Chapter 250
After seeing Lu Yue leave, Lin Jiu got up and came to Wen Cai and the others, looked at Wen Cai and the others solemnly and said, "In a while, Lu Yue will retreat in the backyard and break through the realm of human masters. Before Lu Yue breaks through, You must never get close to the place where Lu Yue is retreating, even if you pass by the backyard, you must be careful not to make a big noise, so as not to disturb Lu Yue's retreat, understand?"

When he said this, Lin Jiu looked straight at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.Among my disciples, Wencai and Qiusheng were the most unreliable. If I didn't speak clearly, there might be some trouble between these two, which would ruin Lu Yue's retreat.

Seeing Lin Jiu's gaze, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng felt a rare blushing. How could they not know what Lin Jiu was worried about? Then, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng wanted to say something to reassure Lin Jiu, but Before they could speak, Ren Tingting spoke first, "Master, why don't you leave the cooking to me and Zhuzhu." In this way, Wencai and Qiusheng have no reason to approach the backyard , and will not bother Senior Brother Lu Yue.

Hearing Ren Tingting's words, Lin Jiu looked at the two suspiciously and asked, "You two can cook?" "Master, don't worry, we have all learned how to cook. It's bad, if you don't believe me, Master, the two of us can cook a meal now."

As soon as Ren Tingting finished speaking, Ren Zhuzhu who was beside her quickly said, "Master, don't worry, the cooking of our two sisters is not bad." I will leave the matter to the two of you, but when the two of you pass by the backyard, be careful not to disturb Lu Yue's retreat."

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely not affect Senior Brother Lu Yue." "Okay, Wen is the three of you next, if it is not necessary, don't enter the backyard, understand?"

"Yes, Master, we know." Before, Wencai and Qiusheng still had a little bit of luck in their hearts, hoping that what Ah Wei said before was false, but seeing Ren Zhuzhu's worried look earlier, Ah Wei did not. He didn't deceive them, otherwise, Ren Zhuzhu wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

This discovery filled the hearts of Wencai and Qiusheng with despair. After a lot of effort, they had one more junior sister. Originally, they thought they would have a chance to embrace a beautiful woman.

Unexpectedly, before they could take any action, this beauty had already taken the initiative to throw herself into the arms of Junior Brother Lu Yue, so that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng could understand that even if Master would accept female disciples in the future, as long as Lu Yue was around, this junior sister would be happy. It has nothing to do with myself.

Unless Lu Yue leaves Yizhuang, it will be possible for the newly accepted junior sister of the master.However, in Master's heart, even if the two of them add up, they are not one-tenth of Lu Yue's junior brother. Not an easy task.

Fortunately, Junior Brother Lu Yue's talent is extremely powerful, and he would be able to become a teacher in a short time. Thinking of this, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng felt better and continued to practice in the front yard.

Although, at this time, the master is not in the front yard, but Wencai and Qiusheng know that the master must be paying attention to the situation here secretly. If they dare not practice seriously, they will definitely deal with them after Lu Yue leaves the customs. .

After coming to the backyard, Lu Yue quickly chose a corner as his retreat, and at the same time planted a few trees around him to surround himself.

After that, Lu Yue began to practice.Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next morning. With the help of many plants and trees, Lu Yue drew nearly fifty rays of rising sun purple energy, which made Lu Yue emit a faint purple light, which was sacred and inviolable.

After such a long period of practice, Lu Yue has a lot of experience in refining the Chaoyang Purple Qi. It can be said that Lu Yue has more experience than anyone in the cultivation world. As time goes by, the Chaoyang Purple Qi in Lu Yue's body is constantly being absorbed Refining made Lu Yue's spiritual power more and more pure.

Half an hour later, Lu Yue finally completely refined all the Sunburst Purple Qi in his body, and began to break through the realm of human masters. Under Lu Yue's control, the nearby plants and trees continuously pulled spiritual energy into Lu Yue's body, For Lu Yue to break through.

However, now is the age of dharma, and the aura is thin. Even if Lu Yue has many plants and trees to help him draw the aura, it is not not easy to break through the realm of human masters. It will take a few days or even longer to accumulate aura. to break through.Originally, Lu Yue thought so, and had already planned to spend a few days or even longer to break through the realm of human master.

But soon, something happened that Lu Yue didn't expect. The Golden Sun Sword that Lu Yue had put into his body before suddenly flew out of Lu Yue's body and turned into standing on top of Lu Yue's head, bursting with red light. , Lu Yue sensed a lot of spiritual energy suddenly appearing in the void, submerging himself in it.

This discovery filled Lu Yue's heart with doubts. He didn't know where these sudden auras came from. However, Lu Yue knew that now was not the time to think about this. The most important thing now was to refine these auras. , break through the human master realm, otherwise, I am afraid that I will be blown up by these auras.

As many auras were refined, the barriers that prevented Lu Yue from breaking through the realm of the human teacher began to loosen. After an unknown amount of time, there was a light sound from Lu Yue's body. After that, the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body, Rapidly strengthened, so far Lu Yue broke through the realm of a first-rank human teacher.

And at the moment when Lu Yue broke through the realm of human master, the celestial talisman in his body suddenly flew out, stood in the void, bursting with white light, pulling the power of stars one after another, blending into the celestial talisman, making the celestial talisman completely It took shape and flew back into Lu Yue's body.

And the moment Tianlu flew back, the Golden Sun Sword that had been standing above Lu Yue's head also flew back into Lu Yue's body.Lu Yue didn't know what had happened. At this time, he was busy refining the remaining aura and stabilizing the cultivation base he had just broken through.

Lu Yue didn't know what happened, but Lin Jiu, who was protecting Lu Yue, could see it clearly. Seeing the power of the Jinyang Sword, Lin Jiu was shocked. He knew the Jinyang Sword before. This fairy weapon is extremely extraordinary, but Lin Jiu never thought that the power of the Jinyang Sword would be so extraordinary that it could draw so much aura to help Lu Yue break through.

At the same time, Lin Jiu couldn't help feeling a bit of greed in his heart, wanting to take the Golden Sun Sword as his own, but Lin Jiu wiped away the idea as soon as he came up with it. The Golden Sun Sword belongs to Lu Yue, how could he To snatch Lu Yue's things.

(End of this chapter)

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