Chapter 241 Beauty Invitation

"Master, these Western missionaries have been captured by me. Do you have any questions?" If not, Lu Yue is ready to kill these Western missionaries.

"No." With the strength of Tom and others, even if they really know something, they won't know too much. Maybe they don't know as much as they do, and Lin Jiu doesn't want to confront all the Western missionaries at this time. .After all, once confronted with all the Western missionaries, there will be a huge wave in the cultivation world, and by that time, it is unknown how many fellows will die because of it.

More importantly, it is not a life-and-death struggle with Western missionaries. For Lin Jiu, the most important thing now is to protect Lu Yue and break through to the realm of the celestial master with himself. Once he can break through the realm of the celestial master, His strength will increase a lot. At that time, not to mention being invincible in the cultivation world, he will be regarded as one of the top masters. There are only a few people who can compare with himself.

In this way, Lin Jiu was naturally unwilling to cause more trouble at this time.Of course, if he encounters Westerners who are doing evil, Lin Jiu will still take action and kill these Western missionaries to let those Western missionaries know that China is not a place where they can be presumptuous.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue didn't intend to ask anything, and directly cast the palm thunder, and hit them and the others on the heads, beheading Tom and the others with ease. After that, Lu Yue gathered the corpses of Tom and the others together Burn it together, burn it to ashes, and bury it in the ground.

After finishing all this, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue went to Ren Mansion.Seeing Lin Jiu and Lu Yue coming back, Ma Madi and others hurriedly came to Lin Jiu and Lu Yue and asked, "Brother, how is it? Is the zombie dead?" Look at Lin Jiu and Lu Yue With a relaxed expression, these two people should have killed Nintendo, otherwise, they couldn't have been so relaxed.

"Everyone, don't worry, the zombie has been killed by us, you can rest assured, but, Junior Brother Ma Madi, we are still not sure whether all the zombies have been killed, you should check around , lest there be any fish that slip through the net?"

Those zombies who were bitten to death by Nintendo and transformed are not considered powerful. With Ma Madi's strength, it is a breeze to kill them. However, finding zombies is extremely troublesome, and it may take a few days. OK, and you need to keep walking.

Lin Jiu didn't want to get involved in this kind of troublesome matter, so it's better to leave it to Ma Madi himself. Anyway, this matter was originally caused by Ma Madi. "I see, I will take Aqiang and Ahao to do this now. Aqiang, Ahao, let's go."

Looking at Ma Madi's unkind eyes, Ah Qiang and A Hao dare not refuse, otherwise, based on their understanding of Ma Madi, Ma Madi would definitely beat them up, and then take them to the It is basically impossible to find zombies if you want to.

In this case, Aqiang and Ahao, how could they be willing to be beaten up by Ma Madi before looking for the traces of zombies? "Yes, Master, we know." After finishing speaking, the two followed Ma Ma in frustration. After Ma Tei, look for any zombies to survive.

After the three of Ma Madi left, Master Ren couldn't help looking at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked, "Uncle Jiu, can the three priests do it?" Lin Jiu was there before, and Ma Madi didn't dare to expose his true nature. Going out, without Lin Jiu's suppression, Ma Madi naturally restrained his nature, so, how could Master Ren and others not know that Ma Madi and others are unreliable?

"Master Ren, don't worry, my junior brother is not weak, and the most powerful zombie has been killed by our master and apprentice. The remaining zombies are not strong. With Ma Madi's strength, even if it is true There are also surviving zombies, and they can be easily killed, so don't worry, everyone." Lin Jiu assured
Hearing Lin Jiu's assurance, Mr. Ren and others breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with Ma Madi, Lin Jiu is much more reliable, and will not use such things to deceive them. Since Lin Jiu said so, That means that even if there are remaining zombies, there will not be many, and the strength will not be too strong. Otherwise, Lin Jiu would not let Ma Madi and others go to look for zombies.

However, remembering what Ma Madi and his group did before, Master Ren still looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked, "Uncle Jiu, the three priests, can you really kill all the zombies nearby?"

After this period of contact, Master Ren already knows that this zombie is more difficult and terrifying than he estimated. Once a fish slips through the net, it won't be long before all the people in Renjia Town will be bitten to death by that zombie. , when the time comes, this Ren family town will also become a dead place, such a thing is not something Master Ren would like to see.

After all, this zombie appeared because of their Ren family. Even if their Ren family had no casualties, after they died, they would still have to pay a heavy price for what happened today.

"Master Ren, don't worry. Although my junior brother seems unreliable, but, Mr. Ren, don't forget that my junior brother is a cultivator no matter what. There will be consequences near Renjia Town, so even if it is for themselves, they will not slack off, because the consequences are not something they can afford."

After hearing what Lin Jiu said, Mr. Ren was right when he thought about it. Ma Madi is a cultivator, how could he not know the danger of zombies, and he would never dare to be negligent in this matter.Afterwards, Master Ren asked Lin Jiu and the others to wash up.

But he said that after lunch, Lu Yue planned to go back to his room to practice, but at this moment, Ren Tingting brought Ren Zhuzhu to Lu Yue and asked, "Senior brother, why don't we go for a walk in the town? The home town is no worse than the Ren home town where we live."

"Junior Sister, I still can't do it. I plan to practice in the room." After speaking, Lu Yue planned to go back to the room to practice, but unexpectedly, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu suddenly stepped forward and each forcibly grabbed one of Lu Yue's arms. hand, go outside.

"Senior brother, we haven't stayed in Renjia Town for a long time. We don't know when we will come to Renjia Town next time. Let's not practice for now. Let's take a stroll in the town together. Senior brother, look, your clothes are all torn , I should buy another one." After speaking, he took Lu Yue away without any explanation.

Although, relying on Lu Yue's current strength, it is not difficult to break free from the hands of the two, but once he does this, he may hurt the hearts of the two. Forget it, I won't practice today. The two of them have a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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