Chapter 251 I'm Partial

After dispelling the idea of ​​snatching the Golden Sun Sword, Lin Jiu continued to pay attention to Lu Yue's situation, and the appearance of Tianlu next let Lin Jiu know that Lu Yue had left a name in the heaven, even if he could not ascend to immortality in this life, In the next life, I can also cultivate to become a fairy, and I feel envious in my heart.

After that, Lin Jiu did not continue to protect the law, but came to the front yard and taught Ren Tingting and others to practice.Now that Lu Yue has broken through the realm of being a human teacher, Lu Yue only needs to refine the remaining spiritual energy, and then he will be out of the gate, and he no longer needs to protect Lu Yue himself.

The cultivation of Ren Tingting and others is not very good. Ren Tingting and others don't know what happened in the backyard before. Seeing Lin Jiu appearing here at this time, Ren Tingting and others are full of doubts. Is Lu Yue the Dharma protector? Why are you here? "Master, why don't you protect the law for senior brother?" Ren Tingting looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked.

Although Ren Tingting and others are not high-level cultivation bases, it can even be said that people who have just stepped into cultivation have no idea what kind of realm a human teacher is.

But I also know that it is not an easy task to break through the realm of human master, and it may take a few days, or even longer, so why doesn't the master continue to protect Lu Yue?

"Tingting, you don't need to worry, Lu Yue has got some opportunities, and now he has broken through the human master realm, and is stabilizing the cultivation base that he just broke through. It won't be long before he will leave the level."

As soon as Lin Jiu's words fell, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Lin Jiu, looked at Lin Jiu fawningly and asked, "Master, did you give Lu Yue a treasure to improve his cultivation, so "Junior brother Lu Yue can break through the realm of human master so quickly. If master is really like this, we should talk about it. We are both your disciples. Master, you can't be so partial. All good things are only for Lu Yue." Junior brother alone, do you want to share a little bit between the two of us?"

"It's Master. The two of us have started many years earlier than Lu Yue. Master and the two of us don't ask you to treat us fairly. At least, Master, you can't give all the good things in your hands to Lu Yue. You should also share some of them with us. ?” Wen Cai echoed.

"Hmph, you two also know that the time you have been in my sect is much longer than that of Lu Yue, but the two of you look at your cultivation, why are you so much worse than Lu Yue?" Lin Jiu looked unkindly. Wencai and Qiusheng asked.

Originally, after hearing the words of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, Ah Wei also thought that Master had given Senior Brother Lu Yue some treasure, which made Senior Brother Lu Yue break through the realm of human master so quickly.

I also want to go forward and ask, to see what kind of treasure it is, and if I can give myself a little bit, so that I can quickly strengthen myself in a short period of time. After all, my age is a few years older than Wencai and others. However, he has just stepped into the door of cultivation, which filled Awei's heart with anxiety. He was deeply afraid that if he could not break through quickly now, it would not be easy to break through in the future.

But looking at Lin Jiu's unkind eyes, Ah Wei didn't dare to go forward, stood on the spot and pricked up his ears, wanting to know how senior brother Lu Yue broke through the realm of human master in such a short period of time.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Wencai and Qiusheng were filled with despair, and they argued, "Master, the junior brother is a pervert, not ordinary people like us, and can be compared with, even if you were compared to the junior brother back then, master Let alone us.”

"That's right, master, my junior brother is a genius, not something ordinary people like us can compare with."

"Huh, I don't need you two to be a teacher. You can break through quickly like Lu Yue, but you two must at least practice hard like Lu Yue. Wencai Qiusheng, tell me, when did the two of you work hard to be a teacher? Among such disciples, you two are the laziest.

Even the three of Awei are inferior, even if there is any treasure to improve the cultivation level in the hands of the teacher, it will not be given to the two of you, but to the three of Awei, so as not to waste it, not to mention, in the hands of the teacher, There is no such treasure at all. The reason why your Junior Brother Lu Yue can break through so quickly is because of himself, and has nothing to do with being a teacher. "

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng did not fully believe what Lin Jiu said, but looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously and asked, "Master, what you said is true, did you really not help Junior Brother Lu Yue break through his cultivation?"

As soon as these words came out, Wencai and Qiusheng said badly in secret. Based on their understanding of Lin Jiu, if Master really gave Lu Yue the treasure, he would definitely not hide it from them, and there is no need to hide it from them. , Lu Yue's talent is indeed much better than theirs, and he works harder than them. Naturally, if there are treasures, they will be given to Lu Yue, who has better aptitude and stronger strength.

"Two bastards, as a teacher, as for using this kind of thing to deceive you, what good is it for a teacher to deceive you? I will tell you today as a teacher. As a teacher, I am partial to your Lu Yue junior brother, because, Lu Yue Not only is he better qualified than the two of you, but he also cultivates harder than you, is it wrong to favor him as a teacher?" Lin Jiu growled.

"Master, you are right, we are wrong, we should not doubt you, Master." After speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng continued to practice.

After years of getting along, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't know that Lin Jiu was angry with them this time. If they dared to reveal it at this time, Lin Jiu would definitely beat them up and vent their anger.Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't want to be Lin Jiu's punching bag at this time, let alone being beaten by Lin Jiu in front of Ren Tingting and others.

Seeing that Wencai and Qiusheng continued to practice, Lin Jiu did not continue, but came to Awei, looked at Awei solemnly and said, "Awei, don't be in a hurry to practice, although you are older than everyone else. There is no need to worry about being a few years older. As long as you work hard, you will definitely achieve something in the future. It is not impossible to reach the realm of a master. Therefore, you don't need to be anxious just because you are older than others , These have little impact on practitioners, you just need to practice step by step, understand?"

Although Awei hid the anxiety in his heart very well, he couldn't hide from Lin Jiu's induction. With Lin Jiu's knowledge, how could he not be able to guess what was going on? How could he not mention something about Awei? This is to prevent Awei from going on the wrong path because of his anxiety, which will affect his future achievements.

Lin Jiu's words made Awei feel relieved, and he knew why Lin Jiu said that. He bowed respectfully to Lin Jiu and said, "Thank you, master, for your reminder. This disciple understands."

(End of this chapter)

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