Chapter 261: Thousand Cranes Are in Distress
After looking it over, although Qiusheng and Wencai hid their worries well, but who is Lin Jiu, how can he not see that Wencai and Qiusheng's hidden worries suddenly understood why? one thing.

However, Lin Jiu didn't say anything, because the facts are like this, if Wencai and Qiusheng don't work hard, although he will not expel them from the school, but he will only be strict with Wencai as before. And Qiusheng, because he doesn't have that much time.

After the practice, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Lin Jiu's room cautiously, "Master, why don't you strictly ask the two of us to practice recently?"

Hearing Qiusheng's question, Lin Jiu didn't say anything, but just looked at Qiusheng and Wencai fixedly, which made them feel uneasy. Then, he wanted to say something, but before they could open his mouth, he said Hearing Lin Jiu speak first, "Qiusheng, Wencai, after so many days, have you found anything unusual?" Hearing this, Wencai and Qiusheng instinctively wanted to deny it, but when the words came to their lips, they couldn't I can't say anything.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu said again, "Not long ago, the spiritual energy recovered, and the world is already in chaos. In the next period of time, evil things will continue to wreak havoc in this world, and as a teacher and a disciple of Maoshan, he needs to walk on the land of Shenzhou, cut You don't have time to watch the two of you practice all the time, so if you want to practice in the future, you can practice, if you don't want to practice, forget it.

However, as a teacher, I need to tell you that the two of you are cultivators, and in the eyes of those evil things, they are an extraordinary tonic. If they can swallow you up, their strength will increase a lot? "If the two of you don't work hard to improve your strength, you will die in the hands of evil one day.

Although Lin Jiu didn't say this sentence, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng couldn't hear the unfinished meaning in Lin Jiu's words, and there was a flash of clarity in their eyes. , Master and Lu Yue junior brother have recently started to practice crazily.

Afterwards, Wencai and Qiusheng looked at Lin Jiu solemnly and promised, "Master, don't worry, we will work hard in the next time, and we will never be lazy."

They are still young, and they don't want to die like this, let alone die in the hands of evil things.After all, if the two of them fall into the hands of the evil thing, the evil thing may not kill them immediately, but torture them until all the value in them is squeezed out. They will be killed after they are done. Qiusheng and Wencai don't want such a thing that is worse than death to happen to them.

"I hope the two of you can do it. Otherwise, you know what will happen to you in the future. By the way, in the next period of time, you should not easily step out of Yizhuang to avoid being killed."

"Yes, master, we know." Now Wencai and Qiusheng knew that it was extremely dangerous outside, even if Lin Jiu drove them out, Wencai and Qiusheng would not leave Yizhuang easily.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng no longer dared to be lazy. Although they were not as hardworking as Ren Tingting and the other three, they were much more diligent than before.

On this day, Lin Jiu, who was practicing, suddenly sensed something. He quickly came to the gossip mirror, made a handprint, and merged into the gossip mirror. Suddenly, Qianhe's voice came from inside, "Senior Brother Lin, help me, I'm in Daqingshan I was besieged by four ghost generals, brother, come and save me quickly." Otherwise, I would have to collect my body.

Hearing Qianhe's voice, Lin Jiu didn't hesitate, and quickly came to Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, your uncle Qianhe is in danger. As a teacher, you need to go to Daqingshan now. This Yizhuang will be handed over to you. You take care of it." The moment Lin Jiu received the sound transmission from Qianhe, an ominous premonition arose in Lin Jiu's heart. Let Lin Jiu know that this matter may be more complicated than he thought, and someone is manipulating it behind the scenes, but , this Qianhe is his younger brother, even if Lin Jiu knows that this is a trap, he will definitely go there, lest Qianhe die in the hands of the ghost general.

"Master, don't worry, I will watch Yizhuang, and nothing will happen." Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu solemnly and assured.Hearing this, Lin Jiu nodded, "Lu Yue, you have to be careful, I feel that this matter is not that simple, you must be careful."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu quickly headed towards Daqingshan. With Qianhe's strength and the magic weapon in his hand, he could only persist for a day at most. If he couldn't get to Qianhe's side within a day, then Qianhe There is a high possibility that the junior brother will die in the hands of the ghost general.

As for Yizhuang with Lu Yue in charge, I don't need to worry too much. Before, Lu Yue's eyes were not strong. When encountering a powerful ghost, it was extremely difficult to find the location of this ghost.

But now, Lu Yue's magic eyes have been strengthened a lot. Even if a ghost general comes, he can't hide from Lu Yue's magic eyes. It is not difficult to kill the evil thing.

After seeing Master leave, Lu Yue did not stay in the backyard, but came to sit in the front yard.Before, Lin Jiu left in a hurry, except for talking to Lu Yue, he didn't say anything to Wen Cai and others. Therefore, when they saw Lin Jiu leaving, Wen Cai and others were full of doubts. I don't know where Master is going so late.

Seeing Lu Yue coming to the front yard, Wen Cai and the others couldn't bear the curiosity in their hearts anymore, and hurriedly came to Lu Yue and asked, "Junior Brother Lu Yue, do you know why Master is so late, what else are you going to do?" Could it be that something happened nearby?
"Master Qianhe is in danger, so Master went to help Master Qianhe. During Master's absence, I will be in charge of the matter of this Yizhuang." "Junior Lu Yue, Master will not be in any danger this trip." Right?" Qiu Sheng looked at Lu Yue worriedly and asked.

"Senior Brother Qiusheng, don't worry, relying on Master's strength, it is not difficult to deal with a few ghost generals. It won't be long before Master can bring Master Uncle Qianhe back." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue came to In the front yard, he began to practice.

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng and the others stopped talking and continued to practice.An hour later, Qiu Sheng and the others who were practicing suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a bit compared to before.

This discovery made Qiu Sheng and the others look serious, and they quietly came to Lu Yue's side and asked, "Junior brother, is there something dirty near Yizhuang?" Why did the temperature suddenly drop so much?

(End of this chapter)

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