Chapter 234 The Gap
Nintendo thought very well, but Lu Yue, who knew Nintendo was extraordinary, would let Nintendo leave just like that?Using the method of wooden stakes again, many vines sprang up around Nintendo, and at the same time, wooden stakes appeared in front of Nintendo, blocking Nintendo's way.

Of course, Lu Yue did not forget that the Jinyang sword that fell on the ground before, a vine was driven by Lu Yue to bind the Jinyang sword. Under Lu Yue's control, this vine was like Lu Yue's arm, swinging the golden sword. Yang Jian stabbed at Nintendo.

Looking at the many vines and stakes blocking his way, Nintendo swung his hands quickly. His sharp nails, like a sharp sword, kept slashing across many stakes and vines. Wherever he passed, whether it was vines or stakes, , were cut in two and fell to the ground.

From the beginning, Lu Yue had no intention of using these stakes or vines to do anything to Nintendo, but just wanted to prevent Nintendo from leaving.Although many vines and stakes were cut off easily, these vines and stakes had just been cut off, but they also successfully held back Nintendo's footsteps.

Looking at the Jinyang sword stabbing at him, Nintendo jumped high, hoping to avoid the attack of the Jinyang sword, but saw that the Jinyang sword was also controlled by Lu Yue, rising as fast as himself, Let Nintendo's plan fail.

Seeing this, Nintendo let out a roar, and the nails on his fingers quickly grew bigger. In the blink of an eye, the fingernails on Nintendo's hands grew by one meter, emitting a glare of light, and chopped towards the Jinyang sword, trying to kill Jinyang. The sword was cut off.

In order to enhance the power of the nails, Nintendo also incorporated a lot of corpse energy into the nails. From Nintendo's point of view, even if the Jinyang Sword cannot be damaged in this way, it should not be a big deal to resist the Jinyang Sword's attack. difficult things.

However, the reality slapped Nintendo heavily. I saw that when the nail that Nintendo placed high hopes on hit the Golden Sun Sword, there was no sound that Nintendo wanted to hear, only a crisp cracking sound.When the fingernail hit the Golden Sun Sword, it was easily cut off by the Golden Sun Sword. After that, the Golden Sun Sword continued to stab Nintendo.

Although Nintendo knew that the power of the Golden Sun Sword was extremely powerful, Nintendo did not expect that the power of the Golden Sun Sword would be so powerful.Unable to dodge in time, he was stabbed in the shoulder by the Golden Sun Sword. A powerful pure Yang force gushed out from the Golden Sun Sword and forcibly invaded Nintendo's body, causing Nintendo to scream involuntarily. fly away.

The cry is so miserable, it is not difficult to feel the unspeakable pain that Nintendo is suffering at this time.The body couldn't hold on any longer, and fell heavily on the ground, smashing a hole.

For such a good opportunity, how could Lu Yue miss it? Stepping on Yu steps, he appeared in front of Nintendo in an instant, held the Golden Sun Sword in his hand, and stabbed at Nintendo's heart, wanting to kill Nintendo in one fell swoop.The mutated Nintendo can be said to be extremely powerful, but Lu Yue believes that if he is stabbed in the heart by the Golden Sun Sword, no matter how extraordinary this Nintendo is, he cannot escape death.

Before, Nintendo had seen the power of the Golden Sun Sword. The defense he was proud of was like paper in front of the Golden Sun Sword, and the pure Yang power in the Golden Sun Sword was extremely harmful to him. In this way, how could Nintendo dare to let the Golden Sun Sword touch him again, and his body directly slammed into the many stakes and vines, trying to forcefully break through the encirclement of many stakes and vines and leave.

At this time, Nintendo already understood that he had to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible, otherwise, he would die under the golden sun sword in a short time.Of course, Nintendo did not forget to summon his own men to come here to help him.

Before, Nintendo killed a lot of innocent people. Because of Nintendo's special feature, these killed people quickly turned into zombies and obeyed Nintendo's orders.

In the past, Nintendo looked down on these newly transformed zombies. In Nintendo's view, these zombies are too weak to help them. It is better to let these zombies grow freely. Bring these zombies with you for your own errands.

But it's different now, Nintendo needs these zombies to delay helping Lu Yue and create opportunities for him to escape, otherwise, the possibility of escaping on his own is not great.

Although Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't know why Nintendo suddenly yelled, they could clearly sense that shortly after Nintendo yelled, several more zombies were approaching here quickly.With this discovery, the faces of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue became serious. They did not expect that this Nintendo could recruit other zombies. What shocked Lin Jiu and Lu Yue was that the zombies recruited by Nintendo Zombies are not afraid of sunlight.

What is going on here? Why do so many zombies who are not afraid of the sun suddenly appear? Could it be that these zombies are all because of Nintendo, or is there some special reason?

After that, Lu Yue couldn't care about anything else, looked at Lin Jiu who was not far away and said, "Master, help me." After sensing that there were other zombies coming here quickly, even if Lu Yue didn't say anything, Lin Jiu would Will shoot, hoping to kill Nintendo before other zombies come.

Otherwise, it would not be an easy task to kill Nintendo after other zombies came. Once Nintendo escaped, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, before Lu Yue's words fell, Lin Jiu held the century-old lightning strike mahogany sword in his hand, and quickly stabbed at Nintendo's body, trying to aggravate Nintendo's injuries.

Compared with the great damage that the Golden Sun Sword did to him, the damage of the century-old lightning-struck mahogany sword in Lin Jiu's hand was negligible for Nintendo. In addition, Lin Jiu's many methods were restrained by him, and he wanted to hurt him. It's not easy to be yourself.

Therefore, Nintendo simply ignored Lin Jiu's attack and tried its best to resist Jin Yangjian's attack.Seeing that Nintendo ignored his attack, Lin Jiu's heart was filled with anger, and he made up his mind that he must teach Nintendo a profound lesson and let him know how powerful Lin Jiu is.

But the reality is undoubtedly cruel. Soon, Lin Jiu discovered that his own methods did not have much effect on Nintendo. , and not as big as Lin Jiu estimated.

Fortunately, I was not reckless, but chose to wait for Lu Yue to come before doing anything, otherwise, I would have died in the hands of Nintendo now.

(End of this chapter)

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