Chapter 265
Because Lu Yue was worried that there would be a stronger evil spirit hiding outside, so Lu Yue wanted to recover the spiritual power he had consumed as soon as possible, so that he would have the strength to fight even if he faced the Guishuai.

Driven by Lu Yue, the many trees around Yizhuang pulled the surrounding spiritual energy into Lu Yue's body, allowing Lu Yue to quickly recover the spiritual energy that had been consumed before.

From the very beginning, Lu Yue didn't want to hide the fact that he consumed a lot of spiritual power. Even if Lu Yue wanted to hide this kind of thing, he couldn't hide it. It's better to restore the consumed spiritual power with great fanfare. The evil spirits outside did not dare to attack Lu Yue easily.

Of course, the more important thing is that even if the evil ghost knows that Lu Yue is consuming a lot of spiritual power, it is not easy to enter the Yizhuang. There are many formations laid down by Lin Jiu in this Yizhuang. With these formations, even Guishuai would need some time to enter the Yizhuang. This is the main reason why Lu Yue dared to recover his spiritual power so recklessly.

Fortunately, Lu Yue didn't realize what he was worried about. When he recovered the consumed spiritual power, no other evil spirits came to trouble him. Immediately breathed a sigh of relief, even if Guishuai came, he could handle it himself. Then, Lu Yue opened his eyes, looked at Qiu Sheng and the others not far away, and said, "Senior Brothers, Senior Brothers and Sisters, I have recovered the spirit that was consumed before. strength."

Lu Yue's words made Qiu Sheng and others breathe a sigh of relief. Before that, they had been worried that before Lu Yue recovered, there would be evil spirits attacking Yizhuang. At that time, they really didn't know what to do. .If there are more evil spirits coming to attack Yizhuang, then the strength of the evil spirits who came this time will definitely be stronger than the evil spirits who came before. With their strength, even the evil spirits who came before, It can't be dealt with, let alone deal with more powerful evil spirits.

Fortunately, they didn't realize what they were worried about. Now Lu Yue has completely recovered the spiritual power that was consumed before. Even if there are evil spirits coming, Lu Yue will be in front of them. More importantly, it is already dawn , The evil spirits will not come, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng and the others came to the front yard and began to practice. What happened before made Qiu Sheng and the others feel powerless for a while. Now, they urgently want to improve their cultivation, otherwise, this situation will happen again in the future, and more importantly, they don't want to die in the hands of these evil spirits.

After seeing Qiu Sheng and others consciously practicing, Lu Yue showed a smile on his face. He understood what happened before, which brought a lot of shock and shock to Qiu Sheng and others. Otherwise, they would have started practicing so consciously. .

Later, Lu Yue also began to practice, hoping to break through to a higher level.Last night, although the handsome ghost behind the scenes did not show up, it also brought great pressure to Lu Yue.

After all, this handsome ghost is equivalent to the realm of the celestial masters of their cultivators, and this realm of celestial masters is completely different from the previous realm. After reaching the realm of celestial masters, their cultivators will begin to truly transform and increase their lifespan .

And this ghost commander is equivalent to the realm of a celestial master. It is not difficult to see that after reaching the realm of ghost commander, his strength will increase a lot.With Lu Yue's current combat strength, it can be said that he is invincible in the realm of the Earth Master, but before he fought the Guishuai, Lu Yue dared not say that he could compete with the Guishuai.

Therefore, Lu Yue wants to improve his combat power, and the best way now is to increase the power of the Lightning Running Thunder Fist, or the Lightning Palm Thunder, because these two methods have a great restraint effect on Guishuai. Either of the two Taoism methods, if he can break through to the fifth floor, his combat power will increase a lot. At that time, even if he doesn't use the magic spell, he will be able to use the more powerful thunder method to defeat Guishuai. beheaded.

It is not an easy task to improve the power of these two lightning methods in a short period of time, because no one in the Maoshan faction will give advice to Lu Yue on these two lightning methods, whether it is Lightning Ben Thunder Fist, or Lightning Palm, requires extremely high cultivation. Few people can master it. Even if they master it, it is not an easy task to improve it.

Therefore, Lu Yue's current practice in the two thunder techniques can be said to be extremely high. Of course, it is not true that no one can give advice to Lu Yue. Lu Yue is even higher, having reached the fifth level for many years, and even touched the sixth level.

If Shi Jian is willing to teach Lu Yue, Lu Yue will definitely be able to break through the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fifth level in a short period of time. However, with the relationship between his master and Shi Jian, it is absolutely impossible for Shi Jian Instruct him, Lin Jiu's valued personal disciple, and even if Shi Jian is willing to advise Lu Yue, Lu Yue will not accept it, lest he owe Shi Jian a favor.

Fortunately, it's not that Lu Yue really has no way to increase the power of these two thunder techniques, but it's not suitable to use this method to increase the power of Lightning Running Thunder Fist. He needs to wait until Lin Jiu comes back before he can use it .Time passed, and in the blink of an eye the next night, Lu Yue, who was practicing in the courtyard, suddenly sensed the breath of Lin Jiu and Qian He, got up and came to the door, opened the door, let Lin Jiu and Qian He Two people come in.

"Lu Yue, the teacher is not here for a while, but there is something dirty, come to Yizhuang to make trouble." After reuniting with Qianhe, Lin Jiu learned something from Qianhe's mouth, knowing that his guess was not wrong, Someone is really counting on themselves.

Hearing this, a bright light flashed in Lu Yue's eyes. It seemed that the master had discovered something, and without any concealment, he said, "Master, not long after you left, three ghost generals brought twenty ghost soldiers to Come to Yizhuang and want to take us away forcibly. Fortunately, the disciples are quite strong. All these ghost generals and ghost soldiers have been killed by the disciples. By the way, Master, I know from a ghost general that behind them is A ghost handsome."

Lu Yue's words made Qianhe beside Lin Jiu feel ashamed for a while. Qianhe has practiced for so many years than Lu Yue, but when faced with the combination of the four ghost generals, he didn't have much resistance, so he could only ask Lin Jiu for help. to survive.However, Lu Yue directly beheaded three ghost generals and more than [-] ghost soldiers, and he had not suffered any injuries. How could he not make Qianhe ashamed?

Looking at Qianhe's blushing face, Lin Jiu didn't know what Qianhe was thinking. If he was Qianhe's junior brother, he might not be any better than Qianhe.

(End of this chapter)

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