Chapter 268

Hearing this, Qianhe also knew that it was not about life and death, and sat down opposite Lin Jiu, waiting for the guests to appear.The guest did not make Lin Jiu and the others wait too long.

Soon, Lin Jiu and the others saw a puff of blue smoke rising from the ground, and they turned into two ghost messengers and appeared on the spot.Looking at Lu Yue who was sitting upright above, a hint of shock flashed in the eyes of the two ghost messengers. They came to Yizhuang to discuss with Lin Jiu, a powerful disciple of Maoshan, but they did not expect that at this time The highest status in Yizhuang is not Lin Jiu, but a young man.

He looked at Lu Yue curiously, wanting to know what was special about Lu Yue.When they looked at Lu Yue, a white light suddenly flew out of Lu Yue's body, standing on top of Lu Yue's head, bursts of white light bloomed. In front of Lu Yue, bursts of coercion burst out, pressing on the two ghosts not far away.

Under the influence of these white lights and the token of Maoshan's head teacher, the two ghost messengers were filled with fear and shock. Unexpectedly, in this degenerate era, they could still see the practitioners of Tianlu. After becoming the head teacher of Maoshan, he didn't dare to be careless. He bowed to Lu Yue and said, "I have seen the head teacher of Maoshan."

Before, Lin Jiu had never talked about the underworld with Lu Yue, so Lu Yue didn't know the two ghosts that suddenly appeared in front of him. Looking at Lin Jiu who was not far away, he wanted to know the two sudden The ghost that appeared, what is it?
"Lu Yue, these two are the ghost messengers of the underworld." "It turns out that they are the ghost messengers. Lu Yue is polite." What's the difference between poor and other ghosts. "Teacher Shao is being polite. We brothers don't dare to accept the gift of Teacher Shao. Your achievements in the future, Master Shao, cannot be compared with us. In the future, we need you to take care of us more."

Although Lu Yue's current cultivation base is not high, Lu Yue's future achievements cannot be compared with them. Lu Yue who has a heavenly talisman will be able to ascend to the immortal class in the future. It can be compared, and they also sensed a dangerous aura from Lu Yue.

Although the two ghosts don't know what's going on, they also know that Lu Yue's strength is stronger than what they estimated. If they really fight, the two of them may not be Lu Yue's opponent. , naturally dare not show off in front of Lu Yue, so as not to be hated by Lu Yue.

Of course, the more important thing is that Lu Yue's current status is already much higher than them, even if they are really beheaded, nothing will happen.

Seeing Guicha's attitude towards Lu Yue, Lin Jiu and Qianhe felt a burst of envy in their hearts, especially Qianhe's eyes turned red with envy, and he wished to replace it with his own body.

It's not that the two of them have dealt with other ghost messengers before, but ghost messengers can be said to be superior to them, and Lin Jiu is better. After all, Lin Jiu's strength is not weak, and he has already left in the underworld. After death, they will be able to hold official positions in the underworld, and they may become their superiors. These ghost messengers dare not go too far, lest they be targeted in the future.

But Qianhe is different. Although Qianhe is a disciple of Maoshan, he has not left a name in the underworld. It is not certain whether he can hold an official position in the underworld after death.Therefore, the ghost messenger in the underworld and Qianhe's attitude are called aloof.

"I don't know the two ghost messengers, what's the matter here today?" Lu Yue asked. "I don't know, does the young master know about the changes that have taken place in the world during this period of time?" Guicha didn't say what was going on by himself, and wanted to take this opportunity to see if Lu Yue had enough connections with the fairy world. If they contacted, Lu Yue should know what they were talking about?
"You two, are you talking about the recovery of spiritual energy? If you two are talking about this matter, then I already knew about it a while ago and told the headmaster about it."

Lu Yue's words shocked the ghost messenger, and he immediately understood that Lu Yue's status was higher than they had estimated before, otherwise, Lu Yue would not have known about this so quickly.

"Young master is very powerful. That's right. The two of us came here today to talk about this matter. Now the world is in chaos and there are many ghosts and monsters. It can be said that a large number of ghosts are born every day. With the strength of our underworld alone, we want to kill these people. It is extremely difficult to catch all the evil spirits.

Because, the world is filled with a lot of evil and resentment now, as long as these ghosts do not enter the underworld at the moment of birth and reincarnate, they will be constantly affected by the evil and resentment between heaven and earth. Become more evil, let the strength of these evil spirits continue to increase, plus we people in the underworld are also ghosts, so we can't stay in the human world, otherwise, we will be polluted by resentment and evil spirits in the world, and have evil thoughts in our hearts.

Therefore, we hope that all the Taoists can help the underworld. Of course, you can rest assured that our underworld will not treat you badly, and will keep your merits in mind.

If the merits are sufficient, all Taoist priests can serve in the underworld after death. Of course, if it is like the head teacher, our underworld is willing to exchange some natural materials and treasures. I wonder if it is possible? After finishing speaking, the ghost messenger looked at Lu Yue cautiously, wanting to know whether Lu Yue would agree.

"You two, even if you don't say anything about this matter, we will do it, so that these evil spirits will not burn into the world. However, you should also know that those ghosts are good at hiding, and it is not easy to find them. "Speaking of this, Lu Yue stopped, looked at the two ghost messengers, and wanted to know how they could find the traces of the evil spirits.

"Young master, don't worry, we have already prepared for this. This is a special token made by our underworld. As long as there are evil spirits within a kilometer range, this token can sense it. Contact the underworld, so that if any powerful evil spirits appear in the world, our underworld will also notify the priests through this token." After finishing speaking, the ghost messenger took out three pitch-black tokens and handed them to Lu Yue in front of.

"I have accepted this token. I will also inform the head of this matter and let all Maoshan disciples outside know. At that time, if you have a fancy for any Maoshan disciple, you can just send this token." " After finishing speaking, Lu Yue took the three tokens from the ghost messenger.

However, just after Lu Yue received the token, one of the tokens turned into a stream of light and merged into the Tianlu, which surprised Lu Yue. Fortunately, although the token was integrated into the Tianlu, Lu Yue could sense it. Seeing that the function of the token did not disappear, Lu Yue was slightly relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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