Chapter 248

Not long after Lu Yue returned to the Yizhuang, Ah Wei also brought Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu back to the Yizhuang. Looking at the young and beautiful Ren Zhuzhu, Wencai and Qiusheng were instantly moved.

A period of time ago, Wencai and Qiusheng knew that even if Lu Yue did not respond to Ren Tingting, this Ren Tingting would not like them, but this Ren Zhuzhu is different. If they guessed correctly, this Ren Tingting It should be the master's new disciples. They haven't been in contact with Lu Yue for a long time. They are more courteous. It's not impossible.

More importantly, this Ren Zhuzhu is somewhat similar to Ren Tingting, and thinking about where Lin Jiu and others went before, it is not difficult to guess that this Ren Zhuzhu is related to Ren Tingting, and she is also a rich woman. If you can marry her , In the next life, they don't have to struggle.

Regardless of what Lin Jiu said, Wencai and Qiusheng quickly came to Ren Zhuzhu and asked, "Girl, are you also our junior sister?" If Ren Zhuzhu is really a member of the Ren family, there is a great possibility , will be accepted as a disciple, and if Ren Zhuzhu has not been accepted as a disciple by the master, it is impossible to come to Yizhuang at this time. After all, this Yizhuang is not a good place. Most people don't come to Yizhuang, especially girls.

"Hello, two senior brothers. I am Ren Zhuzhu, a new student of Master, and I am your little junior sister. I will look forward to the two senior brothers in the future and give me more advice." Human strength is not considered strong, but no matter what, these two people have been with Master for many years, no matter in strength or knowledge, they are much stronger than them.

In the next time, Senior Brother Lu Yue will practice in closed doors and will not have time to give advice to them, and when the time comes, Master may need to protect Senior Brother Lu Yue, so there should be no time to give advice to them. On the two of Qiusheng.

"It turns out that you are the new disciple of the master, and I am your senior brother Qiusheng, little junior sister. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me. With my current cultivation level, senior brother, I can give you some advice. " Qiu Sheng looked at Ren Zhuzhu with a smile and said, hoping to leave a good impression on Ren Zhuzhu and prepare for his future pursuit of Ren Zhuzhu.

As soon as Qiu Sheng's voice fell, Wen Cai behind him hurriedly came to Ren Zhuzhu and said, "Little sister, I am your brother Wen Cai, and I am not weaker than Qiu Sheng. If you encounter any problems in cultivation, you can come and ask me, Lu Junior brother Yue is usually busy with cultivation and doesn't have time to answer your doubts, but I'm different, no matter when junior sister you come to see me, I have time."

Compared with Lu Yue, both he and Qiu Sheng are much worse. If Ren Zhuzhu and Lu Yue have a lot of contact time, it is estimated that Ren Zhuzhu will fall in love with Lu Yue just like Ren Tingting. Wencai would not like to see it.

Qiu Sheng beside him, when he heard Wen Cai's words, originally wanted to refute and let Ren Zhuzhu know that his own strength was stronger than Wen Cai's, but Wen Cai's next words made Qiu Sheng give up this idea, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, He didn't expect that he usually looks stupid and talented, but he can think so far, and he also understands that Wen is the one who will not give up Ren Zhuzhu.

Qiusheng didn't expose Wencai, but echoed, "Little sister, Wencai is right. Junior brother Lu Yue is busy practicing every day, so you'd better not bother him. If you encounter any problems, you can come to me, Qiusheng, and I will help you." Literary talent is the same, no matter when, there is time.”

Compared with Lu Yue, Wen Cai's threat can be said to be almost zero. If only Wen Cai competed with him, Qiu Sheng can be sure that he is definitely the final winner. Therefore, the most important thing for them now is not to let Lu Yue participate in it. Otherwise, both of them are useless.

"Thank you two brothers, I understand. If I really encounter any confusion in the future, I will definitely ask." After speaking, Ren Zhuzhu passed Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, and went to the room where she lived with Ren Tingting.

She has just joined Lin Jiu's sect, and she will need to study with Lin Jiu for a while, so this Ren Zhuzhu, like Ren Tingting, plans to live in Yizhuang, and the two will take care of each other.

Seeing the backs of Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting leaving, Wencai and Qiusheng were filled with joy. From the previous point of view, Ren Zhuzhu had a pretty good impression of the two of them. It's not that they have no chance. Beauty returns.

However, it is not an easy task to embrace a beauty, and you need to plan carefully. At the very least, you must win over Ren Tingting. If Ren Tingting is willing to say something nice for them, they want to embrace her. It will be much easier to win a beautiful woman.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to persuade Ren Tingting to help them.Ren Tingting has already taken a fancy to Junior Brother Lu Yue, and she definitely does not want Ren Zhuzhu to also fall in love with Junior Brother Lu Yue and compete with her. After all, the two of them are almost the same in terms of family background and appearance, and either of them may become the last one. winner.Junior Brother Lu Yue is too good, and after a long time of contact, it is not impossible for Ren Zhuzhu to fall in love with Junior Brother Lu Yue.

There is only one way to prevent this from happening, and that is to help the two of them embrace the beauty before Ren Zhuzhu falls in love with Junior Brother Lu Yue. In this way, Ren Zhuzhu will no longer fight with Junior Brother Lu Yue .

Awei not far away looked at Wencai and Qiusheng with lewd smiles, how could he not be able to guess what they were thinking, came to them, and said, "Senior brothers, you don't need to waste your efforts, Those two cousins ​​of mine won't take a fancy to you."

"Ah Wei, what do you mean by that, tell me clearly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you?" Could it be that Ren Zhuzhu has also taken a fancy to Lu Yue Junior Brother, no, this is impossible, the two How could it be possible for Ren Zhuzhu to fall in love with Junior Brother Lu Yue so quickly after a few days of contact with talents?

But at this moment, Wencai and Qiusheng thought that it was only a few days before Ren Tingting fell in love with Lu Yue, and since Ren Tingting fell in love with Lu Yue, she has never changed her mind.Thinking of this, Wencai and Qiusheng felt bitter. If Ren Zhuzhu really fell in love with Junior Brother Lu Yue, then no matter what they did, they might not have a chance to embrace the beauty.

No, then Ren Tingting has been by Lu Yue's side all the time, and she will definitely not watch Ren Zhuzhu fall in love with Lu Yue, so that she can have another strong opponent.Thinking of this, Wencai and Qiusheng looked at Awei directly, wanting to know what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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