Chapter 263 Lineup
Although, these ghost soldiers have been secretly guarding against the attack of the Lightning and Thunder Fist the moment they showed their figures.But the speed of the lightning is really too fast, even if they discovered the attack of the lightning in the first time, they still couldn't avoid the attack of the Lightning and Thunder Fist. Many ghost soldiers were under the attack of the Lightning and Thunder Fist , the ghost body became almost transparent, and one could tell at a glance that these evil ghosts were seriously injured, and it was not an easy task to recover.

Seeing that the Lightning and Thunder Fist he used only killed two ghost soldiers, Lu Yue felt a pang of regret. Before, he thought that his blow could at least kill most of the ghost soldiers.

Unexpectedly, only two ghost soldiers were killed. It seems that the ghost soldiers who came this time are stronger than the ghost soldiers I encountered before. Under attack, survive.Fortunately, these ghost soldiers who survived the thunder and lightning attack, although they survived, were also seriously injured. It is not difficult for Lu Yue to kill these seriously injured ghost soldiers things.

However, it is not an easy task to kill these seriously injured ghost soldiers in front of Hou Qing and other ghost generals. Lu Yue would not naively think that Hou Qing and other ghost soldiers would still stand by. Looking at himself, he killed these seriously injured ghost soldiers and weakened their strength.

Sure enough, Lu Yue's guess was not wrong. Before he continued to use the Lightning and Thunder Fist to kill the seriously injured ghost soldiers, he saw three ghost generals driving ghost weapons to hit him.

The ghost weapons in the hands of the three ghost generals are extremely extraordinary. Driven by the three ghosts, gusts of wind blew up, and screams kept ringing out, trying to confuse Lu Yue. Seeing this, Lu Yue hurriedly The sword was taken out, swung quickly, and hit the three ghost weapons.The power of these three ghost weapons is not weak, but compared with the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand, they are much worse.

As soon as they touched it, Hou Qing and the others sensed a powerful pure yang force, which penetrated into the ghost weapon and caused them to sense their own ghost weapon. It was extremely powerful, and it was not a ghost weapon in their hands. It could be compared, so they quickly took back the ghost weapon, so as not to be destroyed by the golden sun sword in Lu Yue's hand.

"Lu Yue, what kind of treasure is the wooden sword in your hand? How can it be so powerful?" Could it be that the wooden sword in Lu Yue's hand is a powerful spiritual weapon?This must be the case, otherwise, the power of this wooden sword would not be so powerful that it would easily damage the ghost weapon in their hands.

Thinking of this, the three ghost generals felt pain in their hearts. Originally, Lu Yue, who had mastered the thunder technique, was already difficult enough to deal with. Now, Lu Yue still had a powerful spiritual weapon in his hand. In this way, they wanted to It is even more difficult to deal with Lu Yue.

They regretted it for a while. If they knew that Lu Yue was so difficult, they would never come to deal with Lu Yue. However, it was too late to regret it now. Before coming, they had promised Guishuai that they would kill all Lin Jiu's disciples. , Capture them all, if the task is not completed, the fate of these ghosts will not be any better.

"Do you think I will tell you?" While speaking, Lu Yue continued to use the Lightning and Thunder Fist, condensing a series of thunder and lightning, and hit the wounded ghost soldiers, wanting to kill these wounded ghost soldiers as soon as possible. Beheaded to prevent these ghost soldiers from escaping.

Now, these ghost soldiers have all seen their own strength, so they should not dare to stay here any longer, lest they die in their own hands.And now that these ghost soldiers were seriously injured, even if they continued to stay here, they would be useless, and they would just die in Lu Yue's hands in vain.

Therefore, Lu Yue needs to kill all these ghost soldiers as soon as possible, otherwise, the ghost soldiers who were injured before will soon flee, and by then, it is unknown how many people will be there because these ghost soldiers want to recover from their injuries , and suffer.

From the very beginning, Hou Qing didn't feel that Lu Yue would take the initiative to answer their questions, and he didn't have much hope. Instead, he planned to take Lu Yue down and then learn what he wanted to know from Lu Yue.He continued to use ghost skills, hitting the thunder and lightning, trying to resist Lu Yue's Lightning and Thunder Fist, and give the injured ghost soldiers a chance to escape.

Now, each of these ghost soldiers was seriously injured. Without my own help, I am afraid that they would die in Lu Yue's hands immediately.The strength of these ghost soldiers is indeed much worse than their own, but these ghost soldiers are also considered extraordinary. It is not difficult for them to break through to the realm of ghost generals in the future. If these ghost soldiers were allowed to be beheaded by Lu Yue like this, even if they could bring Lu Yue and others back, it would be hard to explain.

What's more, it seems that it is not easy for them to bring Lu Yue back, and it can even be said to be extremely difficult. In this way, Hou Qing and other ghost generals will naturally not allow it. Ghost soldiers, beheaded, so as not to be punished.

Regarding this, Lu Yue had already guessed. Knowing these three ghost generals, he would not easily let himself kill these ghost soldiers. How could he be unprepared? At the moment when Hou Qing's three ghost generals shot, Lu Yue The other hand cast the thunder in the palm, condensing three lightning bolts, and struck Hou Qing and other ghost generals.

The power of this palm thunder is not weak. The moment they saw the palm thunder, Hou Qing and other ghost generals sensed great danger from this palm thunder, and let Hou Qing and other ghost generals know that they must not be hit by palm lightning, otherwise , I am afraid that I will be seriously injured because of this. At that time, Lu Yue will definitely kill them regardless of everything.Compared with myself, everything else is not important, so how dare Hou Qing and other ghost generals take care of those ghost soldiers and put themselves in danger?

Those ghost soldiers, at this time, also reacted and knew that they could not continue to practice here, otherwise, they would all die in the hands of Lu Yue in a short time.

After what happened just now, they have already discovered that Lu Yue's cultivation base is not high, but because he has cultivated the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fourth level, his combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. Even a ghost general is not Lu Yue's opponent. Not to mention their weaker ghost soldiers. If they don't leave, they will all be beheaded by Lu Yue in a short time.

Now, the revival of spirit energy coincides with the troubled times. It is really a great opportunity to improve your strength. As long as you can survive, it is not impossible to break through to the ghost general, or even a higher level. So, how could these ghost soldiers be willing? They just died here, and they all ran to the distance, hoping to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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