Chapter 288 Powerful
The half-step copper-armored zombie already has a lot of intelligence. The moment he saw the Jinyang sword, he sensed great danger on the Jinyang sword. How could he not understand that the wooden sword in Lu Yue's hand was harmful to him? The damage was huge, and he retreated quickly, hoping to avoid the Jinyang Sword.

However, Lu Yue's charged blow would be easily avoided by the zombies. Under Lu Yue's swing, the golden sun sword in his hand stabbed straight at the zombie's palm, easily piercing the zombie's palm, and then , Lu Yue turned the Golden Sun Sword, cut off the zombie's palm and dropped it to the ground.

The palm was cut off, and the zombie couldn't help screaming, looking at Lu Yue with hatred, wishing to bite Lu Yue to death.However, seeing the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand, the hatred in the zombie's eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by fear.

The power of this Golden Sun Sword is really too great. In front of the Golden Sun Sword, the body that I am proud of is like a piece of paper. Let the zombie know that he is not Lu Yue's opponent. It won't be long before he stays here. , will die in the hands of Lu Yue.

In this way, how dare the zombie stay here, glared at Lu Yue fiercely, engraved Lu Yue's appearance firmly in the bottom of his heart, and waited until his strength became stronger before he came to take revenge.

However, before the zombie left, he saw many vine whips suddenly appearing under his feet, entangled his feet.Afterwards, these vines spread rapidly towards his body, trying to bind himself.Seeing this, the zombie struggled quickly, trying to break off the vines on its body, but at this moment, the zombie saw Lu Yue swinging the golden sun sword in his hand again, stabbing at his heart.

Before, the zombie already knew how powerful the Golden Sun Sword was, and knew very well in his heart, how dare he let the Golden Sun Sword stab himself.Breathing out a stream of corpse breath, he struck Lu Yue, trying to prevent Lu Yue from approaching.At the same time, the zombie struggled even more frantically, wanting to break off the vines on his body as soon as possible. If he couldn't break off the vines on his body, even if he could resist Lu Yue's attack this time, he would still die in the end. In the hands of Lu Yue.

With the improvement of the wooden stake method, the vegetation condensed by Lu Yue became stronger and stronger, even if it was as strong as the half-step bronze armored zombie in front of him, it couldn't break the vines instantly.

Soon, the zombie realized that he had underestimated Lu Yue's caution, and when he spit out his corpse gas to attack Lu Yue, thunder and lightning surged from Lu Yue's body, surrounding Lu Yue.

Afterwards, driven by Lu Yue, the thunder and lightning on his body met many corpse auras, and easily dispersed the corpse aura he exhaled. Afterwards, the remaining part of the lightning and lightning continued to hit him, making the corpse aura on the zombies The injury was a bit more serious than before.

This is not the thing that makes the zombies most anxious. What makes the zombies most anxious is that the zombies find that under the attack of thunder and lightning, their bodies are numb and unable to do anything, so they can only watch helplessly. His own heart pierced through.

Although he was refined by the man in black for a long time, making him stronger and weirder than other zombies of the same realm, but this heart is still one of his biggest weaknesses.

Now that the heart is pierced by the golden yang sword, it is natural that he cannot survive, and after the golden yang sword pierces his heart, a fiery force continuously invades his body, causing the zombie to sense a powerful pure yang With the power, he continuously burned his body, wiped out his last vitality, and made him fall straight to the ground, dying with a lot of unwillingness.

Looking at the dead zombie, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he took back the Golden Sun Sword that had been inserted into the zombie's body, performed the method of wooden stakes, gathered many lychee branches, lifted the zombie, and took out a The Zhang Fire Talisman was activated and turned into a ball of flames, burning the zombies.

At this time, there was still a pure yang force remaining in the zombie's body, combined with the not weak real fire, the corpse was burned to ashes soon, after that, Lu Yue collected these ashes, planning to wait until the master came back After that, proceed with the processing.

Before, Lu Yue did not close the gate of Yizhuang, so Qiu Sheng and others could see clearly what happened outside before, and their hearts were full of shock. Before, Qiu Sheng and others already knew Lu Yue's strength, which was extremely powerful , but Qiusheng and the others had never seen Lu Yue make a full attack.

Therefore, Qiu Sheng and the others didn't know Lu Yue's strength, and how powerful he was. Now that they saw Lu Yue fighting with the zombies and the black-robed man, Qiu Sheng and the others finally knew what Lu Yue's strength was. Shocked, they didn't expect that Lu Yue's strength was so strong that if they were to face the zombie or the man in black, they would probably be killed by the zombie or the man in black in an instant.

But Lu Yue not only forced the black-robed man back, but also beheaded the powerful zombie. It seemed that the gap between them and Lu Yue was bigger than they estimated.

"Junior Brother Lu Yue, did the black-robed man really leave?" Even if the Corpse Keepers are good at raising corpses, a zombie with a half-step bronze armor is extremely important to the Corpse Keepers no matter what time it is. precious.But now that such a powerful zombie died in the hands of Lu Yue, there was no guarantee that the man in black would not come back and seek revenge on Lu Yue.

Seeing the worried look of Qiu Sheng and others, how could Lu Yue not know what Qiu Sheng and others were thinking, and said with a smile, "Senior brother, don't worry, the man in black doesn't want us to find out his identity, so come back The possibility is not great, and I have notified Master just now, and Master will come back in a short time." If the man in black really dares to come back, the two of them, master and apprentice, will join hands to get this man in black. Killing is not difficult.

Although Lu Yue didn't say the last sentence, Qiu Sheng and the others couldn't hear the unfinished meaning in Lu Yue's words, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, the man in black robe didn't show much strength, but Qiu Sheng and others believed that even if the man in black robe was stronger than Lu Yue, the gap between the two wouldn't be too big. People will not choose to leave, but join hands with zombies to kill Lu Yue.

Then, kill them all, as long as they can all be killed, then even if the black-robed man reveals his secret, no one else will know.

But the man in the black robe didn't do this, but chose to leave, which means that the man in the black robe knew that even if he teamed up with the zombies, he would not be able to kill Lu Yue, or in other words, even if he could kill Lu Yue in the end , I will pay a heavy price for this, so I will leave.

(End of this chapter)

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