Chapter 245 Professional Massage
More importantly, Aqiang and Ahao didn't think that it was possible for them to escape in front of Ma Madi. Once they escaped and were caught by Ma Madi, based on their understanding of Ma Madi, this Ma Madi will definitely beat them up severely.

Then, they were forced to take them to Maoshan, so, even if Aqiang and Ahao didn't want to follow Ma Madi to Maoshan faction, they could only correct Ma Madi and go to Maoshan.

But he said that after knowing that Ma Madi and others had left, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu. Although Lu Yue didn't say anything, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue meant.

Therefore, without waiting for Lu Yue to say something, Lin Jiu took the lead and said, "Lu Yue, don't worry, we will leave for Yizhuang early tomorrow morning." "Thank you, Master, then I will go back to practice." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue Just walked to the backyard and continued to practice.

Time passed, and it was night in a blink of an eye. At this time, it was dark. However, Lu Yue did not go back to sleep in the room. After such a long period of practice, not sleeping or eating for a few days did not have any impact on Lu Yue. Therefore, Lu Yue is in the backyard, absorbing the power of the stars and the moonlight, tempering his body, and making his body stronger.

Because of the congenital wood spirit body, Lu Yue's body can continue to become stronger. Compared with zombies of the same realm, it is not impossible. If Lu Yue can really temper his body to be as strong as a zombie It is not difficult to be invincible in the same realm in the future, but it takes a long time of tempering to make the body as strong as a zombie.

Looking at Lu Yue who was surrounded by the power of the stars and the moon, Lin Jiu's eyes flashed a bright light. The stronger the body, the easier it is for Lu Yue to practice in the future, and the stronger his combat power , If one day, Lu Yue can temper his body to be as strong as the zombie king, even if Lu Yue can't break through to the realm of the great celestial master, he can live longer and have more time to practice.Afterwards, Lin Jiu was also ready to start practicing. Lu Yue's progress was too fast, and Lin Jiu didn't dare to neglect him. He didn't want to be easily caught up by Lu Yue.

But at this moment, Lin Jiu keenly sensed a faint ghost aura not far away, but the ghost aura disappeared very quickly, so fast that Lin Jiu thought it was his own illusion.

However, Lin Jiu didn't really think that it was just his own illusion. He took out the compass to know if his induction was wrong. As soon as he activated the compass, Lin Jiu saw a faint ghostly aura floating on the compass, knowing that he My guess is not wrong, there really is a ghost there.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu was going to check it out. Originally, Lin Jiu planned to go alone.Judging from the ghost aura that flashed past before, that ghost's strength is not considered strong. With one's own strength, it is not difficult to subdue this ghost.

But at this moment, Lin Jiu saw Lu Yue suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the place where the ghost appeared. Knowing that Lu Yue had also discovered the existence of the ghost, he looked at Lin Jiu and said, "Master, let's go and have a look together?" "Okay, then let's go and have a look together?" He wanted to see where the ghost came from, knowing that their Maoshan disciples were in Renjia Town, and they dared to show up in Renjia Town.

After that, Lin Jiu took Lu Yue to where the ghost was.However, when Lin Jiu and Lu Yue came to the location of the ghost, their expressions became strange, because the location of the ghost was not any other place, but the home of Charlie Cao, the captain of the security team.Seeing this, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue beside him, and motioned for Lu Yue to take a good look inside to see what was going on inside.

This Charlie Cao is not a good thing, if the two of them rush in rashly, maybe this Charlie Cao will do something to their master and apprentice, or even make this matter big, and it is not impossible to frame them.

Seeing Lin Jiu's gaze, Lu Yue didn't know what the master meant. He didn't refuse. He used the method of wooden stakes to communicate with the surrounding vegetation. He wanted to know what the ghost was doing in Cao Charlie's room?In Cao Charlie's room, a few plants were placed, so everything in the room soon appeared in Lu Yue's induction.

Seeing Charlie Cao who was fighting the female ghost, Lu Yue quickly cut off his connection with Cao Mu, because the scene was so disgusting, if he continued to watch it, he would not be able to eat for a few days. "Master, listen to yourself." Without waiting for Lin Jiu to say anything, Lu Yue spoke first.

Hearing Lu Yue's words, a flash of understanding flashed in Lin Jiu's eyes. Lin Jiu, who is experienced in exorcising ghosts, would not know what happened inside.Although Charlie Cao is not a good person, Lin Jiu still couldn't do it if he watched Charlie Cao get killed by a female ghost.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu jumped into the courtyard lightly, and was about to kill Charlie Cao.Seeing this, Lu Yue on the side, like Lin Jiu, entered the courtyard and quietly went to Cao Charlie's place.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue heard bursts of blushing voices, causing Lin Jiu to shake his head, kick the door open, and enter the room, "Bold female ghost, how dare you!" If you dare to harm others, you will not be spared today."

The moment they saw the female ghost, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue saw bursts of blood surrounding the female ghost, and understood that this female ghost had already killed many people, and they could not let this female ghost continue to live. Go on, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die in the hands of this female ghost.

Originally, when she saw Lin Jiu and Lu Yue breaking in suddenly and ruining her good deed, the female ghost was filled with anger, wishing to kill Lin Jiu and Lu Yue immediately, but when she saw Lu Yue's eyes lit up. She sensed powerful and pure yang energy from Lu Yue's body. If she could absorb this yang energy, it would be of great benefit to her cultivation. The rapid enhancement within a short period of time is not comparable to the trash under him.

Thinking of this, the female ghost tried her best to use her charm, her eyes burst into red light, and she looked at Lu Yue with a smile and said, "This Taoist priest, my chest hurts a little. I don't know, can the Taoist rub it for my slave?" The ghost cast a charm, trying to confuse Lu Yue.

Originally, the female ghost thought that with Lin Jiu, a powerful Taoist priest watching, it would not be easy for her to confuse Lu Yue, a Taoist priest who had a relationship with Lin Jiu. He felt that Lin Jiuhui would watch helplessly as he bewitched and killed Lu Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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