Chapter 269 Breakthrough
This scene not only surprised Lu Yue, but also surprised Lin Jiu and the others. They didn't expect such a change to happen. They fixedly looked at Lu Yue, wanting to know why?
"Everyone, you don't need to worry. Although this token is integrated into the Tianlu, the effect of the token has not disappeared, but has been strengthened." Hearing this, the two ghost messengers breathed a sigh of relief, "Sir. Headmaster, the two Taoists, we have other things to do, so we left first."

"Two ghost messengers, go slowly." As soon as Lu Yue finished speaking, the two ghost messengers turned into a puff of green smoke, melted into the ground, and disappeared.Seeing this, Lu Yue gave the two tokens in his hand to Lin Jiu and Qianhe respectively.Looking at the token in their hands, Qianhe and Lin Jiu each forced out a drop of blood, melted it into the token, and recognized the token as its owner. This token is a good thing for the two of them, especially for Qianhe. Crane, with this token, as long as you work harder and kill more evil spirits, you will be able to serve in the underworld after death, and you don't have to suffer from reincarnation.

As soon as the token was recognized as the owner, Lin Jiu and Qianhe began to try the role of the token. After a while, Qianhe looked at Lin Jiu jokingly and said, "Senior Brother, it seems that you, a Maoshan disciple, are not powerful enough. There are so many evil spirits nearby?"

After some investigation, Qianhe discovered that there are many evil spirits in the north. Although they don't know how strong these evil spirits are, how can the strength of these evil spirits be so low in the troubled times?More importantly, these evil spirits know that Lin Jiu, a powerful disciple of Maoshan, lives in Renjia Town, and dare to stay near Renjia Town, which shows that the strength of these evil spirits is definitely not weak, otherwise, they would not If you have the guts, dare to stay near Renjia Town.

"Junior Brother Qianhe, although these evil spirits are staying near Renjia Town, at least these evil spirits don't dare to act recklessly in Renjia Town. If it were Junior Brother, this Renjia Town would have been in chaos long ago."

Lin Jiu's words made Qianhe feel annoyed, but he didn't say anything. After all, compared with Lin Jiu, his strength was indeed much worse, and he couldn't deter these evil spirits.

"Hmph, brother, don't be too happy too early. Now that the spiritual energy has begun to recover, the cultivation environment will get better and better. It is not impossible for me, Qianhe, to get a glimpse of the realm of the celestial master."

"With your aptitude, Junior Brother Qianhe, it is indeed not impossible to break through to the realm of a celestial master, but unfortunately, Junior Brother Qianhe, you will never be able to surpass me in your lifetime.

And Junior Brother Qianhe, I feel that it won’t take long to break through to the realm of a celestial master, so, Junior Brother Qianhe, you have to practice hard and break through to the realm of a celestial master as soon as possible, before that time, Lu Yue has already broken through to the realm of a celestial master. It's not good if you don't break through the realm of the celestial master. "After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Qianhe and returned to the room to start practicing.

Looking at Lin Jiu's back, Qianhe really wanted to tell Lin Jiu that he would definitely break through to the realm of a celestial master before Lu Yue, but considering Lu Yue's inhuman aptitude, Qianhe couldn't say this, because He has no confidence that he can break through to the realm of a celestial master before Lu Yue.

Thinking of this, Qianhe sighed in his heart, turned around and returned to his room, and began to practice.Seeing Qianhe leaving, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he was worried that Master would quarrel with Qianhe. Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen.

Afterwards, Lu Yue told the head teacher what had happened before, as well as his own decision, and then, Lu Yue went to the backyard and began to practice his Lightning and Thunder Fist.

As for whether the head teacher will agree to his previous proposal, Lu Yue is not worried at all, because this matter is of great benefit to both the Maoshan faction and their Maoshan disciples, whether it is the head teacher or others. None of the Maoshan disciples would disagree.

Sure enough, before Lu Yue started to practice, he received a voice transmission from the head teacher and agreed with what Lu Yue said before.In the next few days, Lu Yue and the others did not start to deal with the evil spirits nearby, but continued to cast magic spells, practice Lightning Running Thunder Fist and Palm Thunder Fist, in order to get rid of these two powerful thunder techniques as soon as possible. Practice to the fifth floor.

Before, when inviting the upper body of the gods, Lu Yue got the permission of the patriarch to continue to use the upper body of the gods, so that before they came, Lu Yue would teach them to practice these two thunder techniques, otherwise, Lu Yue, Lu Yue would not dare to be so ordinary Casting the magic spell to disturb the patriarchs.

It is of great benefit to Lu Yue to practice the Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist by inviting the magic technique. At least when the patriarch performs the higher-level Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist, Lu Yue's body will be greatly tempered, so that Lu Yue's body is growing rapidly every day.

Lu Yue's extraordinary comprehension, coupled with the guidance of the patriarch, within half a month, Lu Yue not only cultivated the Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder to the fifth level, even his cultivation level broke through to the second-rank human teacher Realm, combat effectiveness can be said to have improved a lot.

With Lu Yue's current combat strength, Lin Jiu was not Lu Yue's opponent. If he really took action, with Lu Yue's current strength, it would not be difficult to kill Lin Jiu.Of course, in the absence of Lin Jiu's improvement, otherwise, Lu Yue would not be Lin Jiu's opponent. After all, Lin Jiu is also a famous genius, and it is not easy to surpass him.

Before, Lin Jiu and Qianhe both knew that under the guidance of the patriarchs, Lu Yue would soon be able to practice the two thunder techniques of Lightning Benlei Fist and Palm Thunder to the fifth level.

But neither Qianhe nor Lin Jiu thought that Lu Yue would practice both Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist to the fifth level so quickly. He is really a monster. "Brother, if we fight now, it shouldn't be difficult to kill you, brother, with the power of Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist, right?" Qianhe looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked.

Although Lu Yue's combat effectiveness has been improved a lot because he has practiced Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist to the fifth level, but his senior brother is not a troublesome existence, and no one knows whether Lin Jiu has mastered anything A powerful hole card that can compete with Lu Yue.

Hearing Qianhe's words, Lin Jiu looked at Qianhe angrily and said, "Senior Brother, I have practiced Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fifth level many years ago. When did you see me, were you afraid of Senior Brother?"

Although Lin Jiu hadn't heard of it, Qianhe couldn't hear the unfinished meaning in Lin Jiu's words. He also knew that his senior brother had practiced Lightning and Thunder Fist to the fifth level many years ago. Looking at Lin Jiu curiously, he looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked, "Brother, have you cultivated Baguazhang to the sixth level?" Confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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