Chapter 236
The aggravation of the injury will slow down his speed. Before long, he will be caught up by Lu Yue and Lin Jiu because of the injury on his body.Once caught up by two people, relying on his own state, he is definitely not the opponent of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu. In other words, if he is caught up by Lin Jiu and Lu Yue now, he will die in the joint efforts under.

However, there is no good way for Nintendo to get him out of the entanglement of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, so he can only continue to flee, hoping to get rid of the entanglement of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue before the speed weakens.But to get rid of the entanglement between Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he needs the help of corpse monsters or zombies, and he is seriously injured now, and he also needs blood to recover from his injuries.

Along the way, all animals seen by Nintendo will be killed to recover their injuries.It's a pity that the blood of these animals is much worse than that of humans. Even if Nintendo sucked a lot of blood, the injury has not recovered much. Running around, let the injuries on his body slowly worsen.

This discovery let Nintendo know that he can't go on here anymore, he must suck blood as soon as possible to recover from his injuries, and if he wants to recover from his injuries, he needs to suck human blood, otherwise, just the blood of these ordinary animals, even No matter how much you smoke, it won't have much effect, at most it can only suppress the injuries on your body.

Sniffing around carefully, Nintendo ran to the north. He could sense that there was a small village there, and there were many people living there. As long as he could enter the small village, he could drink human blood and quickly recover from his injuries. , once his injury recovers, with the speed of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he can never catch up with him.

However, what Nintendo didn't know was that Lu Yue and Lin Jiu had already guessed that they would drink human blood to recover from their injuries, and they had been guarding against this.

Therefore, the moment Nintendo went to the small village, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu beside him and said, "Master, it's not good, the zombie is heading towards the village." It is very likely that they will all die in the hands of Nintendo. In this way, the crimes of the three of Ma Madi will be even deeper, and even Nintendo can take this opportunity to get rid of them.

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu's complexion changed, and he became serious. How could he not know what Lu Yue meant? Afterwards, Lin Jiu took out two talismans from the storage bag, and stuck one on his body. Handed one to Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, this is the speed running talisman, which can quickly increase the speed. However, using the speed running talisman will have a sequelae. After a day, your feet will be very painful because of this period of running fast. , I’m afraid it will take a few days to recover?” After speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue, wanting to know whether Lu Yue would use the Speed ​​Talisman.

"Master, at this point, how can we still have so many scruples? The most important thing for us now is to kill the zombie Nintendo, so that Nintendo can't continue to harm the people." Lu Yue took Lin Jiu's hand. The speed talisman, stick it on the body, and then activate it.

As soon as he activated the Speed ​​Talisman, Lu Yue sensed a powerful force gathering at his feet, and Lu Yue could clearly sense that his speed had increased several times compared to before.

Afterwards, Lu Yue quickly chased after Nintendo.Looking at Lu Yue's back, Lin Jiu showed a gratified smile on his face. The apprentice did not disappoint him. After that, Lin Jiu quickly followed in Lu Yue's footsteps and headed to Nintendo's location.

The power of the Speed ​​Talisman is really extraordinary. Soon, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue saw Nintendo's trail, and they were relieved a little, and continued to chase after Nintendo.

At this time, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue were like a gust of wind, and it was basically impossible to hide their tracks. Therefore, the moment Lin Jiu and Lu Yue saw Nintendo, Nintendo also discovered that Lu Yue and Lin Nine two traces.Looking at the gust of wind surrounding the two of them, Nintendo knew that with his current speed, it was basically impossible to get rid of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

Today, if he wanted to survive, there was only one way, and that was to bite Lin Jiu to death before Lu Yue beheaded himself.Lin Jiu's cultivation base is extremely powerful, and the blood on his body is of great help to him. If he can kill Lin Jiu, he will not only be able to completely recover from the injuries on his body, but also let his strength go a step further. At that time, it will not be difficult to kill Lu Yue again.

After all, Lu Yue's cultivation is not considered strong. The reason why he feels troublesome is because of the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand. If Lu Yue didn't have the Golden Sun Sword in his hand, relying on his own strength, It is not difficult to kill Lu Yue.

Looking at Nintendo flying towards him, how could Lin Jiu not know what Nintendo was thinking.A cold light flashed in his eyes. Although most of his methods were useless to Nintendo because Nintendo was very special, Lin Jiu was also a half-step celestial master. With Nintendo's strength, he wanted to kill himself. Kill, it's still worse.

Besides, I only need to entangle Nintendo and create opportunities for Lu Yue. With the power of the Golden Sun Sword, it is not difficult to kill Nintendo.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu performed Bagua Palm. Although Lin Jiu's control over Bagua Palm was not as powerful as the Supreme Elder, it was still extremely extraordinary. An illusory Bagua pattern appeared around Lin Jiu. Although it could not seriously injure Nintendo, But it also brought a lot of trouble to Nintendo. At least under the influence of gossip, Nintendo's speed has been weakened.

For such a great opportunity, Lu Yue naturally would not miss it. Stepping on the Yu step, Lu Yue entered the gossip instantly. As soon as he entered the gossip, Lu Yue sensed a breeze surrounding him, allowing Lu Yue's speed, Speeded up a bit.

Seeing this, Lu Yue swung the Golden Sun Sword in his hand and stabbed at Nintendo.However, how could Nintendo watch the Jinyang sword stabbing himself?With a roar, the body energy surged and turned into a suit of armor, covering Nintendo.

And at the moment when the armor appeared, Lin Jiu sensed that the gossip he had evolved had no effect on Nintendo, so he sighed in his heart and didn't continue.

After all, using such a method consumes a lot of spiritual energy. This Nintendo is really weird. Lin Jiu dare not waste too much spiritual power at this time, lest the spiritual power be exhausted and die in the hands of Nintendo.

(End of this chapter)

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