Chapter 289 Concealment
Although they don't know the master's strength, they also know that the master has broken through to a higher level not long ago. When he reached Lin Jiu's level, every time he breaks through, his combat effectiveness will be improved a lot. It is not difficult to kill the black-robed man. They don't believe that the black-robed man will not know about it. Therefore, even if the black-robed man is angry again, the possibility of coming back for revenge is not great. Immediately relieved.

After that, Qiu Sheng and the others continued to practice in the courtyard.After the previous events, Qiu Sheng and others have already understood that this world is more dangerous than they imagined. They must improve their strength as soon as possible, otherwise, maybe one day, they will be killed by Master or Lu Yue. Enemies, come to the door and kill them to vent their anger.

Before, Lu Yue made a lot of noise. How could Mao Shanming not know it in the room, but Mao Shanming knew that with his own strength, participating in it would only drag Lu Yue down, so he didn't come out and stayed in the room , pay attention to the battle situation.

Mao Shanming was shocked when he saw Lu Yue easily beheading the zombies who stepped into the bronze armor one by one. He didn't expect Lu Yue's fighting power to be so powerful.

After so many years of practice, although Mao Shanming's cultivation base is not very strong, he has had many disciples and made friends with some people. His vision is better than that of Qiu Sheng and others.

Although the black-robed man tried his best to hide it, Mao Shanming still found something wrong, so after Qiu Sheng and others started to practice, Mao Shanming came to Lu Yue and asked, "Daoist Lu Yue, you and that black robe When people are fighting, do you find anything wrong?"

Lu Yue did not answer Mao Shanming's question, but looked at Mao Shanming curiously and asked, "Daoist, have you discovered anything?" "Daoist Lu Yue, I don't know if what I said is right, the black robe The person feels very strange to me, as if he is hiding something on purpose, as if he is worried about what we will find out and guess his identity?"

Although the man in the black robe didn't make many moves, Mao Shanming could sense that the man in the black robe was extremely powerful and would definitely not be weaker than Lu Yue. It is not impossible to defeat or even kill Lu Yue.

"Daoist, you have good eyesight. That black-robed man really concealed it on purpose. If I guessed correctly, that black-robed man should be a well-known and decent man, and he also has a good reputation. It is really because of this that the black-robed man dare not Go all out and worry about being guessed by us."

Unfortunately, what the black-robed man didn't know was that Lu Yue had already memorized his aura. If he met again, he would know who the black-robed man was.

"Since the Taoist priest already knows about it, then I won't say anything more. However, the Taoist priest needs to be more careful in the future, so as not to be tricked by this man in black." Because of his own identity, he had to guard against letting other people target Lu Yue.Afterwards, Mao Shanming returned to his room to recover the yang energy that had been consumed before.

Previously, in Huang Wanwan's house, Mao Shanming was caught by an evil spirit and lost a lot of Yang Qi. If he didn't recover as soon as possible, his health might be affected.After seeing Mao Shanming leave, Lu Yue found a corner to restore the spiritual power that was consumed before.The fighting time was not long before, but there was a lot of spiritual power that could be consumed. Now Lu Yue only has [-]% of his spiritual power left, and he needs to recover as soon as possible.

However, Lin Jiu, who was looking for evil cultivators outside, did not dare to be negligent when he received Lu Yue's voice transmission, and ran to Yizhuang at his fastest speed, fearing that Lu Yue would have an accident.

It didn't take much time for Lin Jiu to return to Yizhuang. Looking at Lu Yue who had recovered his spiritual power, Lin Jiu was relieved. What he was worried about did not happen.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu planned to step aside and wait until Lu Yue's spiritual power recovered before asking what was going on.But Lu Yue suddenly opened his eyes, looked at himself and said, "Master, you are back." "Lu Yue, what happened before? How are you doing?"

"Master, don't worry, I'm fine. Not long after you left, Master, a man in black came to Yizhuang and wanted me to hand over all the evil spirits in Yizhuang to him. My disciple didn't Agreed, and fought with the black-robed man, and finally killed the half-step bronze-armored zombie raised by the black-robed man. As for the black-robed man, he let him leave unharmed."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu stared straight at Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, in your opinion, that black-robed man is a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect?" What Lu Yue said before gave Lin Jiu a strange feeling .If the man in black was a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect, Lu Yue should have explained it to himself.

But Lu Yue didn't directly say that the man in black was a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect, which meant that in Lu Yue's view, the man in black robe might not be a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect, that's why Lu Yue was like this.

More importantly, if the man in black was really a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect, even if Lu Yue's strength had grown a lot now, he would still have to pay a considerable price to repel him.

After all, in the Corpse Raising School, those who can raise a half-step bronze-armored zombie are definitely late-stage earth masters, and even half-step celestial masters are not impossible.However, this is just my own guess, what is going on, I still need to know from Lu Yue.

"Master, to be honest, I think that the black-robed man is a disciple of the Corpse Raising Sect. The possibility is not great. The disciple thinks that the black-robed man is very likely to be a disciple of a famous and decent sect, and he has a lot of wealth in the cultivation world. Otherwise, even if this disciple can repel this black-robed man today, he would have to pay a considerable price."

Lin Jiu wasn't surprised by this, but he didn't believe that Lu Yue really didn't find anything, so he looked at Lu Yue again and asked, "Lu Yue, have you found anything else?"

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue stunned. He understood that Lin Jiu knew more about him than he thought. However, Lu Yue did not intend to tell Lin Jiu about this matter, "Master, the disciple does have some other discoveries. , However, this matter, I can't tell you, Master, before I figure it out, Master, so don't ask any more."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu didn't say anything but looked straight at Lu Yue, wanting to know what Lu Yue meant, and after a while, Lin Jiu said, "Really, I know for the teacher Don't worry, Lu Yue, don't ask any more questions as a teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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