Chapter 255
Time passed, and a month passed like this. During this month, although Lu Yue and others did not take a step out of the Yizhuang, both Lu Yue and Lin Jiu could sense the appearance of people around the Yizhuang. There were quite a few evil spirits, and as time passed, more and more evil spirits appeared around Yizhuang.

This discovery made Lin Jiu and Lu Yue's faces serious, and they also understood that the situation was more serious than they had estimated before. Even these not-so-powerful monsters dared to approach Yizhuang You can imagine how many evil things there will be in other places where there are no powerful practitioners sitting in town.You know, since Lin Jiu was in Yizhuang, there were basically no evil things, and he just got close to Yizhuang to avoid being caught by Lin Jiu.

That night, after dinner, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, what should I do?" There are many evil spirits sealed in Yizhuang, and one of them must be left to take care of them. Evil ghost, otherwise, there is a high possibility that the evil things nearby will enter Yizhuang while the two of them are out, and release the evil spirit that Lin Jiu sealed. If this is the case, the Ren family will The people in the town are very likely to be killed by these evil spirits.

More importantly, the three of Ren Tingting are still in the Yizhuang. If there are powerful evil spirits who enter the Yizhuang and see the three of Ren Tingting, I am afraid that they will find something special about the three of Ren Tingting. The three of them would probably die.

But if the evil spirits nearby were ignored, these evil spirits might harm the people nearby. Neither Lin Jiu nor Lu Yue wanted to see such a thing.

Although Lu Yue didn't say it clearly, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue meant? After pondering for a while, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, for the next period of time, you will be in Yizhuang. Let me handle those evil spirits outside, right?"

Now, there are many evil spirits and resentment. With the help of these evil spirits and evil spirits, the evil spirits can not only increase their strength greatly in a short period of time, but even make these evil spirits mutate and have strange abilities. At that time, they may find Lu If Yue's physique is really like this, they will no longer want to have peace in Yizhuang in the future. More importantly, Lu Yue will also be in danger because of this. This is not something Lin Jiu wants to see.

Hearing this, how can Lu Yue not know what Master thinks, "Master, you should come and sit in Yizhuang. As for these evil spirits, I will leave it to my disciples to deal with them. Last time, the head teacher gave me the golden robe Body protection, with this spiritual weapon, these evil spirits will never want to hurt me, and the thunder method mastered by me, Master, has a great restraint effect on these evil spirits, and it is easier to kill these evil spirits." Ruo Linjiu If you go, although you can subdue these evil spirits, it is definitely not as easy as Lu Yue.

"Lu Yue, what you said is true, did the headmaster really give you the golden robe?" Lin Jiu asked, looking straight at Lu Yue.As a genius disciple of Maoshan, Lin Jiu was placed high hopes by many elders of Maoshan, so how could he not know the existence of the golden robe.

Seeing this, Lu Yue didn't say anything nonsense, and exposed the golden vestment on his body, "Master, do you see that golden vestment?" Although Lin Jiu had never seen the golden vestment with his own eyes, he knew that the golden vestment was a What kind of spiritual weapon is it? Therefore, when he saw Lu Yue's faintly golden clothes, Lin Jiu knew that Lu Yue did not deceive himself, and the head teacher really gave him the golden robe.

There was a burst of envy in his heart. You must know that although he has some magic weapons in his hand, they are not as good as the spiritual weapon of the golden light vest. However, thinking that Lu Yue is now a lesser teacher, a spiritual weapon like the golden light vest , falling into Lu Yue's hands is not something unacceptable.

"Since that's the case, let you deal with those evil spirits outside?" With the golden light vest, even if the evil spirits outside have mutated and possessed any strange abilities, as long as they haven't reached the realm of ghost handsome , don't want to see Lu Yue's physique.

And the strength of those evil spirits outside is not very good, otherwise, they would not stay outside all the time, and would forcibly attack Yizhuang, and forcibly take away what they want.Naturally, he couldn't see through Lu Yue's physique, and besides, he was in Yizhuang, so even if something happened, he could still help Lu Yue.

"Master, don't worry, relying on the strength of those evil spirits, they are no match for this disciple at all. It won't be long before this disciple will be able to kill all these evil spirits." Having said that, however, Lu Yue did not He didn't underestimate the strength of those evil spirits because of this, so he took the Jinyang sword with him.

With the powerful fairy weapon of the Golden Sun Sword, even if there are some powerful evil spirits hiding outside, he can deal with them by himself.At this time, Wen Cai and the others were practicing in the front yard. Seeing Lu Yue coming out with the Golden Sun Sword, Wen Cai and the others were all curious, wanting to know what Lu Yue was doing?
Although Wencai and the others didn't know what happened because their strength was too low, they could be seen that Lin Jiu demanded them more strictly and didn't let them go out at night. How can people not know that something big will happen.

Usually, they can still go outside the Yizhuang, but Lu Yue rarely walks outside the Yizhuang. If something big happens, it is even more impossible for the master to let Lu Yue step out of the Yizhuang.

Therefore, when seeing Lu Yue planning to go to Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Junior Lu Yue, where are you going, does master know?"

Seeing the worried look of Qiu Sheng and others, Lu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Brother, don't worry, I just went outside to deal with a few evil spirits, nothing will happen, and Master also knows about this matter." After that, Lu Yue walked out of the Yizhuang, and at the same time closed the gate of the Yizhuang again.

The moment Lu Yue left, Lin Jiu also came to the front yard. Seeing that Qiu Sheng and the others were not practicing, Lin Jiu frowned, "What are you guys doing here? Why don't you practice?"

"Master, is there something wrong with Junior Brother Lu Yue?" Wen Cai looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked. As soon as Wen Cai's voice fell, everyone else looked at Lin Jiu worriedly, wanting to know whether Lu Yue's trip would be safe or not. dangerous?
"Do you think that if there is any danger in this trip, would you let Lu Yue go as a teacher?" Based on the importance Master attaches to Lu Yue, if this trip is really dangerous, Master will never let Lu Yue go. This, the worries in the hearts of Wencai and others disappeared in an instant, and they began to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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