Chapter 246 Confidence
But what the female ghost didn't expect was that Lu Yue was easily confused by herself, walked towards her slowly, looked at herself with fiery eyes and said, "Miss, for this kind of thing, you should find the young master. The young master is the best at it, and I will let you experience an unprecedented experience in a while, and I guarantee you will never forget it."

Hearing Lu Yue's words, the female ghost was taken aback, and then looked at where Lin Jiu was, wanting to know if Lin Jiuhui was doing something, but Lin Jiu, who made the female ghost puzzled, didn't do anything, but just stood there blankly.The female ghost was not happy with this discovery, so she was on guard secretly so as not to be tricked by Lu Yue. People, get hurt.

When seeing this female ghost, Lin Jiu found that the strength of this female ghost was not considered strong. With Lu Yue's strength, it was not difficult to kill this female ghost, and it could even be said to be easy.Therefore, when seeing Lu Yue being bewitched by the female ghost and heading towards the female ghost's place, Lin Jiu didn't do anything, because, in Lin Jiu's view, the female ghost wanted to confuse Lu Yue with the changing appearance. It's worse.

Although, the female ghost wondered why Lin Jiu didn't stop Lu Yue from approaching her, but the female ghost didn't stop Lu Yue from approaching her, because the yang energy in Lu Yue's body helped her so much that the female ghost couldn't help herself. Resisting this temptation, of course, and more importantly, in the eyes of the female ghost, she is already so careful, it is impossible for Lu Yue to sneak attack on her.

What happened next, let the female ghost know what Lu Yue said in the massage before, and also understand that she underestimated Lu Yue's ability. In the suspicious eyes, a bolt of lightning flew out of Lu Yue's palm and hit him.

The speed of the lightning is really too fast, before the female ghost has any reaction, the palm lightning strikes her ghost body, causing the female ghost to be seriously injured, if it is not at the last moment, she uses a ghost weapon , to resist part of the thunder and lightning, and now the female ghost has died under the attack of the palm thunder.The power of the thunder in the palm is extremely powerful, easily destroying the ghost weapon driven by the female ghost, and even causing the female ghost to be seriously injured. It is extremely difficult for the female ghost to understand that she wants to survive.

Fortunately, it's not that I have no hope of surviving, but if I want to survive, I still need to rely on Cao Charlie, the captain of the security team.

Earlier, in order not to let Charlie Cao spoil her good deeds, the female ghost let Charlie Cao immerse herself in a dream, and slapped Charlie Cao, causing Charlie Cao to open his eyes, "Captain Cao, these two villains are going to take me away, Captain I It's already yours, you must save me."

Saying that, the female ghost blew on Charlie Cao, bewildering Charlie Cao, and made Charlie Cao look at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, as if he saw the enemy he hated the most. Holding a pistol, he looked at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu unkindly and said, "You two are so bold, you dare to break into my house, and you dare to have evil intentions against my horse, just right, I will beat you two to death today." After finishing, Charlie Cao wanted to shoot Lu Yue.

Before, Lu Yue had been guarding against this situation for a long time. How could he let Cao Charlie succeed? He appeared in front of Cao Charlie in an instant, swung his fist, and hit Cao Charlie. I couldn't help but spit it out, the injury was serious, and the severe pain in my body made Charlie Cao regain consciousness.

Seeing Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, Charlie Cao asked suspiciously, "Two priests, why did you appear here?" Could it be that Lu Yue and Lin Jiu wanted to deal with him, as soon as the thought came out, It was denied by Charlie Cao.

Although he didn't know the identities of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, he could see that Master Ren treated Lu Yue and Lin Jiu with such respect, and Lu Yue could tell at a glance that they were not ordinary children. If you want to deal with yourself, you don't have to do it yourself, just say it, I believe there are many people in Ren's town who are willing to help them deal with themselves.

"Huh, Charlie Cao, look around first. If Master and I hadn't come tonight, you would have been sucked dry by this female ghost and killed you." After being reminded by Lu Yue, Charlie Cao also found that there was a lot of trouble not far away. Before, Charlie Cao was fascinated by the female ghost, and did not find any abnormality from this woman, but now after receiving Lu Yue's reminder, Cao Charlie quickly discovered the abnormality, knowing that what Lu Yue said was true, he Really met a female ghost.

"Two priests, you must save me. I'm still young and I don't want to die like this." Cao Charlie cried bitterly and looked at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu and begged, hoping that they would save their lives.

I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't have any ability to resist in front of the female ghost. If Lu Yue and Lin Jiu don't make a move, I will definitely die in the hands of the female ghost, and even be enslaved by the female ghost after death. Charlie Cao would not be willing to do such a thing.

Seeing Charlie Cao crying bitterly, Lu Yue felt even more disdainful, "Shut up, Charlie Cao, if you don't want to die, just stay where you are and don't make any moves." The thunder in the palm hit the female ghost.

The power of this palm thunder is not weaker than the previous one. Lu Yue originally thought that with the power of this palm thunder, he should be able to kill the female ghost.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the female ghost evaded Zhang Xinlei's attack strangely, and flew towards Charlie Cao, wanting to possess Cao Charlie. Once the female ghost possessed Cao Charlie, she wanted to kill the female ghost again. If you kill him, you will have to waste some hands and feet.

Fortunately, Lu Yue had already guessed about this kind of thing. A vine flew out from the ground and sent Cao Charlie to Lin Jiu. In this way, it was basically impossible for the female ghost to possess Cao Charlie again. After all, Master would not just watch the female ghost possessing Cao Charlie.At the same time, Lu Yue once again condensed a palm thunder and struck at the female ghost.

Before, the female ghost was able to avoid the attack of the palm thunder because the female ghost barely avoided it because she consumed her source, and the female ghost also paid a big price for this, which made her injuries a little worse. It was no longer possible to perform the previous secret technique, and he could only watch helplessly as Lu Yue condensed the lightning in his palm and hit him, and his soul flew away and turned into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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