yes, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu stepped on Yu steps, swung the century-old lightning strike mahogany sword in his hand, and stabbed at Nintendo's body.Unfortunately, what Lin Jiu didn't know was that the reason why Nintendo retreated was because he was now in a critical period. Once he passed it, he would be able to step into the realm of the bronze-armored zombie with one foot. At that time, his strength would increase a lot. In particular, even if the celestial master makes a move, he may not be able to surrender him.

Therefore, Nintendo didn't want to fight Lin Jiu at this time, so as not to affect his breakthrough.Afterwards, Nintendo quickly jumped up and ran into the distance.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu quickly followed Nintendo's footsteps, trying to stop him from leaving, but found out helplessly that Nintendo was much faster than him, and soon, Nintendo disappeared in Lin Jiu's senses.

Looking at the disappearing Nintendo, Lu Yue did not chase after him. This Nintendo is really weird. Even if he catches up, Lin Jiu is not sure that he can kill Nintendo, or even let himself die in Nintendo. In his hands, once he dies in the hands of Nintendo, the Nintendo that has sucked his blood will greatly increase in strength, even invincible in the world.

After all, as a cultivator like myself who is half a step into the realm of a celestial master, the blood in his body can be said to be of great help to zombies.The second is that Nintendo's speed is too fast, and it is not easy to catch up with Nintendo.

Ma Madi saw what happened before, although Ma Madi had already guessed that the mutated Nintendo was extremely powerful, but Ma Madi did not expect that Nintendo would be so powerful, and felt extremely regretful in his heart. If he had known that the Nintendo Corpse Change would become so powerful, he would definitely hand over this matter to Ah Hao and Ah Qiang.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now. The most important thing now is to kill Nintendo as soon as possible, quickly keep up with Lin Jiu's footsteps, and want to help Lin Jiu.

Seeing Lin Jiu stop, he came to Lin Jiu's side hesitantly and asked, "Lin Jiu, why don't you chase after him, this zombie is too dangerous, we must kill him as soon as possible, otherwise, we don't know how many zombies there will be!" Innocent people will die tragically at his hands."

More importantly, Ma Madi is worried that Nintendo's strength will continue to increase. Now it is difficult for Nintendo to pay more. If Nintendo's strength increases, even if it is a celestial master, it may not be able to give Nintendo. beheaded.

Hearing this, Lin Jiu looked at Ma Madi angrily and said, "Ma Madi, do you think I don't want Nintendo to be beheaded? To tell you the truth, there is no way for me to kill Nintendo alone." I need Lu Yue's help to kill me, Ma Madi, you go to the Ren Mansion now and replace Lu Yue here."

"Senior brother, I admit that Lu Yue's strength is indeed stronger than mine, but Lu Yue's cultivation base is too low, and his combat power will not be any higher than mine. Besides, senior brother, you should also see , This thunder and lightning has no effect on Nintendo, and Lu Yue will not be of much use if he comes here, he will only die in vain." In Ma Madi's view, the reason why Lu Yue's combat effectiveness is stronger than his own is because of the lightning rush Because of the fist, if the Lightning and Thunder Fist doesn't work, Lu Yue's fighting power will be worse than his own.

Although Ma Madi and Lin Jiu did not deal with each other, Ma Madi was a disciple of Maoshan after all, so how could he not hope that the Maoshan School could regain its former glory.Lu Yue was able to practice Lightning and Thunder Fist to such a level in the realm of a warlock, which shows that Lu Yue's aptitude is extremely extraordinary. As long as Lu Yue is given enough time, it should not be difficult for Lu Yue to break through to the realm of a celestial master. In this way, Ma Madi naturally did not want Lu Yue to die in the hands of Nintendo.

"Ma Madi, then Lu Yue is my direct disciple. I, Lin Jiu, will harm him. His strength is stronger than you think. Even if I really fight, I may not be able to defeat him. , well, go back quickly, I still need to continue looking for that zombie." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Ma Madi, took the compass, and continued to search for the trace of his Nintendo.

Looking at Lin Jiu's leaving figure, it was right to think about it. With Lin Jiu's protective nature, how could he harm Lu Yue? Without any delay, he sent a voice transmission to Lu Yue to let him come to him. Go to Ren's mansion, go back and sit in Ren's mansion, so as to prevent Master Ren and others from being killed by zombies.

After receiving the voice transmission from Ma Madi, Lu Yue came in front of Master Ren and the others, "Master Ren, my master has already found the location of the zombie, but this zombie is extremely difficult, and it is not easy to kill it, so , Master sent me a voice transmission, let me go to help him, but, Master Ren, you don’t have to worry, my uncle is rushing back, and it won’t be long before he will be back.”

"Nephew, hurry up." Based on his understanding of Lin Jiu, if Lin Jiu hadn't been sure that the zombie would not be able to harm him during Lu Yue's absence, Lin Jiu would not have done this Besides, Lin Jiu has been following the zombies. If the zombies really want to hurt them, Lin Jiu will never stand by and watch them die at the hands of the zombies, because the consequences are not Lin Jiu's. affordable.

(End of this chapter)

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