Chapter 247 Enjoy
Although Charlie Cao had seen the female ghost disappear under the attack of lightning, he was not sure that the female ghost was dead, so he asked, "Master Lu Yue, is the female ghost dead?"

"Of course, didn't you also see that the female ghost died under the lightning. By the way, Cao Charlie, you were absorbed by the female ghost before. You need to replenish your yang energy in the next period of time. So as not to affect your lifespan, you should also get more exposure to the sun, so that you can recover faster." After speaking, Lu Yue ignored Cao Charlie and walked towards Ren's mansion.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu turned around and left. They didn't have a good impression of Cao Charlie. It would be a great mercy to tell Cao Charlie the way to eliminate the influence. If they want Lin Jiu and Lu Yue to do something for Cao Charlie, But it is impossible.

Looking at the backs of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, Cao Zha ideally wanted to say something, but unfortunately, before he could open his mouth, he saw Lu Yue and Lin Jiu had disappeared. Seeing this scene, Cao Charlie sighed in his heart. He took a deep breath, and planned to wait until noon tomorrow before visiting Lin Jiu and the others. He wanted Lin Jiu to check his body carefully so as not to leave any hidden dangers.

But when he came to Ren's mansion the next day, he was told that Lin Jiu and others had left and returned to another Ren family town. The distance between the two Ren family towns was not short, and as the captain of the security team, he wanted to It is not easy to leave Renjia Town. If he leaves forcibly, he may lose his position as the captain of the security team. This position is the foundation for him to settle down in Renjia Town. If he gets down, his fate will be better.

After Charlie Cao became the captain of the security team in Renjia Town, he offended many people. Due to his status as the captain of the security team, these people dare not do anything to him, but once he is not the captain of the security team, these people will jump To come out and find him to settle accounts can only give up the idea of ​​looking for Lin Jiu and others, and restore the consumed Yang Qi according to what Lu Yue said before.

Because of Lu Yue's current situation, along the way, Lin Jiu and the others did not delay too much, and drove the car to the Yizhuang.On the way back this time, Lin Jiu and the others did not encounter any accidents, and returned to Renjia Town smoothly.

After that, Lu Yue and the others divided into two groups, one group went to return the car, and the other group went to buy vegetables, planning to have a good meal.As for Lin Jiu, he went straight back to Yizhuang, wondering what Wencai and Qiusheng were doing?
Before, Lin Jiu had already guessed that without his own supervision, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng would not be able to practice well, but when he saw Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng lying on the recliner, basking in the sun, drinking tea comfortably , while eating snacks, a burst of anger welled up in my heart, and I quickly came to Wencai and Qiusheng, "You two scoundrels, it's really enjoyable."

"Ah, Master, why did you come back so soon?" Seeing Lin Jiu, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng who suddenly appeared in front of him, they were startled, and without any other consideration, they got up quickly and looked at him in shock. Lin Jiu asked.

Before, Wencai and Qiusheng thought that it would take a day or two for Lin Jiu to return to Yizhuang, but they didn't expect that Lin Jiu would come back today, and the master saw them slacking off, which was even worse. What's more, they enjoyed it too much before, which will undoubtedly make Lin Jiu even more angry.

However, now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is not to let Lin Jiu see the tea they made, because the tea leaves they made were given to Lin Jiu by Master Ren, and they are extremely precious. Lin Jiu himself They are not willing to drink, if they see the two of them stealing the tea, the master will be even more angry, and the two of them will definitely be even more miserable.

Wencai and Qiusheng thought very well, but unfortunately, they underestimated Lin Jiu's nose. Soon, Lin Jiu found the tea leaves that he had treasured, and was harmed by Wencai and Qiusheng.

"Evil disciples, you are so bold. It's fine if you don't practice without the teacher. You dare to steal the tea leaves from the teacher. I will let you know what the consequences will be if I am the teacher today." He took out a rattan whip from the bag, and whipped it at Wencai and Qiusheng.

Immediately, there was a flutter of chickens and dogs in the Yizhuang. After a while, Lin Jiucai stopped, looked at Wencai and Qiusheng and said, "Tonight, neither of you are allowed to sleep, understand?"

Looking at Lin Jiu's fierce eyes, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng dared not show any slight negligence, and quickly said, "Yes, Master, we know." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng started to practice in the courtyard .

Seeing Wencai and Qiusheng who started to practice, Lin Jiu didn't pay attention to them. Now even if Wencai and Qiusheng were given more courage, he didn't dare to be lazy, and walked quickly to his room, wanting to know, and keeping it for himself Wencai and Qiusheng have harmed the tea leaves that have risen.

Fortunately, both Wencai and Qiusheng knew that Lin Jiu was extremely precious to that tea, and they didn't even want to drink it, and didn't dare to take too much, lest Lin Jiu would notice and beat them up severely, making them Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he was worried that Wencai and Qiusheng had caused a lot of harm to his treasured tea leaves.

Not long after, Lu Yue and others returned to Yizhuang one after another. Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng who were practicing, Lu Yue looked at them curiously, wanting to know whether they were beaten by their master.

Although Lu Yue didn't have the guts to be blatant, Wencai and Qiusheng, after seeing Lu Yue and the others come back, Wencai and Qiusheng have been paying attention to Lu Yue. Therefore, although Lu Yue's scrutiny is hidden, it cannot be hidden Guo Wencai and Qiusheng's feelings.

Sensing that Lu Yue was sizing him up, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't know what Lu Yue was doing, but because the master was not far away, observing them, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't dare to say anything, He could only give Lu Yue a sneaky look, telling Lu Yue not to continue, after all, the two of them wanted to save face.

Seeing this, Lu Yue understood that before he came back, Wencai and Qiusheng had already been taken care of by his master, otherwise, he would not have worked so hard and stayed in the front yard to practice, but he was not in Wencai and Qiusheng. There was something abnormal about the two of them. It seemed that Master didn't deal with them much. Otherwise, I should be able to see some abnormalities.

Unfortunately, what Lu Yue didn't know was that it wasn't that Wencai and Qiusheng didn't feel pain, but that they had been dealt with by Lin Jiu too many times and had a lot of experience. Look, that's why I thought that Lin Jiu didn't clean up Wencai and Qiusheng severely.

(End of this chapter)

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