Chapter 244 The Innocent Two

What Ma Madi said made Lin Jiu feel angry. Why is Lin Jiu so ungrateful? When he knew that Ma Madi was in trouble, Lin Jiu brought Lu Yue and others here right away. Save him, are you afraid that something will happen to him numbly?

However, seeing Ma Madi's worried look, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart, knowing that Ma Madi wanted to use this method to motivate himself to go to Maoshan with him.

"Ma Madi, you don't have to provoke me like this. Let me tell you the truth. I really can't take Lu Yue to Maoshan with you. Let me tell you this. If I didn't take Lu Yue to Maoshan, the law enforcement elder At most, it will be a severe punishment, and it will not be too much, but once I take Lu Yue back to Maoshan and intercede for you, I can guarantee that the law enforcement elders will treat you as if you killed your father and enemy. Imagine."

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Ma Madi's first reaction was that he didn't believe that the law enforcement elders would treat him as Lin Jiu said, but, seeing Lin Jiu's serious look, Ma Madi knew that Lin Jiu was not talking to him Just kidding, that is to say, what Lin Jiu said before is all true.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked, "Lin Jiu, tell me the truth, what is going on with your disciple?" Although, the identity of Lu Yueshao as the head teacher is not a secret Even if you don't say anything about the matter, you will know it after Ma Madi returns to the Maoshan School.

It's just that the two disciples of Ma Madi are not good at first glance. After returning to the Maoshan Sect, the two will be abolished by the Maoshan Sect and expelled from the Maoshan Sect.

At that time, there is a high possibility that these two people will hate the Maoshan faction because of this. If these two people know Lu Yue's identity, they may do something to endanger Lu Yue and take revenge on Maoshan.

Therefore, Lin Jiu didn't intend to tell the two of Lu Yue's identity, so when the two of them knew that Lu Yue was the young head teacher of the Maoshan School, it might be a few years later. With Lu Yue's aptitude, Lu Yue at that time, The strength must have increased a lot. Even if the Celestial Master made a move, he might not be able to take Lu Yue down. It's okay to be exposed.However, looking at Ma Madi's attitude, if he didn't tell Lu Yue's identity today, Ma Madi might not give up.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu took Ma Madi not far away, looked at Ma Madi and said, "Junior Brother, I will not hide it from you. After all, when you return to the Maoshan School, you will also know about this matter. Lu Yue is not only My direct disciple is also the young head teacher of the Maoshan Sect."

Before, Ma Madi had vaguely sensed that Lu Yue's identity was absolutely extraordinary, but Ma Madi did not expect that Lu Yue would be the young master. "What?" It's just that Lin Jiu covered his mouth as soon as he uttered these two words, "Ma Madi, now Lu Yue's identity cannot be revealed, otherwise, I know what the consequences will be for you."

Seeing Ma Ma nodded, Lin Jiu let go, and then looked at Ma Ma with disgust and said, "Ma Madi, how long has it been since you took a bath, you smell so bad."

If Lin Jiu dared to say that about himself at other times, Ma Madi would definitely talk to Lin Jiu, but now, Ma Madi is not in the mood to argue with Lin Jiu, nor does he dare to argue with Lin Jiu, Lu Yue belongs to Lin Jiu As a direct disciple, if he sees himself arguing with Lin Jiu, he will definitely have a worse impression of himself. No matter how bold he is, he will not dare to offend Lu Yue, the future head teacher of the Maoshan School.However, the more this happened, the more Ma Madi hoped that Lu Yue would intercede for him. If Lu Yue, the young head teacher, spoke up, the law enforcement elders would definitely deal with him leniently.

However, before Ma Madi could say anything, Lin Jiu said again, "Ma Madi, now the head teacher and others are very concerned about Lu Yue's cultivation progress, and hope that Lu Yue can grow up as soon as possible, and no one is allowed to disturb him." As far as Lu Yue's cultivation is concerned, and now Lu Yue is at the critical moment of breaking through the human master, if you disturb Lu Yue at this time, junior brother, and bring Lu Yue to Maoshan, then waiting for the junior brother will be the head teacher, the law enforcement elder and others. Anger. So, Junior Brother, do you still hope that Lu Yue and I will follow you to Maoshan at this time?"

"No need, I'll go by myself." Breakthrough Master is a critical moment for any cultivator. If the law enforcement elder and the elder know that because of their own affairs, Lu Yue's cultivation has been delayed. These two will never let her go. When the time comes, her fate will definitely be even more miserable.

As for whether Lin Jiu would use this kind of thing to deceive himself, he knew in his heart that with their relationship, it was impossible for Lin Jiu to use this kind of thing to deceive himself, otherwise, Lin Jiu would not have received the After I wrote the letter, I immediately came to rescue myself.

Afterwards, Ma Madi could only take his two apprentices to Maoshan.At this time, Ahao and Aqiang didn't know what they were waiting for when they went to Maoshan. They thought that the mistake they made was not big. It is a little bit of flesh and blood.And this physical pain is nothing to A Qiang and A Hao who are often beaten badly.Otherwise, Aqiang and Ahao would never follow Ma Madi to Maoshan, but would run away directly to avoid their cultivation base being abolished.

If the cultivation base is abolished due to a serious injury, there is still a slight possibility that it can be recovered in the future, but if the cultivation base is abolished due to a mistake, unless the immortal takes action, otherwise, there is no possibility of recovery. After all, How can the people in the law enforcement hall of the sect not know how to abolish their cultivation base, so that there is no possibility of recovery.

A Qiang and A Hao, although they didn't know what was waiting for them when they went to Maoshan, but they knew very well in their hearts that there was absolutely no good fruit to eat when they went to Maoshan this time.

A few days ago, they did not propose not to go to the Maoshan faction, but told them emphatically that if they did not go to the Maoshan faction to admit their mistakes, what awaited them was to be hunted down by all the Maoshan disciples.Ah Qiang and Ah Hao have been worshiping under Ma Madi's sect for a while, how can they not know the strength of the Maoshan faction? It's an easy thing, let alone those with low strength.

If they are really wanted by the Maoshan faction, they will be captured by Maoshan disciples in a short time.Because the Maoshan faction has records of their birthdays and horoscopes, it is not difficult for Maoshan masters to find them.

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(End of this chapter)

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