Chapter 262

What Qiusheng can discover, how could the more powerful Lu Yue not have discovered "Senior Brother Qiusheng, you guessed right, there are indeed evil spirits approaching Yizhuang, and there are quite a few evil spirits who have come to Yizhuang this time, but, Brothers, brothers, and sisters, you don’t need to worry. The strength of these evil spirits is not considered strong. They are not my opponents. It is not difficult to kill them. Let me deal with them. "After finishing speaking, Lu Yue walked outside Yizhuang.

As soon as Master left, these evil spirits came to Yizhuang. If you want to say that these two things are not related in any way, Lu Yue doesn't believe it. However, now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is to put these The evil spirits were beheaded, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Junior Brother Lu Yue, why don't you bring Wencai and me with you. Although the strength of the two of us is not considered strong, after all we have been with Master for so many years, we still have some strength. I won't give it to you, Junior Brother. Add to the chaos."

Hearing this, Lu Yue stopped in his tracks, looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng and said, "Senior brothers, you underestimate the strength of these evil spirits. Although your strength has improved a lot, these evil spirits The strength of the ghost is extremely strong, I am afraid that the two senior brothers do not have the ability to protect themselves, so let me handle it." After speaking, Lu Yue opened the door of Yizhuang and walked out.

However, the moment Lu Yue opened the door, Lu Yue saw an evil spirit quietly walking towards the Yizhuang.If Fayan didn't break through, it would be extremely difficult for Lu Yue to find the trace of this ghost, and the many evil ghosts not far away would not give him time to react.

But now, relying on the power of the magic eye, Lu Yue easily saw through the hide of the evil spirit, stretched out his right hand, and blocked the evil spirit's path. "Don't you take me too seriously when you swagger into the Yizhuang like this?" While speaking, Lu Yue cast his palm thunder, and a bolt of lightning flew out of Lu Yue's hand, hitting the evil ghost.

The evil spirit didn't expect that Lu Yue could find his trace, and the attack speed of the lightning palm was so fast that the evil spirit didn't have a chance to hide and was hit by the lightning palm.

"Ahhhhhhhh, it hurts so much, how did you find me?" Didn't the lord say before that although Lu Yue's fighting power is strong, his eyesight is much worse than Lin Jiu's. With his own special ability, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Yue to find his trace?
"It's hard for me not to notice that you entered Yizhuang with such a big swagger. Okay, now you take my answer and go on the road." While speaking, Lu Yue urged the palm thunder to kill the evil spirit. Yue closed the gate of Yi Zhuang, and at the same time, activated Lin Jiu's large formation, so that these evil spirits would not enter the Yi Zhuang when they were fighting him.

"Everyone, since you're all here, why don't you come out and have a look? Is it possible that I will invite everyone out one by one?" As he said that, Lu Yue visited the hiding places of many evil spirits one by one, letting them know, He, Lu Yue, was not deceiving them, but really found their tracks.

Seeing that Lu Yue found his trace, these evil spirits were all taken aback. They didn't expect that Lu Yue could see through their invisibility. It seems that after a while, Lu Yue's eyes have made a breakthrough, otherwise, It is impossible for Lu Yue to discover their hiding place.

They did not continue to hide, and showed their figures one after another. "Lu Yue, I haven't seen you for a while, it seems that you have made a lot of progress?" Otherwise, how could Lu Yue find their traces.

"If I don't make any progress, I'm afraid I will die in the hands of you people today." After some observation, Lu Yue found that there were as many as three ghost generals who came this time. It is not difficult to see that these evil spirits want to take advantage When the master left, he entered the righteous village and forcibly took all of them away, otherwise, so many ghost generals would not have been dispatched.

"Hahahaha, Lu Yue, I admit that you have improved a lot during this period, but if you think that you can survive today, you are thinking too much. This time, we have come together to deal with you. Three ghost generals, and so many ghost soldiers, Lu Yue, do you still think you can survive today? Wrong, Lu Yue, you will definitely survive today.

Because it is more useful for us to live with you, Lu Yue, don't worry, we will not kill you until all your value is squeezed out, that is to say, even if you are a loser today In our hands, you can live for a long time. How about it, Lu Yue, do you feel happy? "Hou Qinggui asked Lu Yue with a smile.

"You evil ghosts, don't really think that you can beat me today, right?" Although, the strength of the evil ghosts who came here this time is not considered weak, but they still have a lot to lose if they want to take him down. , with his current strength, at least he needs Guishuai to come, and even if Guishuai comes, it is not an easy task to take him down.

"Could it be that, in your Lu Yue's opinion, if we ghosts fight together, can't we take you Lu Yue down?" They admitted that Lu Yue's fighting power is indeed extremely powerful, and even if the ghosts make a move, they may not be able to take Lu Yue down. If Yue was defeated, he might even die in Lu Yue's hands.

But there are three ghost generals who came here this time.The three ghost generals teamed up, even if they were celestial masters, they could contend against one or two. It would not be difficult to take down Lu Yue, a human master.

Hearing this, Lu Yue didn't say any nonsense. Since this evil ghost doesn't believe what he said, then he will use the facts to prove that they want to take Lu Yue down with them. , it’s still a little worse.

Afterwards, Lu Yue cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, covering his body with a layer of lightning. In group battles, the Thunder Fist, the Lightning and Thunder Fist, was more lethal.

Hou Qing and other ghosts already knew that Lu Yue had practiced the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and the power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist was not weak. Even if they had reached the level of ghost generals, they would not dare to let the lightning hit them. , Otherwise, they might be seriously injured because of this, so how could Hou Qing and other ghost generals not be on guard against Lu Yue's attack.

The moment they saw Lu Yue cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, Hou Qing and the others drove the ghost weapons one after another, trying to resist the thunder and lightning that hit them.However, seeing that Lu Yue did not drive these thunder and lightning to attack them, but drove these thunder and lightning to attack those weaker ghost soldiers, he understood that Lu Yue wanted to kill these weaker ghost soldiers first. Then, deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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