Chapter 264 Death

The speed of these ghost soldiers was very fast, but compared with the thunder and lightning, they were a bit inferior. Driven by Lu Yue, many thunder and lightning struck the ghost soldiers with precision.

Before, those ghost soldiers who were seriously injured were instantly dissipated and turned into nothingness under the attack of lightning, and those ghost soldiers who were not injured were also seriously injured under the attack of lightning, and their ghost bodies became nothingness. Fortunately, although they were seriously injured by the palm thunder attack, they survived. As long as they can survive, it is not difficult for them to recover from their injuries.

These ghost soldiers thought very well, but how could Lu Yue give them a chance to survive? A lot of lightning surged out of their bodies again. Afterwards, Lu Yue drove the remaining thunder and lightning to hit these ghost soldiers, directly killing all of these ghost soldiers. Beheaded, only Hou Qing and the three ghost generals remained.

"Lu Yue, you are so brave, you dare to kill all these ghost soldiers, don't you worry about the revenge of the people behind us?" Lu Yue can cultivate to such a state in such a short period of time, surely I'm not a stupid person, even if they didn't say it, Lu Yue must have already guessed that there are people behind them, so why did Lu Yue dare to kill these ghost soldiers? handsome revenge?
After all, the ghosts who can drive their ghost generals have at least reached the realm of ghost generals, otherwise, even for extremely powerful ghost generals, it is basically impossible to drive ghost generals.They are also in the realm of ghost generals, even if they are defeated, they can still escape. Only when they face a stronger ghost general or even a stronger evil ghost, they cannot escape.

"If the ghost commander behind you really dares to attack our Yizhuang, he will not only let you ghost generals come, but directly bring all his subordinates to destroy Yizhuang by force, instead of using this despicable Come and deal with my master." After speaking, Lu Yue stepped on the Yu step, cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and hit Hou Qing's three ghost generals, intending to kill them.

It is not an easy task to deal with ghost generals. Lu Yue doesn't want them to have to worry about these ghost generals sneaking up on him or his master when they are fighting ghost commanders.The strength of these ghost generals is not weak, whether it is a sneak attack on themselves or the master can play a big role.

Hou Qing and the others had already felt the power of these lightning bolts before, and they knew very well that with their current strength, it would be extremely difficult to resist these lightning bolts. What's more, Lu Yue still had something in his hand that made them tremble with fear. Once they are approached by Lu Yue, they can be beheaded with the spiritual weapon in their hands. How dare they stay here and fight Lu Yue, otherwise, the three ghost generals will also die in Lu Yue's place in a short time. Yue's hands.

Thinking of this, the three ghost generals, Hou Qing, didn't care about anything else, and flew away quickly, hoping to escape with their lives.Regarding the choice of Hou Qing and other ghost generals, Lu Yue did not feel any surprises. However, Lu Yue would not let the three ghost generals Hou Qing leave. The many lightnings on his body, driven by Lu Yue, turned into a thunder The snake quickly hit the three of Hou Qing.

Under the urging of Lu Yue, Thunder Snake was very fast, and almost instantly, it appeared behind a ghost general, with its mouth slightly opened, and a bolt of lightning flew out of Thunder Snake's mouth, striking the ghost general, and instantly The ghost will be seriously injured.What puzzled the ghost general was that after the Thunder Snake seriously injured him, he didn't continue to attack him, but hit another ghost general.

This discovery made the ghost general full of doubts. He didn't know what was going on. Could it be that Lu Yue planned to capture them alive.The next moment, the ghost general knew why Lu Yue didn't continue to let the Thunder Snake attack him. It turned out that at the moment the Thunder Snake flew away, Lu Yue condensed a palm thunder and hit him.

The power of the palm thunder is extremely powerful, and the speed is also extremely fast. Even in his heyday, it is not an easy task to avoid the attack of the palm thunder, let alone now that he is seriously injured and wants to avoid it. Palm Thunder attack, basically impossible?

Although this ghost general was not willing to die in Lu Yue's hands like this, but in front of this powerful palm thunder, at this time, he had no ability to resist, and could only watch helplessly as the palm thunder hit him, In this way, the soul flew away.Before he died, the ghost general saw Lu Yue condense another palm thunder and hit it elsewhere.

A flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and now he finally knew what Lu Yue was thinking before.It turned out that from the very beginning, Lu Yue had no intention of letting any of them leave, but wanted to keep all three of them.

And if they want to get all three ghost generals down, they must be seriously injured in the shortest possible time. Only in this way can they stay three ghost generals.

Before that, the reason why the Thunder Snake didn't continue to attack him was to have more time to deal with the other two ghost generals. It was really a good idea.After the first ghost general died, the second ghost general followed in the footsteps of the first ghost general, and disappeared into the void.

And now only Hou Qing, the ghost general, is left. At this time, there is still one-third of the power in the Thunder Snake. Driven by Lu Yue, the Thunder Snake wrapped around Hou Qing's ghost body, and the body contained The thunder and lightning kept gushing out from Thunder Snake's body, hitting Hou Qing, causing Hou Qing to scream, "Lu Yue, let us go in the end, otherwise, Lord Guishuai will not let you go."

"Really, if he has the guts, let him come." As he said that, Lu Yue condensed a palm thunder, struck Hou Qing, beheaded him, and disappeared into the void.

After that, Lu Yue turned around and returned to Yizhuang.Seeing that Lu Yue came back safe and sound, Qiu Sheng and others breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that things are really as Lu Yue said before. With his strength, he wants to kill the evil spirits outside. , is not a difficult matter.

But the moment the door closed, Lu Yue couldn't hold on any longer, his body softened, and he fell to the ground, scaring Qiu Sheng and others. He quickly came to Lu Yue, looked at Lu Yue worriedly and asked, "Lu Yue?" Yue, are you alright?" Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu groped around Lu Yue, wanting to know where Lu Yue was injured.

"I'm fine, it's just that my spiritual power is exhausted. I'll be fine in a while. By the way, brothers, sisters, and brothers, be careful and keep quiet. I suspect that there are powerful ghosts hiding outside." Knowing his current situation, the ghost might immediately attack Yizhuang and take them away forcibly.Hearing this, Qiu Sheng and the others nodded, and then helped Lu Yue to the backyard, watching Lu Yue recover the spiritual power he had consumed before.

(End of this chapter)

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