Chapter 239

In Lu Yue's view, Lin Jiu is an upright person. Before these missionaries did evil, he should not take action against these missionaries, and even prevent himself from taking action against these missionaries. If Lin Jiu really prevents himself from dealing with them With the words of these missionaries, Lu Yue didn't know whether he would forcefully act and kill these missionaries.Thinking of this, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu worriedly, wanting to know what Lin Jiu was thinking.

Looking at Lu Yue's worried look, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking, and smiled slightly, "Lu Yue, I don't have such a big heart as a teacher. I can only protect the people of Shenzhou, and I only want to protect the people of Shenzhou." The common people, the life and death of those Westerners, as a teacher, don't care.

Besides, these Westerners are not good things at all. Even if you don’t tell them, the teacher will take action to kill these Western missionaries to prevent them from doing evil. Since these missionaries are going to come here, we, the masters and apprentices Two people, just wait for those Western missionaries to come here. "

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, "Master, let's go outside first." After speaking, Lu Yue walked out of the room.After Lin Jiu also walked out of the room, Lu Yue performed the method of wooden stakes, condensing many wooden stakes and vines, wrapping the entire room in it, ensuring that once it was ignited, the entire room could be burned to ashes in a short period of time.

In order to burn the room as soon as possible, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu spent ten fire talismans to set the whole room on fire, continuously burning everything in the room.

"Lu Yue, don't you burn the diary?" Before, Lin Jiu clearly saw that Lu Yue put the diary in the storage ring and did not leave it in the room.

"Master, some of the things recorded on it are helpful to me. I want to study it carefully before burning this diary. Master, don't worry. I have no interest in that zombie. I won't To play with zombies."

Hearing Lu Yue's assurance, Lin Jiu didn't say anything, but looked at Lu Yue fixedly, wanting to know what Lu Yue was thinking.Before, Lin Jiu was shocked by the strength shown by Nintendo. He was afraid that Lu Yue would cultivate such zombies to improve his combat effectiveness.

Based on the strength shown by Nintendo before, Lu Yue only needs a little training to have the helper of a bronze armored zombie. In this way, even if the celestial master makes a move, he may not be able to subdue Lu Yue.For other people, it is not an easy task to enhance the strength of zombies, but for Lu Yue who is innate wood spirit body, as long as Lu Yue is willing to use his own blood to cultivate, and wants to improve the strength of zombies, and It's not difficult.

Lu Yue is the future teacher of the Maoshan School. Once Lu Yue really cultivates zombies, he will be tolerated by the righteous way. At least, he will be ruined. He would be willing to see it, so naturally he had to ask why Lu Yue did this, lest Lu Yue would go astray, otherwise, he would be a sinner of the Maoshan faction.

After some observation, Lin Jiu found that Lu Yue did not deceive himself, but even so, Lin Jiu still looked at Lu Yue solemnly and said, "Lu Yue, I hope you can remember the promise of today's test, or one day, you will be a Master will never let you go after he finds out that you have gone astray, understand?"

"Master, don't worry, there won't be such a day. Relying on my aptitude, it is not difficult to reach the level of a celestial master, or even a higher level. What kind of crooked path do you take, you just need to practice step by step, and it won't take long before you can become a top leader in the cultivation world, admired by thousands of people, how can you be willing to degenerate, and you can only hide and be hunted down by everyone in the future? After finishing speaking, Lu Yue ignored Lin Jiu, found a place to sit cross-legged, and began to recover the spiritual power that had been consumed before.

Looking at Lu Yue's figure, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, as Lu Yue said, with his aptitude, he doesn't need to take any devious paths. He only needs to practice step by step to continuously improve his cultivation. , To become a boss, there is no need to take risks.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu also found a place, sat down cross-legged, and began to recover the consumed spiritual energy.In the previous battle, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue consumed a lot of spiritual power. I don't know when the missionaries will come here. It will be a fierce battle waiting for them. I don't know the strength of those missionaries yet. To be cautious, it is better for them to recover the consumed spiritual power as soon as possible, so that even if those missionaries are powerful, they can still kill these missionaries.

And not long after Lu Yue and Lin Jiu regained their spiritual power, ten Western missionaries were entering Renjia Town.Afterwards, they prepared where Lu Yue and Lin Jiu were, but at this moment, these Western missionaries saw thick smoke rising from the target mountain, and their complexions changed drastically. The two Yue and Yue went forward, wanting to know what happened and why the fire was so good.

"Master, those Western missionaries are here." Before, Lu Yue had been communicating with the surrounding vegetation, and was on guard to detect their arrival. Therefore, with the help of many vegetation, the moment these missionaries went up the mountain, Lu Yue sensed to their presence.

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu who was not far away opened his eyes and waited for the appearance of Western missionaries. Those Western missionaries did not make Lin Jiu and Lu Yue wait for too long. Soon, Many missionaries appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing the laboratory that had been reduced to ashes, the expressions of Tom and other missionaries became extremely ugly, "Did the two of you burn this laboratory? What about the contents? Come out, otherwise, the two of you don’t blame us for being ruthless today.”

The laboratory has been burned to a pile of ashes. Now, Tom and others can only pray that the experimental data and experimental diary will be brought out by Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, otherwise, their trip will be in vain. "The things you want have already been burned to ashes. Why, you don't naively think that we will leave those experimental data and experimental diaries and let you continue to harm people?"

"You can see everything recorded on it." Tom and the others looked at Lu Yue in shock and asked.It must be so, otherwise, they couldn't figure out why Lu Yue would burn these things.

"Of course, though, that missionary is extremely cunning and records things in foreign languages. Unfortunately, I have studied in Western countries and I happen to understand foreign languages. So, you think I will leave these things and let you continue to harm the people of China. Is it?" Lu Yue looked at Tom and others with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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