Chapter 267
Thinking of this, Lin Jiu and Qianhe were even more worried. Afterwards, Lin Jiu and Qianhe looked at each other, wanting to say something and see what was going on.The two of them are also Maoshan disciples. Although they are not as extraordinary as Lu Yue, they can still be called the mainstay, especially Lin Jiu. Even if he really offended the patriarch, the patriarch would not do anything to them?
Unexpectedly, before they opened their mouths, they saw the lightning on Lu Yue's body disappear. At the same time, the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body was much weaker than before, and Lu Yue even fell down because of it. On the ground, let Lin Jiu and Qianhe understand that the patriarch has left. If they want to know what happened before, they can only ask Lu Yue.

But at this moment, Lu Yue closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing, so that Lin Jiu and Qianhe dared not wake Lu Yue up here, lest they spoil Lu Yue's perception.

He could only stand there quietly, waiting for Lu Yue to regain consciousness.Fortunately, Lu Yue didn't make Lin Jiu and Qianhe wait too long. Half an hour later, Lu Yue opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu and Qianhe hurriedly came to Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, how are you, Patriarch, would you like to give you some advice?" Give me some pointers, let me have a lot of understanding of Lightning and Thunder Fist, as long as I am given a period of time, it is not a difficult thing to cultivate Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fifth level."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu and Qianhe breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Lu Yue enviously. The power of this Lightning and Thunder Fist is extremely powerful. After the fifth floor, the combat power will be greatly enhanced. At that time, the two of them may not be Lu Yue's opponents. "Okay, then you continue to comprehend the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and your Uncle Qianhe and I will not bother you." After speaking, Lin Jiu took Qianhe and left the backyard.

Seeing this, Lu Yue began to practice his Lightning and Thunder Fist.After coming to the lobby, Qianhe looked at Lin Jiudao with a complex expression, "Brother, after Lu Yue has practiced the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fifth level, I am afraid that you will not be Lu Yue's opponent, brother. I wonder what you think, brother?" ?”

At the end, Qianhe's face was full of jokes.My senior brother used to be a well-known genius disciple in the Maoshan School, but compared with Lu Yue, he was much worse. My senior brother can also be regarded as a proud generation. When he was in the Maoshan School, Lin Jiu was not convinced by anyone, so Qianhe especially wanted to know how Lin Jiu felt at this time.

Looking at Qianhe's playful look, how could Lin Jiu not know what Qianhe was thinking, looked at Qianhe angrily and said, "Junior Qianhe, I am the same as you, or, Junior Brother Qianhe, tell me first Tell me, how do you feel now, and then I will tell you, okay?"

Although Lin Jiu's tone was flat, Qianhe still heard something different from Lin Jiu's tone. If he continued, Lin Jiu might become angry and beat himself up. Things have never happened before.

Ignoring Lin Jiu, turned around and left, lest Lin Jiu become angry from embarrassment.After seeing Qianhe leave, Lin Jiu came to the front yard and instructed Wencai and others to practice.

Time passed, and three days passed like this. That night, Lu Yue, who was practicing in the courtyard, suddenly sensed that the temperature around him had dropped a lot compared to before. This discovery made Lu Yue frowned. Continue to practice, come to Lin Jiu's side, and stand ready.

When Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu, he saw that Qianhe had come to Lin Jiu. Seeing this, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, what's going on?" Qianhe also looked at Lin Jiu curiously, wanting to know what's going on?

However, before Lin Jiu could say anything, he saw Qiu Sheng and others entering the room, looking at him nervously. How could he not know what Qiu Sheng and others came here for.

With the current strength of Qiu Sheng and others, knowing this matter will not do them any good. , it is not suitable to know about this matter, continue to practice in the front yard, next, there is no call to be a teacher, no matter what happens here, you should not step here, understand?" Lin Jiu looked at Qiusheng solemnly Wait humanely.

Lin Jiu's words made Qiu Sheng and others full of curiosity, but seeing Lin Jiu's extremely serious look, Qiu Sheng and others knew about this matter, they had no right to disobey, and they could not disobey.

"Yes, Master, we know." After speaking, Qiu Sheng and others turned and left.After Qiusheng and others left, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, do I need to leave?"

"No need. With his current strength, Lu Yue is qualified to participate. Lu Yue comes to you to take the position of teacher." After speaking, Lin Jiu got up and sat down on the left side.

Lin Jiu's actions made Qianhe's eyes widen, and he looked at Lin Jiu in disbelief, "Senior brother, what's going on with you?" Could it be that Lu Yue became the young master of Maoshan, it must be like this, otherwise, On such a grand occasion, Lin Jiu would not sit under Lu Yue.

Seeing Qianhe's shocked look, Lin Jiu said lightly, "Junior Brother Qianhe, come and meet the young master." Although Qianhe had already guessed that Lu Yue might have become the young master before, But hearing Lin Jiu talking at this time, Qianhe's heart was still full of shock.

He didn't expect that Lu Yue would really become the young master teacher, "Brother, what you said is true, has Lu Yue's nephew really become the young master teacher?" This incident shocked Qianhe too much, even if Qianhe knew Lin Jiu would not use it This kind of thing, to deceive myself, still can't help but ask again.

Hearing this, Lu Yue didn't say anything nonsense, and took out the teacher's token.Looking at the teaching token in Lu Yue's hand, Qianhe didn't dare to have any doubts, and bowed respectfully to Lu Yue, "Qianhe pays homage to the young master." Although Qianhe is Lu Yue's uncle, but Now Lu Yue is the young head teacher of the Maoshan sect, and his status is actually below the head, so he cannot be compared.

"Master Uncle Qianhe, please get up." After getting up, Qianhe looked at Lin Jiu with dissatisfaction and said, "Brother, why didn't you tell me about such an important matter?" If Lin Jiu didn't want this matter, others would know If so, could it be that he, Qianhe, would still tell this matter to the public?

"Junior Brother Qianhe, it's not that I don't tell, it's that Lu Yue doesn't want this matter to be known by other people. If it wasn't for the fact that the guests who came tonight were special, I wouldn't have said it, Junior Brother. , before you sit down, the guests will arrive soon."

(End of this chapter)

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