Chapter 237
Seeing that Baguazhang didn't work, Lin Jiu didn't use it. However, Lin Jiu didn't just watch from the sidelines, and swung the century-old lightning strike mahogany sword in his hand, stabbing at Nintendo.At this time, the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand stabbed at Nintendo at an extremely tricky angle.

The cooperation between Lin Jiu and Lu Yue is extremely tacit. Now, there are only two paths before Nintendo, either to bear Lin Jiu's attack or to bear Lu Yue's attack.

If there is a choice, Nintendo would not be willing to bear either Lin Jiu's attack or Lu Yue's attack, because the pure yang power in the body weakened Nintendo's immunity to the century-old lightning-struck mahogany sword a lot. Being hit by a peach wood sword struck by a century-old lightning strike, the injuries on the body will be strengthened a lot. This is not the thing that worries Nintendo the most. What worries Nintendo the most is that once Lu Yue and Lin Jiu know this, He will definitely target himself crazily, and by then, it will be a lot more difficult to survive.

It's a pity that he wants to completely avoid the attacks of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu now. It's impossible. Therefore, Nintendo chose to withstand the attack of the Hundred Years Lightning Peach Tree Sword. The damage should be weakened a lot.

Regarding Nintendo's choice, Lin Jiu was not surprised at all. If he were Nintendo, he would have chosen the same way. Unfortunately, the century-old lightning-strike mahogany sword in his hand did not do much damage to Nintendo, and it can even be said to be negligible. Otherwise, this move will definitely hurt Nintendo a lot. By then, it will be much easier to kill Nintendo.

However, what happened next filled Lin Jiu's heart with doubts. When the mahogany sword in his hand pierced Nintendo's body, he easily pierced the armor on Nintendo's body. Unabated, he stabbed into Nintendo's body, causing Nintendo to scream.

The scene before him filled Lin Jiu's heart with doubts. He didn't know what was going on, and why the sudden hundred-year lightning strike on the Taomu sword caused a lot more damage to Nintendo.

However, Lin Jiu knows that now is not the time to think about this, the most important thing now is to kill Nintendo first.Lu Yue, who was not far away, saw the damage caused to Nintendo by the century-old lightning strike on the mahogany sword, and he was puzzled for a while, not knowing what was going on.

However, like Lin Jiu, Lu Yue knew very well that now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is to kill Nintendo first, and then study the reason after killing Nintendo. not too late.

Nintendo's strength is very strong, but with Lu Yue and Lin Jiu joining forces, it is not difficult to kill Nintendo. The reason why Nintendo can't be killed now is because Nintendo is immune Most of the damage caused by Taoism has allowed Nintendo to survive until now. Otherwise, relying on the power and speed of Leifa, Nintendo would have already died in the hands of Lu Yue.

Now, Lu Yue has seen that Leifa's damage to Nintendo has increased a lot, so naturally he will no longer be able to attack Nintendo with the Golden Sun Sword as before. It flew out of Lu Yue's body and hit Nintendo.

Nintendo's speed is very fast, but Razer's speed is even faster. Before Nintendo can dodge, Razer has already hit Nintendo's body. The powerful lightning force is constantly moving around Nintendo's body, and there is a crackling sound. , At the same time, Nintendo also screamed because of the thunder and lightning attack. Naturally, Lu Yue would not miss such a great opportunity. Stepping on Yu steps, he quickly appeared in front of Nintendo, waved the Golden Sun Sword in his hand, and stabbed at Nintendo. .

At this time, Nintendo was paralyzed in place because of the attack of Thunder Snake, unable to avoid Lu Yue's attack, and could only watch helplessly as Lu Yue waved the Golden Sun Sword in his hand and stabbed at his heart.

However, Nintendo is also extraordinary. Although he is now unable to avoid the attack of the Golden Sun Sword, he also avoided the ending of being stabbed in the heart by the Golden Sun Sword at the last moment. Stabbed ending.

It's a pity that Nintendo did not avoid the fate of being stabbed by the Golden Sun Sword, and was easily pierced by the Golden Sun Sword. Looking at Lu Yue who was close at hand, Nintendo's heart was full of killing intent, all because of Lu Yue, otherwise , I won't end up like this now, he can't survive today, but even if he dies, he still needs Lu Yue to be buried with him.

Regardless of the golden sun sword stuck on his body, Nintendo reached out and grabbed Lu Yue, trying to send the corpse poison into Lu Yue's body.How vicious his own corpse poison is, how can Nintendo not know, as long as Lu Yue is invaded by the corpse poison, in the end, Lu Yue will die.

It's a pity that Lu Yue was more cautious than he imagined. The moment the Jinyang sword pierced him, he backed away quickly. At the same time, he condensed a palm thunder and struck Nintendo's face.

At this time, Nintendo was seriously injured under the attack of Jinyang Sword and Thunder Snake, and Nintendo did not expect Lu Yue to be like this. In addition, the attack of the palm thunder was extremely fast, making Nintendo unable to avoid the attack of the palm thunder , was hit by lightning in the palm of his face, his head was blown up, and he fell powerlessly to the ground. An unpleasant liquid gushed out from Nintendo's body.

"Master, do you know what this is?" If I guessed correctly, these strange liquids should be the source of Nintendo's mutation.

Meeting Lu Yue's gaze, Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "As a teacher, I don't know what these things are, and I need to study them carefully." Then, Lin Jiu came to these unpleasant liquids and started Take a closer look and want to know what these things are.

At the moment when these things appeared, Lin Jiu was sure that the reason why Nintendo would mutate was not because of the blood, but because of these strange liquids. Therefore, they had to figure out what these liquids were and who made them, so that What is the purpose of doing it.

Of course, the more important thing is to kill the people behind the scenes, otherwise, weird zombies like Nintendo will continue to appear and harm the people around.Looking at Lin Jiu who was studying the liquid, Lu Yue took back the Golden Sun Sword that was stuck on Nintendo's body.

Then, he also studied these strange liquids with Lin Jiu. How could Lu Yue not think of things that Lin Jiu could think of, so naturally Lu Yue would not let the person behind the scenes go.

(End of this chapter)

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