Chapter 295 Eventful Autumn
It turned out that when Lu Yue began to absorb the spiritual energy, Lu Yue found that there was a lot of poison left around. Although Lu Yue didn't know what kind of poison it was, Lu Yue could sense a faint danger from it. How could he not understand, These poisons are more extraordinary than he estimated and cannot be touched.

This was not the thing that worried Lu Yue the most. What worried Lu Yue the most was that he felt a pair of eyes watching him from the dark, which made Lu Yue feel uneasy for a while.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that it would not be difficult for him to find the person hiding in the dark by relying on the power of the wooden stake method, but he soon discovered that the person's hiding technique was more clever than he estimated. After searching, Lu Yue found nothing.

This discovery made Lu Yue's complexion extremely serious, and he gave up the idea of ​​recovering from his injuries here, so he got up and walked to Yizhuang.Knowing that someone was secretly paying attention to this place, Lu Yue didn't dare to be careless, so he was careful not to be attacked by this person.

Although, Lu Yue still doesn't know who is hiding in the dark.But the moment he sensed someone hiding in the dark, Lu Yue sensed a hint of malice from that person.

This trace of malice was not considered strong, and it disappeared completely after a flash, but Lu Yue knew that this was not his illusion, so he did not let down his vigilance.

Because, he believed that his previous feeling was not wrong.Knowing that this person chooses to hide in the dark, and also harbors malice towards him, if given the chance, this person will most likely choose to sneak attack him, so how dare Lu Yue relax a bit.

Fortunately, what Lu Yue was worried about did not happen. After walking for 10 minutes, Lu Yue did not find that the hidden person attacked him. I didn't choose to do it.

However, even so, before returning to Yizhuang, Lu Yue didn't really dare to rest assured.When he was on guard in secret before, Lu Yue also secretly absorbed the power of plants and trees to recover the spiritual power he had consumed.

After such a short period of time, Lu Yue had recovered part of his spiritual power, took out a magic amulet, stuck it on his body, and quickly moved towards Yizhuang, wanting to return to Yizhuang as soon as possible.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that this person would attack him when he activated the magic talisman. After all, if he didn't attack at this time, then this person would have no chance to attack.

Unexpectedly, until he was far away, this person who was hiding in the dark did not make a move.I understand that this person is even more difficult if he does not estimate it himself. It is not an easy task to kill him, at least it is not easy to kill him until he cannot crack his hiding method.

Now Lu Yue only hopes that this hidden person has nothing to do with the previous evil cultivators. Otherwise, if they want to kill Dashan and other evil spirits, there will be many variables. Those who hide their tracks under their noses and don't let themselves find out will be weak.

After all, even if Lin Jiu was in the previous environment, it was impossible to hide Lu Yue's feelings, but this person could hide Lu Yue's feelings, and his strength might not be weaker than his master, or even stronger. I guessed wrong, this person can have such an extraordinary hiding method, which also shows how tricky this person is.

Now, Lu Yue only hoped that his guess was wrong. The strength of this hidden person was not as strong as he estimated, so he didn't attack him.

With the help of the Divine Walking Talisman, Lu Yue returned to the Yizhuang without spending much time. What he was worried about before did not happen, which made Lu Yue feel relieved.

At this time, Lin Jiu was not far away, ready to start the practice. After seeing Lu Yue coming in, Lin Jiu wanted to say something, but saw Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

This discovery made Lin Jiu feel an ominous premonition. Could it be that something happened after he left. "Lu Yue, what's wrong with you?" Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue worriedly and asked. "Master, when you left before, did something go wrong?"

"No." Lin Jiu frowned and replied.Regarding this answer, Lu Yue didn't feel any surprises. If Lin Jiu found something unusual, he wouldn't have left before.

"Master, after I collected those corpses, I sensed a pair of eyes looking at me in the darkness, and I also sensed a hint of malice." Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiudao seriously.

Lu Yue is not an unreliable Qiusheng and Wencai. He would not use this kind of thing to deceive himself. However, this matter is too important. Lin Jiu couldn't help but be careless. He looked at Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, Are you sure you didn't feel wrong?"

Previously, there were many plants and trees in the place where the battle was fought. With the help of Lu Yue's special skills, his sensing ability was much stronger than his own.Even Lin Jiu didn't have the confidence to hide Lu Yue's feelings under such circumstances.If Lu Yue didn't feel wrong, this person might be stronger than himself.

If this is the case, then why didn't this person take action against Lu Yue?In Lu Yue's situation, if this person made a move, it would not be difficult to kill Lu Yue.

Could it be that I guessed wrong, this person's strength is not considered strong, that's why I didn't attack Lu Yue, so as not to die in Lu Yue's hands, if that's the case, it's better.

It's just that, thinking that that person can hide even Lu Yue, it is even more difficult for them to find the trace of this person. In this way, even if this person's strength is not considered strong, they can't have any carelessness. Otherwise, there is a high possibility that they will die under this person's sneak attack.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue said helplessly, "Master, could it be that in your heart I am such a person who would use this kind of thing as a joke?"

Even Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were extremely unreliable in the past, should not have the guts to use this kind of thing to joke with themselves, even more impossible for Lu Yue.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart, "It's really troublesome, forget it, Lu Yue, the most important thing for us now is to find the place of those evil spirits first, as for the person hiding in the dark, let's let go first Let's go." After speaking, Lin Jiu was ready to continue casting spells.

"Master, I'm worried, that person and those evil spirits are in the same group." If this is the case, it will be even more difficult for them to kill Da Shan and other evil spirits.

How could Lin Jiu not have thought of this possibility? However, even if the hidden person is in the same group as Dashan and the others, they have no good way to do it, so now they can only give the evil spirits who are less threatening to them. After beheading, come to think about other things.

(End of this chapter)

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