Chapter 238 Diary
Unlike Lin Jiu, after some research, Lin Jiu didn't find anything, but Lu Yue was different, the more he studied these strange liquids, the more strange Lu Yue's complexion became, because Lu Yue found that in these liquids, something familiar.

Lin Jiu, who had nothing to gain by the side, saw Lu Yue's complexion and became strange, looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked, "Lu Yue, have you discovered anything?"

"Master, I found a lot of western medicine in these liquids, but I'm not familiar with western medicine, so I'm still not sure what it is?"

"Western, it was caused by these Westerners again, Lu Yue, do you still remember those Westerners who were beheaded by your teacher before? Why don't we go back and see, maybe we can learn something from the corpses of these Westerners?" Not necessarily?" Lin Jiu frowned.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue's eyes lit up, "Master, you are right, we might be able to find something from the corpses of those Westerners." After speaking, Lu Yue quickly walked towards the corpses of the Westerners.

Looking at Lu Yue who was leaving, Lin Jiu did not catch up immediately, but burned Nintendo's body before catching up.Not long after, Lu Yue came to the body of the Westerner and checked it carefully. After some inspection, Lu Yue gained a lot.

"Master, please contact Uncle Master now and ask Uncle Ren to ask Master Ren and others if any Westerners have entered Renjia Town, and where do these Westerners live? As long as we can find out where the Westerners live , there should be some gains."

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu didn't flip his hands, and a compass appeared in his hand, and he began to connect with Ma Madi.Soon, Lin Jiu knew what Lu Yue wanted to know, looked at Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, three months ago, there were Westerners who entered Renjia Town. However, these Westerners are extremely strange and do not live in the town. , but live on this mountain, except for buying some daily necessities and food in the town, these Westerners will basically not enter Renjia Town."

"Really, then let me see where these Westerners live, shall we?" After speaking, Lu Yue used the method of wooden piles to communicate with the surrounding vegetation, and began to search for the residences of these Westerners in the mountains.

Soon, Lu Yue knew where these Westerners lived. "Master, I already know where those Westerners lived before. Now these corpses are useless. Let's burn these corpses first. Great law." After speaking, Lu Yue condensed many lychee branches, and then put these corpses on many branches, set them on fire, and began to burn these corpses.In order to burn these corpses as soon as possible, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu spent a lot of fire talismans to increase the power of the flames.

After all the corpses were burned to ashes, Lu Yue took Lin Jiu to the place where the Westerners lived.Half an hour later, Lu Yue brought Lin Jiu to a hidden house. Before entering the house, Lu Yue sensed the smell of a lot of medicine, walked into the room quickly, and began to search.

After entering the house, Lu Yue knew that it was a simple laboratory with many medicines and equipment. Seeing this, Lu Yue began to look for his experiment diary. Lu Yue didn't know much about the things in the room, so he didn't know So, if you want to know what experiments those Westerners are doing, you need to find the experiment diary. Such important experiments will be recorded in detail to avoid making the same mistakes again.

Before, Lu Yue did not find any diaries on the corpses of those Westerners, so if no one else has been here, the things must be in this house.

"Master, if you want to know what those Westerners did, you need to find the experimental diary of the Westerners. Master, let's find it separately. As long as it is written, we must bring it over." Teacher knows." After speaking, Lin Jiu began to search in the room.

After a while, Lu Yue shouted, "Master, I found it." Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue with many drafts, and handed the things in his hand to Lu Yue. It was recorded in Western characters, and Lin Jiu didn't know what was written on it, so as long as it was written with words or patterns, Lin Jiu collected it and handed it to Lu Yue for processing.

"Master, it's recorded on it that these Westerners are members of the church. They came here to study zombies. The reason why Nintendo became so powerful is because of the injection of many hormones and some strange medicines. Fortunately, after Nintendo So being able to mutate successfully has a lot to do with Nintendo's blood, if it is replaced by other zombies, even if they are injected with the same thing as Nintendo, they will not be as powerful as Nintendo." However, if this diary falls on the missionary In his hands, it can still play a big role, at least the method inside can be used to improve the strength of zombies.

"Really, that's really great. As a teacher, I was worried that someone could constantly mutate zombies and make him look like Nintendo. Now that we know the reason, Lu Yue, let's leave. By the way, we will leave later." You use the method of wooden stakes to completely destroy this place, so that these things will not harm other people." In this way, no one will use the things recorded above to enhance the strength of zombies.

"Yes, Master, I understand, but Master, we can't just leave like this." "What's the matter, Lu Yue, do you have anything else to do?" Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue suspiciously and asked.

"Master, you don't know something. According to the records of the Westerner, there will be Western missionaries who came here recently, took everything here, and returned to the Western Ocean to study it carefully, hoping to create more powerful zombies to deal with it. Chinese, so, master, we need to kill these missionaries, otherwise, these missionaries will continue to study zombies in other places."

If you want to study zombies, you must first have zombies. Zombies have no humanity and are extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, many creatures will die in the hands of zombies, causing even greater disasters. Inflicts charcoal on nearby beings.

More importantly, even if these people really research something, it is definitely not to eradicate zombies, but to control these zombies to do evil, so if there is a chance to kill these evil missionaries Naturally, Lu Yue didn't want to miss it, but he didn't know if Master was willing to deal with these missionaries with him.

(End of this chapter)

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