Chapter 240 The Forgotten Rumor
Hearing this, Tom and the others had a flash of understanding in their eyes. It turned out that Lu Yue had studied in the West. No wonder, Lu Yue could understand the things left by his companions.A light flashed in their eyes. The moment they saw Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, Tom and the others knew that they were practitioners.

They are cultivators in the East and the West, and there have been many conflicts in recent years, and now that Lu Yue knows what they are doing, I am afraid they will not let them go, and after Lu Yue and Lin Jiu burned the laboratory, They didn't leave, which showed that their guess was not wrong. Lu Yue and Lin Jiu wanted to kill them so that they wouldn't study zombies any more.

Thinking of this, Tom and the others didn't say anything nonsense, took out the silver cross, and struck at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu. In the eyes of Tom and the others, the strength of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue was about the same as their own. , will not be any stronger than them, and there are ten people on their side, it is not difficult to kill Lu Yue and Lin Jiu.

If Lu Yue and Lin Jiu knew what Tom and the others were thinking, they would definitely tell them seriously that their thinking was too naive. When Tom and the others looked at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue I also looked at Tom and others, wanting to know how strong these Western missionaries are?

Unlike Tom and others, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue found that the strength of these missionaries was not strong, or even weak, which was equivalent to their master level. With their current strength , no matter who makes the move, these missionaries can be easily beheaded.

Tom and others have been studying zombies for a while. They have heard before that using the blood of cultivators to cultivate zombies can increase the strength of zombies. When they take down Lin Jiu and Lu Yue Finally, be sure to see if this is true.

Seeing the actions of Tom and others, Lu Yue took a step forward, without saying anything nonsense, and directly performed the method of wooden stakes. Under Lu Yue's control, the wooden stakes and vines sprang out from the ground, trying to kill Tom and others. stuck in it.

Tom and the others did not expect that Lu Yue's methods were so powerful that they were defenseless. When they realized it, there were already many wooden stakes around them, trapping them all.At the same time, many vines kept hitting them.

Seeing this, Tom and the others didn't panic at all. The silver cross in their hands, under the urging of Tom and the others, bursts of white light, like a sharp sword, swiped quickly, and chopped off many vines, trying to kill them All the vines were cut off, and they were not given a chance to get close.

Originally, Tom and the others thought that even if they had a sharp silver cross in hand, it would not be an easy task to cut off these vines. After all, they had heard of the Eastern Taoism, which was extremely magical and powerful. It is not an easy task to break it.

But what happened next filled Tom and the others with doubts and disdain.It turned out that when the silver cross in their hands crossed those vines, they easily fought all the vines.Looking at the vines that were easily cut off, Tom and the others were filled with disdain. It seems that the oriental Taoism is not very good. They broke it so easily. When they return to the West, they must put these things away. Propagate it well in the West, so as not to be deceived by these Easterners again, thinking that the Eastern Taoism is really powerful and difficult.

This kind of gossip has a long history, and it is not an easy task to break the cognition of the companions, and the bodies of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu are needed, or they themselves can testify.

Thinking of this, Tom and the others felt even more murderous. Then, with the help of the silver cross in their hands, Tom and the others prepared to forcibly go to Lu Yue and kill Lu Yue. As long as Lu Yue can be killed, these wooden The piles and vines will disappear because of Lu Yue's death.

Unfortunately, what these people don't know is that as long as they don't burn these vines to ashes, Lu Yue can control these vines to attack them. Before, the reason why Lu Yue didn't control these vines to attack them was just to let After more vines piled up around them, take them all down in one fell swoop before anyone escapes.

Although Lu Yue did not appear in front of Tom and the others in this matter, with the help of many vines, Lu Yue could see every move of Tom and the others very clearly. He saw that there had been a lot of accumulation under the feet of Tom and the others. Behind the vines, Lu Yue knew that it was time to kill Tom and others.

With a thought, the vines that were cut off by Tom and the others grew rapidly and wrapped around the bodies of Tom and the others in an instant. This scene happened too fast and too suddenly. It has completely entangled them and kept tightening, causing Tom and others to feel great pain, and they couldn't help screaming.

Now, they finally understand why those seniors, when they knew they were going to go to China, kept telling them not to conflict with the people who practiced in China, so as not to die in China, and they also understood why those seniors were so afraid of Dongfang It turned out that the oriental Taoism is really extremely powerful and difficult, and they cannot be compared with it.

Afterwards, Tom and the others wanted to wave the cross in their hands to cut off many vines, but saw that their body was spreading continuously, covering all parts of their bodies, and they waved the cross in their hands weakly towards Tom and his party.

This is not the thing that makes Tom and others feel desperate the most. What makes Tom and others feel desperate is that Tom and others discovered that many wooden thorns appeared on the vines and pierced into their bodies. These wooden thorns contained toxins , Tom and the others felt a burst of dizziness and weakness, and could no longer hold the cross in their hands, allowing the cross to fall to the ground.

These crosses are made of silver and are quite valuable, so naturally Lu Yue will not miss them. When these crosses fell to the ground, Lu Yue drove the vines and brought these crosses in front of him, "Master, Put away these crosses first, you can refine these crosses into swords, so that when we encounter Western zombies in the future, we can use the sword to kill them."

"Okay, then I will put these crosses here first, and when I go back, my teacher will find someone to refine the crosses into swords." As he said, Lin Jiu put away the crosses in front of him, and at the same time, his heart beat He made up his mind to take Lu Yue out for a walk after Lu Yue's cultivation broke through the realm of a human teacher, so as to get to know more people, so that he would not know who to ask for help in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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