Chapter 279 Not Much
Knowing that Lu Yue was powerful, Mao Shanming couldn't care less about anything else, and hurriedly said, "My fellow Taoist, help me." The speaker, Mao Shanming approached my Lu Yue cautiously.

He came earlier than Lu Yue. It turned out that Mao Shanming only planned to come in to cheat some money. Unexpectedly, there are not only ghosts in this mansion, but also more than a dozen ghosts, and the strength of these ghosts is much stronger than himself. In front of the evil spirits, Mao Shanming had no ability to resist and was easily taken away.

Mao Shanming's strength is not considered strong, but no matter what, this Mao Shanming is also a cultivator. The yang energy on his body is stronger than that of ordinary people, and it is more helpful to evil spirits. In this way, these evil spirits will naturally not let Mao Shanming go easily, and after capturing Mao Shanming, they sucked a lot of yang energy. It is really because of this that Huang Wanwan and others can survive. Before Lu Yue arrived, Huang Wanwan and others had already died in the hands of these evil spirits.

This Mao Shanming helped them more than Huang Wanwan and others. So, how could these evil spirits let Mao Shanming leave.When seeing Mao Shanming moving towards Lu Yue's place, one of the many evil spirits flew to Mao Shanming's place, trying to catch Mao Shanming.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Lu Yue's eyes. This brat is really courageous. Seeing himself here, not only did he not run away immediately, but he also wanted to harm others in front of him. Even a powerful ghost general would not have the guts to do so. An evil ghost who has not reached the level of a ghost soldier dares to do this. It is really ignorant and fearless.Without saying anything nonsense, the lightning on his body, driven by Lu Yue, flew out and struck the kid.

When they saw Lu Yue appear, many evil spirits were on guard in secret, so as not to be caught by surprise by Lu Yue.When the little ghost flew towards Mao Shanming, these evil spirits naturally noticed the first time, and secretly prepared to prevent the little ghost from being hurt by Lu Yue.

But the scene that happened next let many evil spirits know that Lu Yue's strength was stronger than they estimated.Although they were prepared, the speed of the lightning was really too fast. Before they could take any action, they saw that the lightning had already struck the kid, beheading the kid directly and turning him into a monster. nothingness.

"Good grandson (little brother, son), ah, my poor good grandson (little brother, son) Lu Yue, you deserve to die, not only you are going to die today, but everyone here is going to die." Where Yue is, he wants to kill Lu Yue in one fell swoop.

This Lu Yue's strength is stronger than they estimated. No matter which one of them makes a move, he is not Lu Yue's opponent, and will only die in Lu Yue's hands.

But if these evil spirits attack together, even if Lu Yue is powerful, he may not be able to resist all their attacks. This time, they will show no mercy. If their attack falls on Lu Yue , even if Lu Yue could not be beheaded, Lu Yue could still be seriously injured. At that time, it would be much easier to behead Lu Yue.

Looking at the many evil spirits attacking him, Lu Yue was filled with disdain. With this strength, he dared to attack him, no matter how many there were, it was nothing more than delivering food.

Before, Lu Yue was worried that these evil spirits would flee at once. If that was the case, Lu Yue could not guarantee that he would be able to kill all these evil spirits, but now he wanted to kill all these evil spirits. It's not a difficult thing.

Afterwards, Lu Yue used all his strength to cast the Lightning Running Thunder Fist, and thunder and lightning surged out of Lu Yue's body, turning into a thunder net, enveloping many evil spirits and shrinking continuously.

The lightning contained in the thunder net is extremely powerful, and it is the nemesis of these evil spirits. If these evil spirits can resist it, it can even be said that if they touch it, they will either die or be injured.

Looking at the ever-shrinking thunder net, many evil spirits were filled with fear. Now they finally know that Lu Yue's strength is much stronger than they estimated. Not to mention them, even a more powerful ghost will come forward Come on, he is not Lu Yue's opponent, and he can't care about anything else, begging for mercy, "Master Dao, we know we were wrong, and we don't dare anymore. Master Dao, please forgive us for the sake of our harmlessness." This time."

Hearing this, Huang Wanwan and the others were filled with worry, fearing that Lu Yue would let these evil spirits go. These evil spirits are not Lu Yue's opponents, but it is not difficult to deal with them. If these evil spirits are not beheaded this time, Huang Wanwan and others are worried that these evil spirits will take revenge on them after Lu Yue leaves.

Then, I want to say something, let Lu Yue kill these evil spirits, even if I can't, I hope Lu Yue can take these evil spirits away, otherwise, they will not feel at ease.

However, before they could say anything, Lu Yue said again, "There is a lot of nonsense, don't you think I can't see your blood? There are already many people who died at your hands. If I let you go today , I don’t know how many innocent people will die in your hands in the future.” As he spoke, Lu Yue continued to activate the Thunder Net, intending to kill all these evil spirits as soon as possible.

Seeing the shrinking thunder and lightning, many evil spirits knew that Lu Yue would not let them go today, and they stopped begging for mercy, and began to curse Lu Yue to vent their fear.

Lu Yue ignored the curses of many evil spirits, and continued to urge the thunder net to kill the evil spirits. Soon, under the attack of many thunder and lightning, many evil spirits were scattered into nothingness.

Seeing the disappearing evil spirits, Huang Wanwan and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Huang Wanwan came to Lu Yue's side and asked cautiously, "Master Dao, have all the evil spirits in my mansion been killed?" Beheaded?" Although many evil spirits have disappeared, Huang Wanwan will not really feel at ease until he hears Lu Yue's definite answer.

Fortunately, Lu Yue did not disappoint him, nodded and said, "Master Huang, don't worry, those evil spirits have already been beheaded by me. Now, Master Huang, should you give me the reward?"

"Daoist, don't worry, I'll take this reward from Daoist right now. By the way, Daoist Lu Yue doesn't know how much the reward is this time?" Huang Wanwan was full of worries when he said this. He was deeply afraid that Lu Yue would ask for a lot of rewards, but no matter how much Lu Yue asked for, after seeing Lu Yue's ability, Huang Wanwan would not dare not give it.

"Master Huang, don't worry, the reward is not much, six hundred silver dollars, you know, there are ghosts in your house, the fee is naturally more expensive than others."

(End of this chapter)

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