Chapter 266 Worry
"Junior Brother Qianhe, we don't need to compare with Lu Yue. Lu Yue is in a special situation and cannot be compared with us. By the way, what are your plans for the future, Junior Brother Qianhe?" Qianhe's strength is not considered strong. , but now coincides with the troubled times, the strength of many evil things has been improved a lot. It may be extremely dangerous to slay demons and demons with the strength of Qianhe alone.

Regarding Lin Jiu's worries, how could Qianhe not know, "Brother Lin, don't worry, I've already thought about it. With my strength, I'm still a little short of wanting to sit in a town alone, so I plan to seek refuge with the four." Junior Brother Mu, sits in Jiuquan Town with Junior Brother Fourth Mu."

This Jiuquan Town has three evil positions. In the troubled times, it is more dangerous than Renjia Town. Even if Jiuquan Town has two strong masters Simu and Yixiu sitting in the town, it may not make Jiuquan Town safe. Therefore, Qian Crane intends to go to Jiuquan Town to help Simu.

Hearing this, Lin Jiu nodded. Although Jiuquan Town is dangerous, if there are three land masters in the town, even if something happens, it can support them for a day or two, so that I can have enough time to support them. "This is a good choice. The current world is becoming more and more chaotic and dangerous. It will be safer for you three geologists to stay together."

"Senior brother, you are right. That's what I thought. By the way, senior brother's copper-horned coffin has been turned into a gold bar. I will give you the share that belongs to you and Lu Yue. I plan to go to Jiuquan Town tomorrow morning." Already." After speaking, Qianhe took out many gold bars and handed them to Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

Regarding Qianhe's choice, Lin Jiu did not stop him. He wished Qianhe could go to the place of Simu Junior Brother as soon as possible to avoid any accidents in Jiuquan Town.But before Lin Jiu could say anything, Lu Yue took the lead and said, "Uncle Qianhe, can you stay for a few more days?"

"Why, nephew Lu Yue, do you need my help?" Qianhe looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked.Although Qianhe didn't want to admit it, the fact is that Lu Yue's combat power is already stronger than his own, and senior brother Lin's ability is also much greater than his own. Even if Lu Yue really needs help with something, it's not his turn myself.

As soon as Qianhe's words fell, Lin Jiu beside him also looked at Lu Yue curiously, wanting to know what Lu Yue wanted to do to keep Qianhe.Meeting the gazes of the two, Lu Yue said, "Uncle Master, this is me. In the past few days, I plan to use the magic spell, and ask my ancestor to teach me how to practice Lightning Ben Leiquan and Palm Thunder Fist. Isn't there a handsome ghost following me?" Are we in Yizhuang? Therefore, I would like to ask my uncle to stay and protect me for a few days. Of course, the patriarch may not agree to this matter. If the patriarch does not agree, you will treat it as if I never said it. "

As soon as Lu Yue's words fell, Lin Jiu took the lead and said, "In that case, Junior Brother Qianhe, don't rush to leave tomorrow, let's see if Lu Yue can succeed?"

If it were other things, Lin Jiu might not be like this, but this matter is related to Lu Yue's safety, Lin Jiu dare not be careless, after all, after performing the magic surgery, Lu Yue will be weak for a period of time, and this No one knows what will happen in time, it's better to be cautious.

Even if Lin Jiu didn't open his mouth, Qianhe would not refuse. Now that even Lin Jiu opened his mouth, Qianhe would naturally not refuse. He nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't leave tomorrow."

"Thank you, Uncle, then I'll go back to practice first." It was night, and Lu Yue didn't dare to use the magic spell at this time, so as not to attract the handsome ghost who was hiding in the dark.

Even if Lu Yue wanted to perform the spell of inviting gods, he planned to wait until the daytime and practice in his own room. During the daytime, when there is plenty of sunlight, it will do great harm to those evil things. Even if he is as strong as a handsome ghost, he will not appear during the daytime. Because this would weaken his strength a lot. At that time, without Lu Yue's action, with Lin Jiu's strength, he could easily kill Guishuai.

But if he casts the spell of summoning the gods at night, Lu Yue will be weak for a period of time after casting the spell of inviting the gods. During this period of time, Lu Yue basically has little resistance. Dare to guarantee that I can survive.

After seeing Lu Yue leave, Qianhe and Lin Jiu also went back to the room to rest. During this day, they were either on the road or fighting with evil spirits, which exhausted them a lot and they needed to recover.In the blink of an eye, the next morning, after refining Chaoyang Ziqi, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu and Qianhe. Without waiting for Lu Yue to say anything, Lin Jiu took the lead and said, "Lu Yue, we have already Ready, let's get started."

Hearing this, Lu Yue nodded his head and started to perform the Invite God Art. Lu Yue had already cultivated the Invite God Art to the fifth level, and he could complete the Invite God in an instant without any cumbersome rituals.And please God, behind him, Lu Yue's figure has not changed in any way compared to before.

Although Lu Yue's figure has not changed in any way compared to before, at this time, Lin Jiu and Qianhe felt a great danger from Lu Yue's body, and let him know that if they and Lu Yue If Yue did it, there was a high possibility that he would die in Lu Yue's hands.

Especially Daoist Qianhe felt the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body, which made his hair stand on end. He knew that if Lu Yue did anything to him, he could kill him in an instant.

Fortunately, both Lin Jiu and Qianhe knew that Lu Yue would not really attack them, and the worries in their hearts quickly disappeared. They looked at Lu Yue directly, wanting to know whether the patriarch Will agree to Lu Yue's request.

Originally, Qianhe and Lin Jiu thought that even if the Patriarch would agree to Lu Yue's request, they might punish Lu Yue and let Lu Yue know the consequences of doing so.

But what Lin Jiu and Qianhe didn't expect was that shortly after Lu Yue performed the magic call, lightning suddenly gushed out of Lu Yue's body, surrounding Lu Yue, constantly wandering, tempering Lu Yue body of.

Knowing that the Patriarch was teaching Lu Yue to practice Lightning and Thunder Fist, I felt a burst of envy in my heart. Lu Yue's aptitude is not bad. Now that I have been taught by the Patriarch, it will not take long for Lu Yue's Lightning and Thunder Fist to break through to a higher level. Even a celestial master would not dare to accept the Lightning and Thunder Fist at the top level.

At that time, with the Lightning and Thunder Fist on the fifth floor, the handsome ghost behind the scenes really dared to come, and it would not be difficult for the two of them, master and apprentice, to kill the handsome ghost.

What puzzled Lin Jiu and Qian He was that at this time, Lu Yue had no other movements except that his body was surrounded by lightning. This discovery made Lin Jiu and Qian He start to worry. Maybe it's because they don't want to point out Lu Yue, but they are punishing Lu Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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