Chapter 242
Before, when they pulled Lu Yue away, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu were still worried that Lu Yue would forcefully break free from them. If that was the case, the two of them really didn't know how to face Lu Yue in the next period of time. Fortunately, the two of them didn't realize what they were worried about. Lu Yue didn't break free from their hands and followed them away, feeling relieved.

Seeing the figures of the three leaving, Ah Wei was envious for a while, if the two cousins ​​could treat him like this, no, there is no need to do this, as long as they only need to treat half of Senior Brother Lu Yue, that would be fine.

However, Awei knew in his heart that the two cousins ​​didn't mean anything to him, and if he continued to entangle, it would only make the two cousins ​​even more unhappy, and even irritate the other seniors, which was of no benefit to him, so, Ah Wei Wei had no choice but to let go of the thoughts he shouldn't have.

Different from Ah Wei, at this time, Ren Yue and Ren Fa were full of doubts. They didn't know what was going on, why, their daughter would do such a thing in front of them. People reached an agreement last night, or because of other reasons.

However, now is not the time to delve into this matter. The most important thing now is to determine whether Ren Zhuzhu also has Yin veins in her body. If so, I am afraid that Ren Zhuzhu also needs to worship Lin Jiu as a teacher. Otherwise, maybe one day those dirty things will be killed.

"Uncle Jiu, I don't know, does my daughter also have a special blood?" Ren Yue looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked.If possible, Ren Yue hoped that his daughter would not have yin veins, so that she could be an ordinary person.However, Ren Yue knew in his heart that this possibility was not great, after all, Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting were cousins.

Because of Ren Tingting, how could Lin Jiu not pay attention to Ren Zhuzhu, "Master Ren, although I haven't tested it yet, I'm [-]% sure that this Ren Zhuzhu also has yin veins." For this result, Ren Yue He didn't feel any surprise, because he had already guessed it, but he still had a little luck in his heart, hoping that his daughter didn't have that special blood.

"Uncle Jiu, if the little girl really has Yin veins, can you take her as a disciple if it's not Uncle Jiu?" Although Lin Jiu said that he was only [-]% sure, Ren Yue knew that his daughter probably also had that in her body. Yin veins, so, what his father can do is let Lin Jiu, a powerful Taoist priest, accept Zhuzhu as his apprentice, and protect her from being harmed by those dirty things.

As soon as Ren Yue's voice fell, Ren Fa on the side was afraid that Lin Jiu would refuse, so he hurriedly said, "Uncle Jiu, why don't you just accept Zhuzhu, or else, my poor niece, I don't know when , will be killed."

Although the contact time is not long, Lin Jiu can see that Ren Zhuzhu's nature is not bad, and it can even be said to be kind. If Ren Zhuzhu really has Yin veins, even if Ren Yue doesn't say it, Lin Jiu will She will be accepted as a disciple so that she will not be harmed.

"If Zhuzhu really has Yin veins, Pindao will accept her, but, like Ren Tingting, Pindao will accept her as a registered disciple first, and will not accept her as a personal disciple until she meets the requirements of Pindao ?” After speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Ren Yue, wondering if Ren Yue would agree.

Before, Ren Yue had already learned about Tingting's situation from Ren Fa, and he didn't have extravagant expectations. Lin Jiu would accept Zhuzhu as his personal disciple from the very beginning, and he had already made preparations, "As long as the Taoist leader is willing to accept the little girl, that's fine. For other things, everything depends on your wish, the Taoist chief."

"Okay, then when Zhuzhu comes back, Pindao will test her to see if she has Yin veins." After that, Lin Jiu and the two masters began to chat.

However, when the three of them left Ren's mansion, Lu Yue looked at Ren Zhuzhu and the two curiously and asked, "What do you two mean?" Waiting for the face of others to do such a thing.After all, Lu Yue didn't believe that the two of them would not know the consequences of doing so.

Seeing Lu Yue looking straight at him, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu blushed, and then they looked at each other, looked at Lu Yue and said, "Brother, we both like you, so yesterday we agreed , fair competition in the future." When they said this, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu looked at Lu Yue cautiously, wanting to know what Lu Yue thought after hearing their words.

Lu Yue was taken aback by what the two said. He didn't expect these two to be so bold and dare to say such a thing.After thinking for a while, looking at the two of them, they said, "Our contact time is too short. It's too early to say this now. Let's talk about it later. However, I require strong strength for the other half. After all, I am a cultivator. If the other half can't keep up with me, they won't be with me for long, and I don't want to experience the feeling of life and death." After speaking, Lu Yue ignored the two of them and walked straight forward.

"Brother, don't worry, in the future we will work hard to cultivate and strive to be worthy of you." As they spoke, the two quickly caught up with Lu Yue, and they walked around Renjia Town with Lu Yue.

As Ren Yue's daughter, Ren Zhuzhu had a good reputation in Renjia Town, so when many people saw Lu Yue, they were filled with envy and wished to replace her.

However, Lu Yue is extremely extraordinary in both temperament and appearance. One can tell that Lu Yue is not a child of ordinary people. Seeing Ren Zhuzhu's attitude towards Lu Yue makes them believe even more that their guess is not wrong. , this Lu Yue is definitely not an ordinary person, so naturally he dared not say anything, so as not to offend Lu Yue.Therefore, nothing unpleasant happened in the afternoon.

After dinner, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, when are we going back to Yizhuang?"

Before, Lin Jiu had confirmed that Ren Zhuzhu also had Yin veins, and accepted him as a registered disciple. If they go back now, they need to take Ren Zhuzhu with them.However, as soon as Ren Zhuzhu came back from studying abroad, he immediately took Ren Zhuzhu away, which was a bit inhumane.However, if something really happened to Lu Yue, Lin Jiu would still take Lu Yue back to Yizhuang.

"Master, I feel that the bottleneck has been loosened. It won't be long before I can break through to the realm of human masters. Therefore, I want to go back to Yizhuang as soon as possible to retreat and practice to break through the realm of human masters." Once I break through the realm of human masters, all aspects will be There is not a small improvement, so how can Lu Yue not be in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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