Chapter 286

Originally, Wencai and Qiusheng planned to rest for a few minutes after seeing Lin Jiu leave, but when they saw Lu Yue coming, Wencai and Qiusheng immediately dismissed their thoughts and continued to practice.Based on their understanding of Lu Yue, if they dared to be lazy at this time, Lu Yue would definitely tell the master, and then the master would definitely beat them both up.

But what Wencai and Qiusheng didn't expect was that when Lu Yue saw them, he suddenly said, "Senior brothers, it's already this time, don't you want to cook?" , I have already gone to cook. As for the servants who were invited before, Lin Jiu asked them to go back after their spiritual energy recovered, so as not to encounter any danger.

"Junior brother, you're hungry." You know, usually, if Lin Jiu doesn't ask Lu Yue to eat, Lu Yue basically won't take the initiative to eat. So, how can Qiu Sheng and others not know that after cultivating to Lu Yue's level? , Eat a few meals less, and it will not have any effect.

Although Mao Shanming did not appear in front of them, Lu Yue knew that Mao Shanming must be in the room, paying attention to the situation here, Lu Yue couldn't explain the reason, so he nodded and said, "Well, the previous battle consumed a lot of energy. Strength needs to be replenished."

Hearing this, Wencai and Qiusheng's eyes lit up, and they quickly came to Lu Yue, looked at Lu Yue with a smile, and said, "Then we will make a bigger dinner for the younger brother. After a while, the two of us will kill a chicken and give it to you." Junior brother, please make up for it, what do you think?"

Based on their understanding of Lin Jiu, without Lu Yue's nod, when the master came back and saw them give and eat a chicken, he would punish them even if he didn't beat them up.

But if Lu Yue wanted to eat it, it would be different. Even if the master knew about it, he would not say anything about it, and even asked Lu Yue if he wanted to eat another one.

This kind of treatment made Wencai and Qiusheng full of envy, and they wished to replace it.However, no matter whether it is Wencai or Qiusheng, they all know that they can't cultivate like Lu Yue, and it is impossible to receive such treatment. "Okay, after Master comes back, I will tell Master. By the way, two senior brothers, you should keep some of these chickens for Master alone."

"Junior Brother, don't worry, we will save some for Master." Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng started to walk to the kitchen after saying that. "Senior brothers, choose the biggest one." Otherwise, there will be not enough food for so many people.

As for the unfinished meaning in Lu Yue's words, how could Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng not know about it? Even if Lu Yue didn't say it, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng would choose the biggest chicken to kill.

Afterwards, Lu Yue came to Ren Tingting and the other three and instructed them to practice. Ren Tingting and the three were not bad in aptitude. higher realm.

For Lu Yue's advice, Ren Tingting and the three were full of gratitude. Although, during this period of time, Lin Jiu taught them to practice whenever he had time, hoping to make them stronger as soon as possible.

But even so, the three of Ren Tingting were not satisfied with it, and they wanted to improve their strength faster so as to share the pressure of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu.After all, the three of Ren Tingting are not Qiusheng and Wencai. Seeing Lu Yue and Master practicing so hard every day, it is not difficult to guess that the situation outside has become extremely bad. Naturally, they want to improve their strength as soon as possible, even if they can't. To share the pressure for Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, and I don't want myself to be a burden to Lu Yue and Lin Jiu.

After dinner, Lu Yue asked Qiu Sheng and others to practice in the front yard. As for Mao Shanming, he returned to the room consciously. Although Mao Shanming wanted to watch from the side, he also knew that Lu Yue did not He will be allowed to watch from the side so as not to leak the exercises.

"Everyone, please stop for a moment. The villain is coming. Two senior brothers, you have to protect the other three in a while. As for other matters, leave them to me."

Looking at Lu Yue's dignified face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng knew that the enemy who came this time was extremely difficult, otherwise, Lu Yue's expression would not have become so dignified, "Junior brother, don't worry, we will The one who protects junior and junior sisters."

Hearing this, Lu Yue nodded, and then opened the gate of Yizhuang, just in time to see a man in a black robe and a strange mask appearing not far away.

The moment he saw this person, Lu Yue was on the body of the black-robed man, sensing a great crisis in his heart, which made Lu Yue feel a little flustered involuntarily.

Fortunately, Lu Yue quickly suppressed the panic and looked at the black-robed man warily, trying to see something from the black-robed man.

"Lu Yue, hand over all the evil spirits in Yizhuang, and I can spare your lives, otherwise, I will wash Yizhuang with blood today." How to wash Yizhuang with blood." As he said that, Lu Yue condensed a thunderbolt from his palm and struck the black-robed man.

This time, Lu Yue was suspected of a sneak attack. Originally, Lu Yue thought that his sneak attack could hurt the black robe man even if he could not seriously injure the black robe man. But what Lu Yue did not expect was that the black robe man seemed to be He had already guessed what he was doing, and easily avoided the attack of Palm Thunder.

This discovery made Lu Yue's eyes flash brightly. Before hearing this person call out his name, Lu Yue knew that the black-robed man knew something about him, but Lu Yue did not expect that the black-robed man could Easily avoiding the attack of Palm Thunder, could it be that the man in black robe knows Palm Thunder very well, or else, even a half-step celestial master, it is not an easy task to avoid Palm Thunder.

Palm Thunder is a unique skill of the Maoshan School. Even Maoshan disciples don’t know much about the Taoism of Palm Thunder. Only those disciples who have high hopes from Maoshan can have a chance to learn the Taoism of Palm Thunder. In other words, unless you are a disciple of the Maoshan School, even if you know the Taoism of Palm Thunder, you will not be too much, and you cannot easily avoid the attack of Palm Thunder. Could it be that the person in front of you is the Maoshan School? disciple.

However, what happened next dispelled Lu Yue's guess, because just after the black-robed man avoided the thunder in his palm, he waved his hand, and a zombie suddenly appeared and quickly struck Lu Yue. The moment he saw this zombie, Lu Yue knew that this zombie was extremely powerful, and had already reached the level of a half-step bronze-armored zombie. So, how dare Lu Yue be careless?
(End of this chapter)

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