Chapter 287 Hidden
Seeing the zombies attacking him, Lu Yue used all his strength to unleash the Lightning and Thunder Fist. Thunder and lightning surged out of his body, turning into thunder snakes, and hitting the zombies. At the same time, Lu Yue also knew that the man in black was not A disciple of Maoshan, but a disciple of the Corpse Keeping Sect, although there are many ways to manipulate zombies in the world, but only the Corpse Keeping Sect can control the half-step bronze armored zombies.

However, what Lu Yue didn't know was that the moment he cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist to condense the Thunder Snake, the black-robed man's eyes flashed with jealousy and unwillingness. If Lu Yue saw it, he wouldn't So I am sure that the person in front of me is a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect.

The unwillingness and jealousy in the eyes of the black-robed man disappeared completely after a flash. After that, the black-robed man quickly ran to the Yizhuang.It turns out that although the Thunder Snake condensed by Lu Yue is extremely powerful, the zombies in front of him, for some reason, are more powerful in resisting lightning than other zombies. Razer didn't do much.

After resisting the Thunder Snake, the zombies continued to attack Lu Yue, entangled Lu Yue, and created the opportunity for the man in the black robe to have today's Yizhuang.In the eyes of the black robe man, although Lu Yue's fighting power is extraordinary, but now Lu Yue has been entangled by the zombies he raised, and has no energy to stop him.

Unfortunately, what the black-robed man didn't know was that this wasn't the first time Lu Yue faced this kind of half-step bronze-armored zombie, and that Lu Yue was better at fighting humans than dealing with zombies.

Because, among all the Taoism methods of Lu Yue, the Taoism method that Lu Yue is best at is the method of wooden stakes, and this method of wooden stakes is more powerful against people than against other monsters and ghosts.

Seeing that the man in black robe was about to enter the Yizhuang, Lu Yue found an opportunity to force the zombies back and appeared in front of the man in black robe, "If you want to enter the Yizhuang, you still need to come up with some means. Just relying on this zombie to enter the Yizhuang, it is still a bit short. Wooden stakes." As he spoke, Lu Yue slapped the ground, and many wooden stakes gushed out from the ground, hitting the black-robed man.

Looking at the wooden stake that hit him, the black-robed man was filled with shock. He never thought that Lu Yue could cultivate the wooden stake Dafa to such a level. How could this be possible? After cultivating the fourth level of Lightning and Thunder Fist, he could also practice the wooden stake method to a higher level. When he was unprepared, he was knocked out by the wooden stake.

As Lu Yue expected before, the black-robed man who was knocked out did not suffer too much damage, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he really deserves to be a member of the Corpse Raising Sect, his body is really strong.

Afterwards, Lu Yue once again condensed many wooden stakes and appeared around the zombie, trapping him in it. Compared with dealing with the zombie in front of him, the black-robed man was undoubtedly better at dealing with it.

Therefore, Lu Yue planned to deal with the black-robed man first, as long as he could kill the black-robed man, the zombie would also suffer backlash, so the injury was serious, and it would be much easier to kill him again.Looking at the trapped zombies, how could the man in black not know what Lu Yue was thinking, his heart was full of anger, he never thought that one day he would be looked down upon by a junior like Lu Yue.

However, after the fight just now, the man in black has discovered that it is not an easy task to deal with Lu Yue, unless he is willing to risk his identity and use all his means to defeat Lu Yue .

As for wanting to kill Lu Yue, the black-robed man has not thought about it now, because he knows very well in his heart that Lu Yue's fighting power is extremely powerful, and even if he tries his best, it will be extremely difficult to kill Lu Yue. things, and you need to pay a heavy price for it afterwards.

This Lu Yue is Lin Jiu's disciple. If Lu Yue really dies in his hands, Lin Jiu will definitely not let him go, and the elders of the Maoshan sect will not let him go. At that time, he will have to face many Maoshan disciples. The pursuit of the elders and Lin Jiu.

Everyone in the cultivation world knew about Lin Jiu's difficulties, and the black-robed man didn't want to be hunted down all over the world by Lin Jiu, who was about to break through to the realm of a celestial master.Thinking of this, the man in black had the idea of ​​leaving. Since he couldn't take away the many evil spirits in Yizhuang, he didn't continue to fight Lu Yue, so as not to be seen by Lu Yue.

The man in black had already hidden his thoughts very well, but Lu Yue didn't find out, but he didn't know that Lu Yue had noticed his thoughts, and he was puzzled. I don't know why this man in black gave up his previous thoughts so easily and left. Could it be that I felt wrong.

Although Lu Yue didn't know what was going on, he kept an eye out in his heart so that the man in black would not leave easily.And what happened next let Lu Yue know that his previous induction was not wrong, and that the man in black really wanted to leave.

Although Lu Yue didn't know what was going on, Lu Yue knew that now was not the time to think about it. The most important thing now was to prevent the man in black from leaving.

This black-robed man is too weird, and he must find out who this black-robed man is as soon as possible, so as not to be tricked by the black-robed man at some point.Of course, the most important thing is to find out the identity of the man in black, which is of great benefit to both Yizhuang and himself.

Seeing the black-robed man retreating quickly, Lu Yue stepped on Yu steps and quickly chased him, wanting to keep the black-robed man behind. This method prevents the black-robed man from leaving.

But soon, Lu Yue realized that he had underestimated the means of black runners.It turned out that at the moment when the man in black retreated, the zombie who was trapped by Lu Yue jumped up high and suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yue, resisting the palm thunder.

Afterwards, driven by the black-robed man, the zombie crazily hit Lu Yue, entangled Lu Yue, and did not give Lu Yue a chance to chase the black-robed man, and soon the black-robed man disappeared from Lu Yue's eyes.Seeing this scene, Lu Yue sighed in his heart, and at the same time felt grateful.

The strength of this black-robed man is not weak. With his current strength, it is basically impossible to kill him. Even if he can do it, he will have to pay a very high price.In this way, the man in black took the initiative to leave, which naturally made Lu Yue feel relieved.

Afterwards, Lu Yue looked at the zombie not far away. The man in black robe was hiding too deeply, and he was not sure to keep him. Its beheading is not impossible.

If he could kill this zombie, even if he couldn't hurt the man in black, it would still weaken the man in black's combat effectiveness.Thinking of this, Lu Yue flipped his hand, and the Golden Sun Sword appeared in his hand, swung it quickly, and stabbed at the zombie's palm.

(End of this chapter)

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