Chapter 280 Request
Lu Yue's words made the corners of Huang Wanwan and the others' mouths twitch. Six hundred silver dollars is not much, so how many silver dollars is too much?However, thinking of his own situation and the strength Lu Yue had shown before, this price was not unacceptable. Thinking of this, Master Huang nodded and asked his son to fetch [-] silver dollars and hand them over to Lu Yue.

"Master Dao, this is six hundred silver dollars. Master Dao, please count them." He said, and handed the cloth bag containing the silver dollars in his hand to Lu Yue. "No, I believe you will not deceive me."

If Huang Wanwan dared to deceive him, Lu Yue would not mind teaching Huang Wanwan and others a profound lesson, letting them know what would happen if they offended their practitioners.After speaking, Lu Yue took the bag and put it in the storage ring. "By the way, Mr. Huang, do you want to know why these evil spirits appear in your house, and there are so many of them?"

Lu Yue didn't say anything, Huang Wanwan thought that these evil spirits came to his mansion by accident, but from what Lu Yue said now, Huang Wanwan knew that there was some secret in it that he didn't know. "Yes, but, Mr. Huang, you need to pay another fifty silver dollars."

He gave all six hundred silver dollars, and Master Huang didn't care about giving fifty more silver dollars. After all, if this matter is not completely resolved, it is unknown whether there will be other ghosts coming to his mansion in the future.Without Huang Wanwan saying anything, his son fetched fifty silver dollars again and handed them to Lu Yue.

"Master Huang, the reason why these evil spirits came to you is because your house was built on their ancestral graves, and they overwhelmed their family, young and old. If you don't believe it, Mr. Huang, you can buy that place If you dig it up, you should be able to see a lot of bones."

Lu Yue's words made Huang Wanwan's heart full of anger. He didn't expect it to be because of such a reason. Pushing this house, but thinking that he had spent a lot of silver dollars to build this mansion, Huang Wanwan felt sad for a while, looked at Lu Yue and asked, "Master Lu Yue, what should I do?"

"Master Huang, if you don't want to tear down these houses, find someone to dig out the bones and bury them in a place with good geomantic omen. Otherwise, there will be other ghosts who will come to your house in the future and make your family restless, Mr. Huang." Mr. Huang, I have other things to do, so I will leave first." After speaking, Lu Yue turned and left without giving Huang Wanwan a chance to speak.

Looking at the back of Lu Yue leaving, Huang Wanwan sighed in his heart. Before that, he planned to take this rare opportunity to make friends with Lu Yue and make friends with a capable person like Lu Yue. For their family, there are great benefits. After all, they don't know when they will need to ask Lu Yue.Moreover, Lu Yue is still the young master of a wealthy family, and has more money in his hands than their family, so there is no need to worry that Lu Yue will seize their property.

It's a pity that Lu Yue didn't give them this opportunity at all, and left directly. They could only find another opportunity in the future and make friends with Lu Yue.Afterwards, Huang Wanwan thought of something and began to search for Mao Shanming. He did not forget that Mao Shanming defrauded him of a lot of silver dollars. Come back, how can it be cheap for a liar.

It's a pity that after some searching, there was no trace of Mao Shanming. I didn't understand that Mao Shanming had already escaped. Also, deception like Mao Shanming is best at almost escaping, otherwise, it would be impossible to live until now.But he said that after Mao Shanming left, he was going to go to Renjia Town, and he planned to stop thinking about it all night before leaving.

He didn't think he could hide Lu Yue's feelings by leaving, but Lu Yue didn't say anything, which meant that Lu Yue acquiesced to leave by himself and would not cause trouble for himself. As long as Lu Yue didn't cause trouble for himself, Huang Wanwan and others Mao Shanming was not worried. With his means, it was not difficult to deal with Huang Wanwan and others who did not have guns in their hands.

But soon, Mao Shanming saw Lu Yue coming to his side.Seeing Lu Yue who suddenly appeared beside him, Mao Shanming was taken aback. However, Mao Shanming did not choose to escape, because he knew that it was impossible to escape from Lu Yue by his own means.

That being the case, why should I waste my efforts, why not ask what's going on first, "Daoist Lu, what's the matter with you?" Mao Shanming looked at Lu Yue cautiously and asked.

But he found that Lu Yue did not answer his question, but stared fixedly at the umbrella in his hand. He didn't understand that Lu Yue had already discovered the big treasure and the little treasure hidden inside.

Shocked, fearing that Lu Yue would harm Dabao and Xiaobao, he quickly explained, "Daoist Lu, although they are ghosts, Dabao and Xiaobao didn't harm anyone, and they didn't do anything bad. But you must not touch them?"

"Don't worry, I don't intend to do anything to them. It's just that, for their own good, you'd better enter and send them to the underworld to be reincarnated. Now we are in troubled times, full of evil and resentment. If you don't enter In the underworld, it won't be long before the two of them will be polluted by evil and resentment in the world, and when that happens, you know what the consequences will be?"

No matter what Mao Shanming said, he is also a cultivator. After staying in the cultivating world for many years, how can he not know the unfinished meaning in Lu Yue's words? If Lu Yue really did not deceive himself, his future will be extremely miserable. Things, Mao Shanming naturally do not want to see.

However, he is just a casual cultivator, and the cultivator in his hands is not very brilliant, and his cultivation base is not strong, it can even be said to be weak, how could he have the ability to save ghosts?
"Master Daoist, to tell you the truth, with my ability, I am still far from saving the two of them, let alone sending them to the underworld. I don't know, Master Daoist is willing to help them."

I don't have the ability to save Dabao and Xiaobao, but Lu Yue is different. Lu Yue is a disciple of Maoshan. He is powerful and can definitely save Dabao and Xiaobao. Even if Lu Yue can't, Lu Yue's elders can. Therefore, If you want to send Dabao and Xiaobao to the underworld, you still need Lu Yue to do it, and Lu Yue or Lu Yue's master will do it. After Dabao and Xiaobao enter the underworld, for the sake of the Maoshan faction, the two ghosts Being able to live in the underworld, suffer much less, and reincarnate faster.

(End of this chapter)

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