Chapter 325 Warning
Sensing the five elixir plants approaching him, Lu Yue did not continue to practice. Since these elixir plants came here, Lu Yue would naturally not let these elixirs go away, otherwise, he would want to catch them later. These elixirs are not an easy task.

Lu Yue didn't think that these elixir would continue to stay in Changbai Mountain after knowing his existence. I was afraid that these elixir would leave Changbai Mountain and go to other places to practice.

Therefore, if these elixir were to go away today, it would be extremely difficult for me to find them, and more importantly, my physique might be exposed because of this.

It is not easy for other monsters to detect your own physique, it can even be said to be extremely difficult, but for these elixir, it is not difficult to find something wrong, otherwise, these elixir Medicine will not come here either.

Even if these elixirs are too low in cultivation and too short in knowledge, they don't know their own constitution, but if these elixirs publicize their discoveries, there must be many living beings who know the reason. Not too strong, Lu Yue didn't want to expose his innate wood spirit body at this time, causing endless trouble for himself.

Although Lin Jiu didn't sense the existence of these elixir, Lin Jiu kept watching Lu Yue's every move, because Lin Jiu knew in his heart that in Changbai Mountain, Lu Yue's sensing ability was much stronger than his own, so, You only need to pay attention to Lu Yue to know the situation of the four eyes.

Seeing Lu Yue opened his eyes, Lin Jiu knew that something must have happened, and asked, "Lu Yue, did you find anything?" Although, compared with Lu Yue, his sensory ability in Changbai Mountain was a little worse, But at this point, I still haven't found anything. It is not difficult to see that the monsters who came this time are not simple, and Lin Jiu can't help but be careless.

"Master, it doesn't have to be like this. Are these treasures brought to your door?" Hearing this, a gleam flashed in Lin Jiu's eyes. Medicine, what are they?
However, Lin Jiu knew that no matter what the elixir was, it would be impossible to leave again, and he would know what elixir it was in a while.The cultivation of these elixir is not very good, if it is not good at hiding, it would have been eaten by those monsters in Changbai Mountain long ago.

Meeting Lu Yue was also the misfortune of these elixir. The hidden method they were proud of had no effect in front of Lu Yue. Next, the rhizomes wrapped around these elixirs quietly, grabbed these elixirs, and sent them to Lu Yue.Under Lu Yue's amplification, these grass and tree roots became extremely hard, making it impossible for these elixir to break free, and they were brought up in front of Lu Yue.

Looking at the five elixir plants on his face, Lu Yue smiled slightly, "You five little ones are really brave enough to dare to come here, but since you're here, don't leave."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yue pointed at the five elixir plants, and a streak of spiritual power flew out from Lu Yue's finger, hitting these elixir herbs, erasing the spiritual wisdom born of these elixir herbs without hurting the elixir.

Afterwards, Lu Yue planted five elixir plants around him. With these five elixir plants, he could attract more spiritual energy to come here for his own cultivation.

After practicing for a period of time, Lu Yue sensed that his cultivation had improved a lot compared to before. According to Lu Yue's estimation, he could break through to a higher level in at most three days.

In this way, Lu Yue naturally didn't want to waste time. Besides, before entering Changbai Mountain, Lu Yue sensed many powerful evil spirits and monsters hidden in the Changbai Mountain through the surrounding vegetation.It is impossible for me to hide my practice here from these evil spirits and monsters for a while, but it is impossible to hide it for a long time.

According to Lu Yue's estimate, even with Master's help, these evil spirits and monsters will all know that he and Master are here in at most two months.

At that time, if Lu Yue wants to cultivate in Changbai Mountain again, it will not be an easy task. He needs to show a strong strength. Otherwise, Lu Yue will not feel that these evil spirits and monsters will allow them The master and apprentice continued to stay in Changbai Mountain.

There are a lot of evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain. Even if I and my master are strong, it is not easy to defeat these evil spirits and monsters.

Therefore, Lu Yue knew that he had to break through to a higher realm in a shorter period of time and have a stronger combat power, so Lu Yue naturally didn't want to waste any time.

What Lu Yue could think of, Lin Jiu would not have imagined. When Lu Yue was practicing, Lin Jiu would arrange it around, so that in the end, the two masters and apprentices would not be driven out of Changbai Mountain by many evil spirits and monsters.If the master and apprentice are really driven out of Changbai Mountain, not only will the master and apprentice lose face, but even the Maoshan faction will lose their reputation. This is not what Lin Jiu wants to see.

Lu Yue's previous premonition was not the same. Three days later, there was a light sound from Lu Yue's body, and the aura emanating from his body increased rapidly. At this point, Lu Yue broke through to the realm of a sixth-rank human teacher.

Before, Lin Jiu already knew that Lu Yue practiced in Changbai Mountain, and the cultivation speed was much faster than that in Yizhuang, but Lin Jiu did not expect that Lu Yue would break through to the realm of sixth-grade human teacher so quickly.If this continues, Lu Yue will be able to break through to the realm of Earth Master in less than a year.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu smiled in relief.Once Lu Yue's cultivation can break through to the realm of the earth master, the Taoism that Lu Yue practiced before can continue to improve and break through to a higher realm. Possesses the strength to kill the Celestial Master.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu became more and more determined. Even if he died, he must not let Lu Yue have any accidents.Because this Lu Yue is the future of the Maoshan faction, as long as Lu Yue does not die, the Maoshan faction will rise completely because of Lu Yue in a few years.

After breaking through to the realm of a sixth-grade human teacher, Lu Yue did not stop his cultivation, but continued to practice. This time, his purpose was to practice until he reached the realm of an earth master. .

Breaking through from the sixth-rank human teacher to the seventh-rank human teacher is a big bottleneck. Even Lu Yue has no confidence that he can break through to the seventh-rank human teacher within a month.

However, once Lu Yue breaks through to the seventh-rank human teacher realm, he can quickly break through to the ninth-rank human teacher realm in a short time.Although it is not an easy task to break through to the realm of seventh-rank human teacher, Lu Yue is confident that he will break through to the realm of seventh-rank human teacher within two months.

Once he breaks through to the seventh-rank human teacher realm, he will not encounter any bottlenecks before breaking through to the first-rank earth teacher realm. Lu Yue is confident that he will break through to the ninth-rank human teacher realm within a month.

Thinking of this, Lu Yue couldn't wait to break through to the seventh-rank human teacher realm. In order to allow himself to break through to the seventh-rank human teacher realm in a shorter period of time, Lu Yue even more frantically drew the aura of Changbai Mountain to gather around him , for self-absorption.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to hide from the many evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain about what I am practicing here, so I will not hide it at all, and try my best to improve my cultivation base. As long as my strength is strong enough, even those evil spirits and monsters What if you don't want to?
Seeing more and more auras gathering around Lu Yue, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was planning? He knew that Lu Yue wanted to break through to a seventh-rank person in a short period of time. Teacher realm.I couldn't help but feel a little worried, wondering if Lu Yue's long-term refining of spiritual energy would cause any damage to his body.After all, this aura is an extremely violent thing, and it is not an easy task to refine it.

However, Lin Jiu soon realized that his worries were superfluous. When Lu Yue was refining these auras, he still exuded the power of Lu Yue's grass and trees, blending into Lu Yue's body, constantly nourishing Lu Yue's body, In this way, even if Lu Yue continued to refine the spiritual energy, there would be no hidden dangers.Afterwards, Lin Jiu stepped aside, sat down cross-legged, and protected Lu Yue.

As for why he didn't stay by Lu Yue's side and protect Lu Yue's law, it was because the spiritual energy around Lu Yue was too strong. If he stayed by Lu Yue's side all the time, Lin Jiu was afraid that he would not be able to help but start to practice. He and Lu Yue snatched spiritual energy.

After reaching Lin Jiu's state, he absorbed a lot of spiritual energy. If he stayed by Lu Yue's side, he would definitely slow down Lu Yue's cultivation speed. This was not something Lin Jiu wanted to see.

When Lu Yue crazily absorbed the spiritual energy in Changbai Mountain, Lin Jiu knew that soon there would be evil spirits or monsters. When they found this situation, Lin Jiu naturally did not dare to have any carelessness, and fully sensed the surrounding situation , so as not to have evil spirits or monsters approaching here.

Time passed, and soon the next night, Lu Yue, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lin Jiu who was not far away, and reminded, "Master, I have sensed that there are three powerful ghost generals, who are coming towards you quickly." Come here." Although these three evil spirits did not break through to the realm of ghost generals, Lu Yue could sense that the strength of these three evil spirits was stronger than those ghost generals he had encountered before, so naturally there was a trace of them. main idea.

Lu Yue didn't say it clearly, but Lin Jiu couldn't hear the unfinished meaning in Lu Yue's words. If it weren't for the strength of these three evil spirits, Lu Yue would not have reminded himself.

After all, he has now broken through to the realm of a celestial master, unless it is a ghost general who is half-step ghost general, Lin Jiu can easily kill him.

"Lu Yue, you can practice with peace of mind. As long as the strength of this evil spirit has not reached the realm of ghost commander, he will never get close to you." After speaking, Lin Jiu got up and waited for the appearance of the three evil spirits.

Originally, Lin Jiu thought that these evil spirits would come quietly when they came, but soon Lin Jiu discovered that these three evil spirits had no intention of hiding their tracks at all, and approached here ostentatiously.This discovery made Lin Jiu's complexion serious. There is only one possibility in this situation, and that is that these three evil spirits came here under the order of a more powerful evil spirit.

Being able to drive ghost generals to come, the strength of this evil ghost has at least reached the realm of ghost commander, and it is still a powerful existence in the realm of ghost commander.However, all of this is just my own guesswork. The truth of the matter still needs to be known from the mouths of the three evil spirits.

The three evil spirits didn't make Lin Jiu wait too long, they appeared not far away, stopped, looked at Lin Jiu and said, "I've seen a celestial master." Looking at the three evil spirits saluting to him, Lin Jiu became more and more sure that his previous guess was not wrong, otherwise, these three evil spirits would not be so polite to him. "I don't know, you three ghost generals are here, what's the matter?"

"Tianshi, the three of us are ordered by Changbai Guishuai to let Tianshi and his disciples leave Changbai Mountain. The Changbai Mountain doesn't welcome the two of you?" After finishing speaking, the three evil spirits stared at Looking at Lin Jiu, wanting to know if Lin Jiu is willing, he took Lu Yue away.

"Sorry, this disciple, Pindao, needs to practice in Changbai Mountain for a year. We won't leave before the time is up. After one year, without you saying anything, Pindao will leave with his disciple?" Lin Jiu looked at the three evil ghosts warily and said.

Regarding Lin Jiu's answer, the three evil ghosts didn't feel any surprises. It is impossible for a celestial master like Lin Jiu not to know Changbai Mountain clearly, so if he still chooses to come here to practice, he will definitely not leave easily .Although, they also hoped that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue would not leave here, so Changbai Guishuai would have a reason to take Lin Jiu and Lu Yue down.

At that time, even if they can't absorb the yang energy of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue from time to time, at least after these two fall into the hands of Changbai Guishuai, they will have a chance to use the yang energy of Lin Jiu or Lu Yue Yang Qi has been cultivated.Whether it is Lu Yue or Lin Jiu, the yang energy on their bodies is extremely strong. If these yang energy can help them, it will not take long for them to break through to the realm of ghost handsome.

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Jiu's master and apprentice were stronger and beheaded Changbai Guishuai.If this is the case, they will be able to devour Changbai Guishuai's legacy to improve their own strength. At that time, they still have a lot of possibility to break through to the Guishuai realm.

It can be said that no matter how Lin Jiu and Lu Yue choose, as long as they can survive, they will get a lot of benefits. "Since the Celestial Master is unwilling to leave, then we will go back and report the truth to Master Guishuai. At that time, I hope that you will survive the anger of Master Guishuai." After finishing speaking, the three evil ghosts planned to leave.

The strength of the three of them can be considered strong, but they all know that if they really fight with Lin Jiu, they will definitely die in the end. The fisherman is naturally unwilling to die in Lin Jiu's hands if he has the opportunity to profit.

(End of this chapter)

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