Chapter 235 Escape

Knowing that his methods would have limited effect on Nintendo, Lin Jiu didn't push any further. He put away the century-old Thunderbolt Mahogany Sword, and entangled Nintendo with all his strength to create opportunities for Lu Yue.

With the damage done by the Golden Sun Sword to Nintendo, as long as he can create an opportunity, Lu Yue can definitely kill Nintendo with one blow.It's a pity that Nintendo is extremely cautious. Lin Jiu and Lu Yue didn't find a chance to aggravate Nintendo's injuries.

Not long after, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu saw a few blond-haired and blue-eyed Westerners appearing not far away. The moment they saw these Westerners, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu saw these Westerners. The bite marks on people's necks, and the aura emanating from these Westerners are somewhat similar to those of Nintendo. It is not difficult to see that these Westerners were all killed by Nintendo.

Seeing this, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu still don't understand that the reason why these zombies can walk in the sun is because of Nintendo.The more determined I can't let Nintendo continue to live, otherwise, the disaster caused by Nintendo will definitely be even greater.

Needless to say, Lin Jiu quickly hit those Western zombies. His own methods can only do limited damage to Nintendo, but not necessarily for these newly transformed zombies.

Since I can't help Lu Yue much, it's better to deal with these zombies, so that Lu Yue can deal with Nintendo with peace of mind.However, Lin Jiu had no intention of handing Nintendo over to Lu Yue to deal with it. After seeing these coming zombies, Lin Jiu wanted to kill all these newly transformed zombies as soon as possible, and then go to help Lu Yue. .

Of course, the more important thing is that Lin Jiu wants to use these newly transformed zombies to find Nintendo's weaknesses. If he can find Nintendo's weaknesses, he doesn't have to watch from the sidelines.

Because of Nintendo's weirdness, Lin Jiu didn't dare to be careless about these zombies that had just transformed, and dealt with them carefully so as not to be hurt by these zombies.

Originally, Lin Jiu thought that because of Nintendo, it would not be easy for him to kill these newly transformed zombies, but soon, Lin Jiu discovered that although these zombies were more powerful than the zombies he encountered before It is stronger, but not too strong. At least now with Lin Jiu's strength, it is not difficult to kill these zombies.

This discovery made Lin Jiu feel a little relieved, and began to attack the zombies in front of him with all his strength. He wanted to kill these zombies as soon as possible to help Lu Yue. After killing Nintendo, it's not too late to study.

As for studying the weaknesses of Nintendo from the newly transformed zombies in front of him, after knowing that the strength of these zombies is not considered strong, and after they do not have the ability to be immune to Taoism, Lin Jiu has no such idea, because these Zombies are too weak to be worth researching.

Under Lin Jiu's frantic attack, Lin Jiu killed all the zombies recruited by Nintendo in less than a minute. Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to go to where Nintendo was located to help Lu Yue.

But at this moment, Lin Jiu found that Nintendo leaped high, stepped on the wooden stake, and quickly jumped to the distance. At this time, Nintendo's feet were covered with a thick layer of corpse gas, stepping on the wooden stake The moment it was on the stake, the corpse gas gushed out from the bottom of Nintendo's feet, crushing the stake.

Of course, Lu Yue would not just watch Nintendo leave, and kept pushing the surrounding stakes and vines to grow continuously, trying to stop Nintendo from going.But at this moment, two big snakes sprang out of the ground and bit Lu Yue frantically.

These two big snakes had already been bitten to death by Nintendo, and transformed into corpse monsters. Facing the attack of the two corpse monsters, Lu Yue did not dare to be careless. , Lu Yue beheaded these two corpse monsters that had just transformed and not long after.

However, after Lu Yue killed the corpse demon, Nintendo also took this opportunity to escape. Seeing this, Lu Yue hurriedly followed in Nintendo's footsteps, wanting to take this opportunity to kill Nintendo.

After previous fights, Lu Yue discovered that Nintendo's wisdom is not low. If Nintendo can't be killed this time, Nintendo will definitely hide it and improve its strength.

At that time, it will not be easy for them to find traces of Nintendo, and even if they can find traces of Nintendo, during the period of time they are looking for traces of Nintendo, many innocent people will die tragically in Nintendo hands.

Seeing Lu Yue leave, Lin Jiu hurriedly followed in Lu Yue's footsteps. At this time, there were many plants and trees where they were, and with these plants and trees, it was not easy for Nintendo to get rid of them.

However, although Lu Yue can know where Nintendo is, Nintendo's speed is too fast. With the speed of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, it is impossible to catch up unless Nintendo stops by himself. .Fortunately, it is impossible for Nintendo to escape forever. As long as they keep catching up, it is not difficult to catch up with Nintendo.

Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't feel happy because of this, because they found that Nintendo kept killing the animals they encountered on the way forward, and these animals quickly turned into corpse monsters with the help of Nintendo , attacking Lu Yue and Lin Jiu.

The strength of these corpses is not considered strong. With the strength of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, these corpses were instantly killed.Once Lu Yue and Lin Jiu take action to kill these corpse monsters, Nintendo will definitely have a reaction, presumably this is Nintendo's goal.

This is Nintendo's conspiracy. Even if Lu Yue and Lin Jiu know that this is Nintendo's conspiracy, they will kill these corpses. Otherwise, once these corpses leave the forest, the people living around will die. will suffer from it.

Lu Yue and Lin Jiu did not guess wrong, Nintendo was indeed using these corpses to sense whether Lu Yue and Lin Jiu were still chasing themselves.Sensing the corpse monster he created and losing contact constantly, Nintendo knew that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue were following behind him, but because the speed of these two people was not as fast as his own, he didn't look at it. to the traces of the two.

However, there is no way to go on like this. I have been hit by the Golden Sun Sword before, and I haven't expelled the pure Yang power from my body yet. I must find a place as soon as possible to expel the pure Yang power. Otherwise, this force will continue to aggravate the injuries on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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