Chapter 233 The Key
However, even so, Master Ren is still full of worries, deeply afraid that this zombie will suddenly appear in front of him, but Master Ren knows in his heart that the most important thing now is to kill this zombie, only this zombie Only if they died, their family would be truly safe, otherwise, they would have to be on high alert all the time.

Seeing this, Lu Yue left quickly without saying any nonsense.Not long after leaving, Lu Yue saw Ma Madi. "Lu Yue, you have to be careful, that zombie is extremely weird and immune to the damage of Taoism." He reminded numbly. "Thank you uncle for reminding me, I understand." After speaking, Lu Yue quickly chased after Lin Jiu.

Seeing Lu Yue's speed, Ma Madi was filled with emotion, why didn't he have the luck of Lin Jiu to accept a genius disciple like Lu Yue and pass on his skills.

It didn't take much time for Lu Yue to come to the place where Lin Jiu and Nintendo fought. This is a forest. It is not difficult for Lu Yue to find where Lin Jiu and the zombies are, and Lu Yue believes that , Lin Jiu must have something to point him in the direction.

Lu Yue's guess was not wrong. The moment he performed the wooden stake method, he sensed the trace left by Lin Jiu, and quickly approached Lin Jiu's place. Half an hour later, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu's side. At this moment, that Zombies are not far from them, sucking the blood of a wild boar.

Seeing Lu Yue coming, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the zombies are located, there are many plants and trees. The fighting power that Lu Yue will display here will become even stronger. It is impossible to kill this Nintendo.

"Master, should we take action now, or wait a little longer?" "Lu Yue, this zombie is extremely weird. You have used many methods before you as a teacher, but you can't hurt this zombie. Although you have mastered a lot of power Powerful Taoism, but it may be extremely difficult to hurt this zombie, so, after a while, you will use the wooden stake method to tie up this zombie as much as possible, and try it with a hundred-year-old lightning-struck mahogany sword as a master, and see Can you kill this zombie?"

"Master, have you forgotten that the golden sun sword in my hand is stronger than those magic weapons in your hand, master, so, leave this attack to me. Back then, the head teacher saw me With this spiritual weapon, it is not easy for the zombies to hurt me here." Then, Lu Yue took out the Jinyang Sword.

Looking at the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart. Indeed, the power of this Golden Sun Sword is stronger than the century-old Thunderbolt Peach Wood Sword in his hand.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue and said, "Then I will leave the matter of attacking the zombie to you. After a while, the teacher will try his best to entangle the zombie and not give him a chance to leave." Lin Jiu said. He wanted to make a move first to create an opportunity for Lu Yue, but was held back by Lu Yue.

Looking at Lin Jiu's suspicious eyes, Lu Yue said lightly, "Master, you forgot, this is my home field. It is not easy for this zombie to escape here. Master, why don't you stand aside?" I'll do it, I want to try the strength of this zombie alone."

Lin Jiu didn't say anything, but just looked at Lu Yue fixedly, wanting to know what Lu Yue was thinking. When he saw Lu Yue's firm gaze, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart, "Okay, as a teacher, I will be a teacher." I'll sweep the formation for you." "Thank you, Master, I'll go then." After speaking, Lu Yue stepped on Yu steps and quickly approached where Nintendo was.

The golden robe on Lu Yue's body already has the ability to hold back breath, so Nintendo didn't notice Lu Yue's approach in the first place. However, Nintendo is extraordinary after all. Just when Lu Yue was about to come behind him, Nintendo sensed Danger jumped lightly, just in time to avoid Lu Yue's attack.

The scene in front of him made Lu Yue stunned. He didn't expect Nintendo to avoid his attack at the last moment. Fortunately, Lu Yue's reaction was also dissatisfied. At the moment Nintendo jumped up, Lu Yue used the wooden stake method, One after another, vines sprang out from the ground, tying Nintendo's feet, and Lu Yue took advantage of this opportunity, swung the Golden Sun Sword in his hand, and stabbed at Nintendo.

The moment he saw the Golden Sun Sword, Nintendo was on the Golden Sun Sword, sensing great danger, and knew that he must not let the Golden Sun Sword touch him, otherwise, he would be seriously injured.

In this way, how could Nintendo let the Jinyang sword touch him, opened his mouth, spit out a cloud of green corpse gas, and hit Lu Yue.The corpse breath from Nintendo was extremely weird, and Lu Yue smelled a faint smell of western medicine.

This discovery filled Lu Yue's heart with doubts. He didn't know what was going on. Why did he ask about the taste of western medicine in the corpse's breath? However, Lu Yue knew that this was not the time to think about it. With a slap of the sword, the Jinyang sword continued to hit Nintendo's body. At the same time, he took out a fire talisman, condensed a ball of flames, and burned the corpse.

In Lu Yue's opinion, although the corpse aura is strange, it is not difficult to burn the corpse aura with the power of the flames. After all, the flame has a great restraint effect on the corpse aura.

And what happened next let Lu Yue know how naive his previous thoughts were. It turned out that when the flame was about to touch the corpse, Lu Yue felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. What was going on, but Lu Yue quickly backed away at the first time, and at the same time, activated the amulet to protect himself in it.

The scene that happened next made Lu Yue feel lucky. Fortunately, he believed in his own feelings. Otherwise, even if he was not injured now, he would be embarrassed in this violent explosion.It turned out that when the flame condensed by Lu Yue touched the corpse aura, it did not incinerate the corpse aura, but caused the corpse aura to explode, and a powerful force sent Lu Yue flying out.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Lu Yue used the amulet to block most of the power, and the remaining part of the power hit Lu Yue, which was also resisted by the golden robe, and could not hurt Lu Yue in the slightest.After detonating the corpse aura, Nintendo waved his hands quickly, and with his sharp nails, he easily cut off the vines under his feet and avoided the attack of the Jinyang Sword.

Afterwards, Nintendo planned to leave, and was unwilling to continue fighting with Lu Yue, because the threat of the Golden Sun Sword to him was too great. If he was touched by the Golden Sun Sword, he might be seriously injured. , unable to improve in a short period of time, how could Nintendo, who is in a critical period of breakthrough, want to see such a thing happen to him?

(End of this chapter)

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