Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 294 Don't Be Happy Too Soon

Chapter 294 Don't Be Happy Too Soon
Seeing himself unable to move an inch, Da Shan and the others were filled with fear. They never thought that Lin Jiu had such a powerful method.There was even a burst of regret in their hearts. If Lu Yue and Lin Jiu were so powerful before them, even if they were given a little more courage, they would not dare to appear in front of Lu Yue, and then realized that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue were in front of them. After arriving, they left as soon as possible, so that they would not die in the hands of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now, because at the moment they were immobilized, Lu Yue condensed the Thunder Snake and hit them. Although, the Thunder Snake didn't stay in their bodies for long, and quickly passed through them body, but brought them great harm.

No, this should not be said to be injury, but death, because the moment the Thunder Snake passed through their bodies, Dashan and the others sensed that their consciousness began to blur. He was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to die in Lu Yue's hands like this.

This is not the thing that makes them most unwilling. What makes them most unwilling is that they are all dead, and they can't hurt Lu Yue or Lin Jiushi. This is the biggest unwillingness of Dashan and others.

It's a pity that no matter how unwilling they are now, they can't do anything, because at the moment they were hit by the Thunder Snake, Dashan and the others felt powerless and couldn't do anything.

However, they were unwilling to die like this, and looked at Lu Yue with difficulty and said, "Lu Yue, Lin Jiu, don't be too happy, this matter will not end like this. , will pay the price for it.” As soon as the words fell, Da Shan and the others fell straight to the ground.

Looking at the corpses of Dashan and the others, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously, wanting to know what Dashan and the others said before, Lu Yue would not think that Dashan and the others were going to die, and would use such a thing , to deceive myself.Moreover, Lin Jiu's dignified expression was also telling Lu Yue that his guess was not wrong, and this matter did not end here.

This discovery made Lu Yue even more curious, but at this moment, Lin Jiu didn't know what he was thinking, and ignored Lu Yue's doubts.Seeing this, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, do you know what these people said just now?"

Hearing Lu Yue's question, Lin Jiu came back to his senses, looked at Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, if you sense it carefully, you will know what's going on with the corpses of these evil cultivators?"

Hearing Lin Jiu's reminder, Lu Yue thought of something, just like Lin Jiu, his complexion became dignified. After that, Lu Yue began to sense the corpses of Da Shan and others, wanting to know whether his guess was correct.

Dashan and the others have just died, and it is still daytime. Logically speaking, the souls of Dashan and the others will still be in the corpses. The souls of Dashan and the others will leave and enter the underworld after dark. Yue didn't find the souls of Da Shan and the others, as if Da Shan and the others hadn't just died, but had been dead for a while.

This discovery let Lu Yue know that his guess was not wrong. This matter did not end like this. Ren didn't know what tricks he had used, and disappeared from under the noses of the two of them.

Dashan and the others were not good people before their lives, but now they have become evil ghosts, and they will not do good deeds, and will only become more evil cultivators. Therefore, the two of them must turn Dashan and the others into evil ghosts as soon as possible, Beheaded, otherwise, the strength of Dashan and other evil spirits will increase rapidly in a short period of time, and more innocent people will die tragically in the hands of Dashan and other evil spirits.

Fortunately, there are the corpses of Dashan and others here. With the help of these corpses, it is much easier for them to find traces of Dashan and other evil spirits than before. "Master, with these corpses here, it shouldn't be difficult for you, Master, to find the location of these evil spirits. At that time, we, master and apprentice, will join forces and kill them."

After becoming evil spirits, the strength of Dashan and others will be weakened a lot. With the power of Lightning Running Thunder Fist and Palm Thunder, it should not be difficult to kill Dashan and other evil spirits.

"Lu Yue, you think about this matter too simply. Don't you think that those evil cultivators don't know the means of being a teacher? They know, so they also know that it is impossible for them to hide this means. Teacher, logically speaking, no matter how unwilling they are, they would not say those words before they die. After all, if they don't say it, as a teacher, they can't find something wrong in a short time, so that they can have more Time to improve your own strength.

But they didn't do that, but they took the initiative to tell us. Therefore, even if there are corpses, it is not easy for us to find the traces of those evil spirits. "

Having said that, Lin Jiu still took some things from the corpses of Dashan and the others, and began to search for the location of the evil spirits such as Dashan.Before, Lin Jiu knew that finding the location of Dashan and other evil spirits was not an easy task, it would take a lot of time, and this was not something that could be done by ordinary means.

Sure enough, Lin Jiu didn't find anything after doing a lot of work. Seeing this, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, take all these corpses with us. Let's go back to Yizhuang to do it. We must find them before dark." The location of these evil spirits, otherwise, once it gets dark, these evil spirits will definitely come out to make trouble, and at that time, many people will surely die in the hands of these evil spirits." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu ignored it. Lu Yue, go quickly to Yizhuang.This time, Lu Yue couldn't help him much, only some trivial matters, and Qiu Sheng and others were enough.

After this period of training, Qiu Sheng and the others became more stable, so they should be able to help him.Looking at Lin Jiu who had gone far away, Lu Yue sighed in his heart, resigned to his fate and performed the method of wooden stakes, condensed many wooden coffins, put these corpses in them, and put them into the storage ring.

Soon, many corpses were collected by Lu Yue in the storage ring. After that, Lu Yue did not return to Yizhuang immediately, but sat cross-legged on the ground to recover the consumed aura.

The previous battle almost completely exhausted Lu Yue's spiritual power, and at this time, there was nothing to do in Huiyizhuang, so it's better to recover here.

There are many plants and trees here, and with the help of these plants and trees, it won't take long to fully recover the aura that was consumed before.It was only when he started to recover his spiritual power that Lu Yue realized that something was wrong in the surrounding area.

(End of this chapter)

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