Chapter 260 Test
Different from Qiusheng Wencai, although Ren Tingting and the others felt extremely exhausted, they didn't say anything, they gritted their teeth and persisted, especially Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, when they saw Lu Yue practicing so hard, they wished they could Practice more time, otherwise, they don't know when they will see Senior Brother Lu Yue's back.

Although sisters Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu want to persevere, it is a pity that they have only practiced for a long time. Although this period of practice has strengthened their bodies, they can be compared with Lin Jiu and Lu Yue. However, there is a lot of difference. Even if the two want to persist, they are unable to persist.

However, after seeing Lu Yue and Lin Jiu practicing so hard, Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting also made up their minds to practice harder in the future and adapt to the current level as soon as possible. Only in this way can they stand By Lu Yue's side.

And Awei saw that Ren Tingting and Ren Tingting were practicing so hard, so naturally he didn't dare to show weakness, and he was practicing hard every day.If so, Lin Jiu would not let the three of Ren Tingting practice like this before, so as not to leave any hidden dangers for the three of them. After all, these three have just stepped into the door of cultivation. .

But now that the aura has recovered, not to mention that there will be continuous birth of elixir that could not be produced before, so that the two of them can recover the hidden wounds on their bodies. This method can be used to increase the strength of the body.

It's just that this process will be a little more painful, but seeing the expressions of Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, it seems that even if these two people know about it, there will be no change, so Lin Jiu simply doesn't say anything, let them do everything by themselves Choice, anyway, even if the three of them were really injured in the end, with Lu Yue's special physique, it would not be difficult for Ren Tingting and others to recover.

For cultivation, you still need to rely on your own intuition. I can't force them to practice for the rest of their lives. If this is the case, the achievements of Qiu Sheng and others will not be so high. People are more difficult.

Of course, the more important thing is that now that the troubled times have come, for the next period of time, I and Lu Yue need to constantly kill evil things, and it is impossible to watch Qiu Sheng and others practice all the time.

Therefore, Lin Jiu intends to take this opportunity to see if Qiu Sheng and others are worth cultivating by himself. If there are people who are really unwilling to practice, then I will stop persecuting them in the future and let them alone. I only hope that they will not regret.

In the first few days, Qiu Sheng and the others kept persevering so as not to be beaten up by Lin Jiu, but as time passed, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were unwilling to practice like Lin Jiu and others crazily. And Ren Tingting and the others continued to practice as before, hoping to improve their cultivation, because Ren Tingting and the others knew very well that their physique was special and they did not have enough strength to protect themselves in this world.

In this way, Ren Tingting and the others naturally did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Even when they knew that such crazy practice would not have any effect on themselves and could temper their bodies, Ren Tingting and the others practiced for themselves every day. It is to allow oneself to strengthen quickly.

Huangtian pays off, and Ren Tingting and the other three have good qualifications. This period of practice has greatly improved the cultivation of Ren Tingting and the other three, especially Ren Tingting has reached the realm of the fifth-rank Taoist. Enhanced a lot.

Originally, Qiusheng and Wencai thought that if Lin Jiu saw their laziness, they would beat them up and let them know what the end would be, but what Wencai and Qiusheng didn't expect was that Lin Jiu As if they didn't see their laziness.

This discovery made Qiusheng and Wencai feel great joy, and at the same time, there was a burst of regret in their hearts. If they had known that Master's attention was not on them, they would have started to be lazy before, and they would not have suffered so much in vain. up.

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai planned to tell Ren Tingting and the other three about their discovery, so that they could be lazy. Of course, more importantly, if the three of Ren Tingting were also lazy, even if the master found out, they could only be lazy in the end. It's just talking about them, and it won't do anything to them.

But what Qiusheng and Wencai didn't expect was that Ren Tingting and the other three sternly rejected their proposal, they practiced hard every day, and even became crazier day by day.Seeing this, both Qiusheng and Wencai sighed in their hearts, knowing that Ren Tingting and the other three were also cultivators like Lu Yue, and it was basically impossible to make them lazy.However, they did not give up the idea of ​​being lazy because of this, they just needed to be careful not to be seen by the master.

In the next few days, both Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai realized that something was wrong.Based on their understanding of Master, such a long time has passed, it is impossible for Master not to find out that the two of them were lazy, so why didn't Master beat them up? Could it be that Master has given up on them.

This discovery made Qiusheng and Wencai flustered, it must be like this, otherwise Master wouldn't ignore them.After understanding this point, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai no longer dared to be lazy, and practiced hard every day, fearing that Lin Jiu would drive them out of Yi Zhuang. If they were really driven out of Yi Zhuang, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai would both I don't know what to do in the future.

Although Lin Jiu was cultivating hard, he still had a part of his mind to pay attention to every move of Qiu Sheng and others.Seeing Qiusheng and Wencai, who had only persisted for a few days and started to slack off, Lin Jiu was disappointed.

Although I didn't tell Qiu Sheng and others about the revival of the spiritual energy, they all have eyes. After so many days of observation, they should have discovered something, and they will work hard to practice, but they only persisted for a few days. Qiu Sheng He and Wencai were unwilling to persist.

Fortunately, Ren Tingting and the others were not unwilling to practice like Wencai and others, and they were still practicing hard every day.It is precisely because of this that Lin Jiu ignored Wencai and Qiusheng and let them develop on their own. Anyway, he has a lot of disciples now, so he doesn't need Wencai and Qiusheng to inherit his mantle. Take on your mantle.

But Lin Jiu didn't expect, but after only five days, Qiusheng and Wencai started to practice hard again, and he was puzzled for a while. He didn't know what was going on, why Qiusheng and Wencai would work hard again.

(End of this chapter)

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