Chapter 326 Clone
Regarding the departure of the three ghost generals, Lin Jiu did not intend to stop them. Although the three evil ghosts are not a good thing, there are already many people who died in the hands of the three evil ghosts, but Lin Jiu is not willing to , Kill the three evil spirits so as not to affect Lu Yue's cultivation.

More importantly, Lin Jiu was worried that if he killed these three evil spirits, he would completely enrage the Changbai Guishuai, and he and their master and apprentice would never stop dying. At that time, even if they could kill the Changbai Guishuai If they were beheaded, both their master and apprentice would be seriously injured.

Lin Jiu didn't plan to attack the three evil ghosts at this time, but planned to wait until Lu Yue's cultivation reached a higher level before attacking the three evil ghosts and Changbai Guishuai behind them.

Anyway, relying on Lu Yue's aptitude, at most two months, he will be able to break through to the realm of seventh-rank human teacher. The combat power will be enhanced a lot because of reaching the realm of ninth-rank human teacher. At that time, it will not be too late for the two masters and apprentices to join forces and kill this group of evil spirits.

Lin Jiu didn't know the situation of Changbai Guishuai, but how could Lu Yue not know the situation of Changbai Guishuai? The power of Changbai Guishuai was much stronger than Lin Jiu estimated.

Therefore, seeing that Lin Jiu hadn't made a move, Lu Yue jumped up from the ground and cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist. Powerful lightning bolts gushed out from Lu Yue's body, gathered together, and turned into a thunder snake , and hit the three evil spirits, intending to kill these three powerful evil spirits and weaken the power of Changbai Guishuai.

Lu Yue was surrounded by so many auras that the three evil spirits did not see Lu Yue's appearance clearly, but it was not without any gains. At least, under Lu Yue's deliberate actions, the three evil spirits found out, Lu Yue's cultivation is not considered strong, even for them, it can be said to be low, but the realm of the sixth-rank master is much worse than them, so he didn't take Lu Yue to heart, and tried his best to guard against Lin Jiu , lest Lin Jiu suddenly attack them.

Therefore, the three evil spirits didn't notice Razer's attack at the first time. When the three evil spirits found out that something was wrong and wanted to avoid Razer's attack, it was too late for the three evil spirits to find out.

Fortunately, although the power of this Thunder Snake is powerful, it is still a bit short of beheading them, at most it will seriously injure them.Stimulate the ghost energy with all your strength, condense the armor, protect yourself in it, and at the same time stimulate the ghost energy to hit the Thunder Snake. Even if you can't resist the Thunder Snake's attack, you must weaken the Thunder Snake as much as possible. Snake attack.

Although Lin Jiu didn't do anything to them, but if Lu Yue did, Lin Jiu would definitely do it. If their injuries were too serious, it would be basically impossible for Lin Jiu, his master and his apprentice, to survive.

Lin Jiu, who was not far away, was puzzled by Lu Yue's sudden attack and didn't know why Lu Yue did it, but the movements of Lin Jiu's hands were not slow at all. Jiu also condensed a celestial master's real fire, and hit the three evil spirits.

With the strength of these three evil spirits, after resisting the Thunder Snake, they will definitely be seriously injured, and it is basically impossible to resist the Celestial Master's True Fire.However, Lin Jiu believed that Lu Yue would definitely attack again and not give these evil spirits a chance to survive.

Lin Jiu's guess was not wrong. After driving the Thunder Snake to hit the three evil spirits, Lu Yue performed the Lightning and Thunder Fist again, condensing a Thunder Snake, and continued to attack the three evil spirits. Any chance of the evil spirits surviving.

After the three evil spirits resisted the thunder snake's attack, they were all seriously injured, unable to avoid the real fire of the celestial master, and could only watch the real fire of the celestial master driven by Lin Jiu fall on them.

Fortunately, before the three evil spirits came here, Changbai Guishuai gave them a life-saving ghost weapon. It was precisely because of this ghost weapon that the three evil spirits were able to survive under the attack of the celestial master's real fire. Come down, otherwise, with the power of the Celestial Master's True Fire, not to mention the three evil spirits are seriously injured now, even if the three evil spirits are not injured, the possibility of surviving is not great.

Although the three evil ghosts were protected by the ghost weapon, they didn't lose their souls, but they made their injuries worse. The ghost body became almost transparent, as if it would disappear in the next moment.What's more terrible is that Lu Yue didn't let them go. Once again, the Lightning Dash and Thunder Fist condensed a mighty Thunder Snake, which was more powerful than before, and hit him.

Before, they were attacked by Thunder Snake and Tianshi Zhenhuo, and they were seriously injured. Even if the three evil spirits wanted to avoid the attack of Thunder Snake, there was no possibility, and they could only help the second Thunder Snake , Hit him, and his soul flew away.

Looking at the three ghosts who were so frightened and scattered, both Lu Yue and Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of these three ghosts is not weak. It is not an easy task to kill these three evil spirits.

After seeing the three evil ghosts flying away, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue not far away, wanting to know why Lu Yue killed the three evil ghosts at this time.

"Master, the power of the Changbai ghost commander is stronger than we estimated. There are more than a dozen ghost generals alone. If we don't take the opportunity to weaken the power of the Changbai ghost commander, when we face each other in the future, our master and apprentice will be more powerful." It is extremely difficult for the two of them to win."

Neither Lin Jiu nor Lu Yue would naively think that the Changbai Ghost King would let the two of them stay in Changbai Mountain to practice for a year. The two of them, master and apprentice, should be driven out of here.

How could Lu Yue not know what was going on with him? Although his fighting power was extremely powerful, Lu Yue was not arrogant enough to face the team of a dozen ghost generals without any injuries.

Moreover, in Changbai Mountain, I don't know the strength of Changbai Guishuai and the other two forces. If their master and apprentice are seriously injured under Changbai Guishuai's attack, the other two forces will definitely take the opportunity to attack them. shot.Lu Yue didn't want to be caught by evil spirits or monsters just after leaving Changbai Mountain.

Lin Jiu had already guessed the reason before, but he just wanted to get confirmation from Lu Yue. Now that Lin Jiu was confirmed, his face became more dignified than ever.

When he came to Changbai Mountain, Lin Jiu knew that there were many evil spirits and monsters living in Changbai Mountain, but Lin Jiu didn't expect that there would be so many monsters here, so Lin Jiu couldn't help giving birth, and wanted to take Lu The idea of ​​Yue Li's departure, so as not to be targeted by these evil spirits and monsters.

However, judging by Lu Yue's expression, Lu Yue would not want to leave unless it was absolutely necessary. Let him accompany Lu Yue crazy this time, and he would like to see if these evil spirits and monsters can get rid of them. The two of them, master and apprentice, drove out of Changbai Mountain.

"Lu Yue, you continue to practice. As for other things, I will leave it to the teacher to handle." No matter what Lin Jiu said, he is also a celestial master. Even if all the evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain are dispatched together, With Lin Jiu's strength, he can support for a little time. If he has that time to worry about what will happen next, it is better to seize the time to improve his strength.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue nodded and began to practice again. After beheading the three evil spirits, Lu Yue felt more urgent and wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Before, there was not enough spiritual power to cast a more powerful thunder technique, but now with the help of many plants and trees, Lu Yue has enough spiritual power to cast a more powerful thunder technique. Fist and palm thunder, breaking through to a higher level.

However, before practicing these two methods of Taoism, Lu Yue wants to break through the wooden stake method to the sixth level first. If he can break through the wooden stake method to the sixth level, he will be able to control more vegetation and draw spiritual power for himself Cultivate, speed up your own cultivation speed.

Lu Yue, who possesses a congenital wood spirit body, possesses an unimaginable speed in the cultivation of wood-type Taoism, not to mention Lu Yue's extraordinary understanding, coupled with the help of many plants and trees.

In just three days, Lu Yue made a breakthrough. He had cultivated the wooden stake method to the sixth level, and his control over the trees had improved a lot. This is not the thing that makes Lu Yue the most happy. To his delight, after he practiced the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, Lu Yue found that he had refined the elixir into his own avatar, refining more aura for himself, and if he could make the elixir produce spiritual Wisdom can even make the elixir, comprehend Taoism for oneself.

For other people, it is not an easy task to let the elixir produce spiritual wisdom. It takes a lot of time and cultivation to make it possible. But for Lu Yue, it only needs to consume some blood and spiritual energy. can do it.

Afterwards, Lu Yue brought the elixir that he had seized before to himself. If he could refine all five elixir into his avatar, it would be able to double the speed of his refining spiritual energy. But Lu Yue didn't intend to do this, but wanted to fuse the five elixir together to make the elixir more powerful, so that the avatar refined in this way would also be more powerful, not only helping him to refine Reiki can help you practice the method of wooden stakes.

Lu Yue didn't pay much attention to the speed that the avatar could speed up his aura. As Lu Yue broke through the wooden stake method to the sixth floor, he was able to control more vegetation and draw the aura to his side for his own cultivation. There is no difference That bit of aura.

However, Lu Yue really had to pay attention to the cultivation of the wooden stake Dafa. After all, this Taoist method was of great help to him, and this avatar was refined by himself with elixir. In terms of cultivation, he has a unique advantage. Although he is much worse than himself, he is more advantageous than Lin Jiu.

Previously, the five elixir plants that Lu Yue seized were the famous Changbai Mountain ginseng in Changbai Mountain. Under Lu Yue's control, all the essences of the four ginseng plants were continuously integrated into the best ginseng plant, making this ginseng quickly The growth of the ginseng began to transform into a ginseng king.

Lu Yue's actions made Lin Jiu feel puzzled, wondering why Lu Yue did this?However, Lin Jiu believes that Lu Yue must have a purpose for doing this. Lin Jiu does not think that Lu Yue, who has cultivated the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, will be in vain.

That's right, the moment Lu Yue practiced the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, Lin Jiu sensed the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body. Realm, the moment he saw Lu Yue, he couldn't help feeling a little fond.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Jiu knew that Lu Yue had practiced the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level. Otherwise, such changes would not have occurred in Lu Yue, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. Cultivate the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level.

The shock in Lin Jiu's heart just disappeared in a flash. Lu Yue possessed the innate wood spirit body, and it was not difficult for Lu Yue to practice the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, even if it was the seventh level. , and the eighth floor, the highest floor, is not impossible for Lu Yue.

If there is enough time for Lu Yue to practice, it will not be difficult for Lu Yue to cultivate the wooden stake Dafa to the highest level. Unfortunately, what Lu Yue lacks most now is time.Therefore, Lu Yue can only use this method to improve his strength.

Although Lin Jiu didn't know what Lu Yue wanted to do, but Lin Jiu knew that Lu Yue's commotion was definitely not small. If he didn't activate the formation, Lu Yue's commotion was very likely. , will attract those evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain.

This is not what worries Lin Jiu the most. What worries Lin Jiu the most is that Lu Yue may expose his physique by doing so.Once Lu Yue's physique was exposed, the many evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain would all take action, not giving them a chance to leave Changbai Mountain alive.

Before, Lin Jiu was worried that Lu Yue would expose his physique when he was practicing in Changbai Mountain, so he had already set up formations around him. Now, Lin Jiu only needs to activate this formation.From the storage bag, take out the formation flag that has been prepared, insert it on the ground, and activate the formation.

Bursts of spiritual light gushed out from the many talismans and merged together to hide their master and apprentice. In this way, no matter how much noise Lu Yue made, as long as the formation was not broken, people outside would You won't know what's going on here.

Refining the avatar is not an easy task. In addition, this is the first time for Lu Yue to refine the avatar. He dare not have any distractions. He puts all his mind on the ginseng king. He is not concerned about what happened outside. I don't know, because Lu Yue believes that even if the master doesn't know what he is doing, he will never put himself in danger. Therefore, Lu Yue can refine the avatar with peace of mind, and don't have to worry about what he will encounter when refining the avatar. danger, or being interrupted by others.

(End of this chapter)

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