278 Raising Ghosts
Seeing Lu Yue leaving quickly on Yu steps, Wencai and Qiusheng breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, Wencai and Qiusheng's luck was not very good, and it happened that Lin Jiu saw them breathe a sigh of relief It looks like, relying on Lin Jiu's understanding of Wencai and Qiusheng, how can he not know what's going on, come to Wencai and Qiusheng and say, "You two are not allowed to sleep tonight, let me practice until dawn to understand ?"

What Lin Jiu said made Wencai and Qiusheng stunned. They didn't understand why the master was angry and punished them for practicing until dawn?However, looking at Lin Jiu's gloomy face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't have the guts to ask the doubts in their hearts. They were worried that they would be beaten up by the angry Lin Jiu, so they could only helplessly nodded and said, "Yes, Master, we know." After speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng began to practice.

However, after Lu Yue left Yizhuang, he went to Huang Wanwan's mansion at his fastest speed to avoid any accidents. After all, as long as this ghost is not drawn into the underworld, he will be under the influence of evil and resentment. , became extremely cruel, if he went late, Huang Wanwan's family might die in the hands of that evil spirit, although Huang Wanwan was not a good person, but Lu Yue didn't want anyone to die in the hands of the evil spirit In the hands, so as not to breed more powerful evil spirits.

Along the way, Lu Yue didn't dare to delay a bit, and soon Lu Yue saw Huang Wanwan's house, and seeing the ghostly aura floating above, Lu Yue's face became serious, such a strong ghostly aura, this There are many evil spirits in the mansion, and the strength of these evil spirits is not weak, it is better to be careful.

Afterwards, Lu Yue opened his eyes, wanting to know how many ghosts there are in this mansion. Of course, Lu Yue did not forget to stick an amulet on himself, so that even if he missed something, those evil ghosts It is not easy to hurt yourself.At the same time, Lu Yue also quickened his pace and walked towards Huang Wanwan's house.

As soon as he came to the door, Lu Yue heard screams, and he couldn't care less, he kicked the door open and entered it, wanting to know what happened.

As soon as he kicked open the gate, Lu Yue saw more than a dozen ghosts planning to harm people. Seeing this, Lu Yue couldn't care less about other things, and condensed a thunderbolt in his palm, striking an old ghost.Lu Yue did not hide his tracks, how could there be so many evil spirits in the house not seeing Lu Yue's existence.

Originally, these evil spirits saw that Lu Yue was so young, and thought that his strength would not be strong, so they didn't take Lu Yue to heart, but when Lu Yue cast the palm thunder, these evil spirits knew that they had underestimated Lu Yue's strength. Although Yue's cultivation level is not high, his combat power is extremely powerful. Even if they and these evil spirits join forces and want to kill Lu Yue, it is not an easy task, and it will take a lot of money to do it.Therefore, before they figured out the purpose of Lu Yue's visit, many evil spirits did not plan to attack Lu Yue, lest they die in Lu Yue's hands.

And the scene that happened next let many evil spirits know that their estimation was not wrong. This old ghost and the others are the most powerful among these evil spirits, but even so, this evil spirit did not completely avoid the palm thunder Attack, was hit by the lightning in the palm, and the injury was not light.

Huang Wanwan was a wealthy man nearby. Although he had never met Lu Yue himself, he knew Lu Yue's name and appearance from other people.Therefore, the moment they saw Lu Yue, they recognized Lu Yue's identity, "Master Lu Yue, help, these evil spirits want to kill us."

As he said that, Huang Wanwan took his family and hurried to Lu Yue's side. As long as he could come to Lu Yue's side, with Lu Yue around, these evil spirits should not be able to hurt him again.

Hearing Huang Wanwan's words, these evil spirits also knew that Lu Yue was a Taoist priest, and they were afraid that the visitor was not kind.After knowing Lu Yue's identity, these evil spirits would naturally not let Lu Yue go just like this. After all, Taoist priests like Lu Yue would not let them go easily when they met them.

Therefore, they want to suck Huang Wanwan and others dry before fighting Lu Yue. If they can get the help of Huang Wanwan and others' yang energy, their strength will increase a lot. It is not impossible for the ghosts to join hands to kill Lu Yue.

However, before they could take any action, they saw thunder and lightning suddenly gushing out from Lu Yue, surrounding Lu Yue, making many evil spirits full of fear.

At the moment these lightnings appeared, they sensed the danger on these lightnings, knowing that the power of these lightnings was stronger than what they expected, and if they were touched by these lightnings, they were likely to be injured. Not light.

In the courtyard, besides Huang Wanwan's family, there was also a Taoist. Although this Taoist's strength was not strong, Lu Yue was able to discover the aura of spiritual power in this person at the first time. This person is also a cultivator, but his strength is not strong, it can even be said to be weak, a little weaker than Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

However, the next moment, Lu Yue's complexion became weird.It turned out that the moment Lu Yue saw this Taoist, Lu Yue also found that this man exuded a faint ghostly aura.

Although the ghost aura on this Taoist was not considered strong, Lu Yue knew that he was not mistaken. This Taoist really exuded ghost aura, that is to say, this Taoist was raising ghosts.Moreover, judging from the ghost aura, this Taoist not only raised one ghost, but two ghosts.

What puzzled Lu Yue was that there was no gloomy aura emanating from this Taoist's spiritual power, which meant that this Taoist raised ghosts not to use ghosts to improve his strength. Could it be that this Taoist raised ghosts just for fun.Regardless of the reason why this Taoist raises ghosts, Lu Yue admires him for his courage and daring to raise ghosts in troubled times. Could it be that this Taoist is not worried that the ghosts he raises will be polluted by evil and resentment in the world, and in the end he will hurt everyone. him?
Mao Shanming has been practicing for a period of time. Although his strength is not considered strong, he knows a lot of things from other people. He naturally recognizes that the thunder technique Lu Yue used before is the famous palm thunder and lightning in the Maoshan school. Ben Leiquan, his heart was full of shock, I don't know whose disciple Lu Yue is, who can learn these two powerful thunder techniques.

You must know that even the Thunder King Shi Jian, who was placed high hopes by the Maoshan School, only learned the Lightning Ben Leiquan, a thunder technique, and did not learn the Thunder Palm.Although Mao Shanming didn't know whose disciple Lu Yue was, he also knew that Lu Yue's status was extremely extraordinary. Otherwise, he would not be able to learn these two powerful thunder techniques. If he wanted to survive today, he still needed to rely on Lu Yue's help. Only strength will do.

(End of this chapter)

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