Chapter 327
Before Changbai Guishuai sent three ghost generals to Lin Jiu, he left a mark on the three evil ghosts, allowing the three evil ghosts to contact him at a critical moment, so that he can go to support him. From Changbai Guishuai's point of view, he is not far away from where Lin Jiu is.

If the three evil ghosts ask for help, I should have enough time to go to where Lin Jiu is. However, just to be cautious, Changbai Guishuai also gave the three evil ghosts a ghost weapon, so that the three evil ghosts can last longer time, so as not to be beheaded by Lin Jiu before he arrives.

The strength of these three evil spirits is not weak at all. With the combination and the ghost weapon I gave, they should be able to persist until their arrival.But Changbai Guishuai didn't expect that the three evil ghosts would die in the hands of Lin Jiu so quickly, knowing that he underestimated Lin Jiu's ability as a celestial master.

However, after thinking about it, a flash of clarity flashed in Changbai Guishuai's eyes. How could it be easy for a Taoist priest to break through to the realm of a celestial master so quickly? At the same time, Changbai Guishuai also understood that he underestimated Lin Jiu, a celestial master The strength of this Lin Jiu is much stronger than what he estimated before.

After all, if he were Lin Jiu, Changbai Guishuai had no confidence. Like Lin Jiu, he killed these three evil spirits in such a short period of time. It is not difficult to see that Lin Jiu's strength should be stronger than that of Lin Jiu. If he is stronger, even if he has many ghost generals to help him, Changbai Guishuai is not confident that he can kill Lin Jiu, a celestial master.

Taking a step back, even if he can kill Lin Jiu, he will pay a heavy price. At that time, don't say that his subordinates will take the opportunity to betray him and want to kill him so that he can occupy everything.Even if it is the other two forces, they will never let themselves go. They are still observing, or looking for a suitable opportunity, and it will not be too late to attack Lin Jiu.

Not only Changbai Guishuai sensed the death of the three evil spirits, but they also sensed it not long after. Originally, these evil spirits thought that Changbai Guishuai would take them to Lin Jiu's place to avenge the three evil spirits , so that the hearts of many evil spirits are filled with joy.

Although the relationship between them and the three evil spirits is not very good, if their relationship is good, it will give them a chance to taste the yang energy of the celestial master in the future, what is it like.

They will definitely be very grateful to these three evil spirits. After all, without the sacrifice of the three evil spirits, these ghost generals would not have the opportunity to taste the yang energy of the celestial master.Unexpectedly, Changbai Guishuai didn't have the idea of ​​taking them to revenge.

This discovery made many evil spirits feel heavy.Based on their understanding of Changbai Guishuai, if Lin Jiu was not too powerful, Changbai Guishuai would never have taken this opportunity to keep Lin Jiu, his master and his apprentice.

After understanding this point, many evil ghosts felt a pang of regret, it seems that they are not lucky enough to taste the yang energy of the celestial master, what is it like.Especially those evil spirits who have stepped into the realm of ghost commanders with one foot, feel even more regretful in their hearts. Before, they planned to use Lin Jiu's yang energy to break through to the realm of ghost commanders. Now it seems that there is no hope up.

Afterwards, many evil spirits looked at the handsome Changbai ghost above. Before, when the three evil spirits went to Lin Jiu's place, they did not hide their tracks. It would not take long before those two knew about it. If Shuai doesn't do anything, then, for a long time, he won't be able to hold his head up in front of those two.

Based on their understanding of Changbai Guishuai, this man is very good-looking. Even if Lin Jiu is really strong and not an opponent, he will not do nothing.

Seeing many evil ghosts looking at him, Changbai Guishuai didn't know what these evil ghosts were thinking, but Changbai Guishuai didn't say anything, but fell silent.

After a while, Changbai Guishuai looked at the many ghost generals below and asked, "Who of you would like to go to where the master is, and see how strong the master is?" As if by doing so, Changbai Guishuai would not see them.

The scene in front of him made Changbai Guishuai secretly hate him. However, Changbai Guishuai didn't say anything. He knew in his heart that these evil ghosts should have known Lin Jiu's strength through their actions just now, so they didn't dare to go to Lin Jiu. Where is Jiu, so as not to be beheaded by Lin Jiu?

"Why, are you all unwilling to go? Or, let me do the roll call?" Although Changbai Guishuai understands why these ghost generals are like this, it doesn't mean that Changbai Guishuai won't be angry because of this.Changbai Guishuai did not hide the anger in his heart, so many ghost generals would not know that Changbai Guishuai was angry, but, thinking of the three evil ghosts who died in Lin Jiu's hands before, many evil ghosts knew clearly, with them With the strength, going to Lin Jiu's place is undoubtedly sending him to death.

That being the case, how could they be willing to go to where Lin Jiu is?Facing the angry Changbai Guishuai, they still have the possibility of surviving, but facing the jealous Lin Jiu, the possibility of them surviving is not great, so the choice is self-evident.

More importantly, in the eyes of many evil spirits, Lin Jiu's strength is stronger than theirs. Even if they go to where Lin Jiu is, it is impossible to know how strong Lin Jiu is?
"My lord, it's not that we don't want to go to the place where the celestial master is to check the strength of the celestial master, but our strength is much worse than that of the celestial master. How is the strength?"

"That's right, my lord, it's not that we don't want to go, but that our strength is too weak. Even if we go to where the celestial master is, it won't be of much use?" Many evil spirits echoed, hoping that Changbai Guishuai can dispel the previous idea.

Hearing this, Changbai Guishuai didn't say anything, he looked straight at the many evil spirits below, and wanted to know what these evil spirits were thinking?

Facing Changbai Guishuai's sharp gaze, many evil spirits couldn't help but feel a little space in their hearts. They didn't dare to look at Changbai Guishuai, and they all lowered their heads. Anyway, it wasn't me who didn't want to go to Lin Jiu's place, but all the evil spirits. They didn't want to go to where Lin Jiu was. Even if Changbai Guishuai got angry again, he wouldn't be able to kill them all.

After all, Changbai Guishuai was able to occupy such a good position in Changbai Mountain, which has a lot to do with these evil spirits. If they were all there, Changbai Guishuai alone would not be able to hold such a good position. It is impossible for Changbai Guishuai not to know this.

Sure enough, what Changbai Guishuai said next, let many evil spirits know that his previous guess was not wrong. The Changbai Guishuai did not blame them for this, or he did not expose his thoughts. Let me handle this matter."

Although the Changbai Guishuai was full of anger, Changbai Guishuai had to admit that what these evil spirits said was true, and with the strength of these evil spirits, even if they went to where Lin Jiu was, they still had no way of knowing how strong Lin Jiu was. It's just a death in vain.

If you want to know how strong Lin Jiu is, you need to go there yourself.This trip to Changbai Guishuai did not intend to fight Lin Jiu, a celestial master, but just wanted to know how strong Lin Jiu was, and then decide how to face Lin Jiu, a celestial master who offended him.

Hearing Changbai Guishuai's words, many evil ghosts breathed a sigh of relief, and left quickly, fearing that they were late, and Changbai Guishuai would regret letting them go to Lin Jiu's place.

After the many evil spirits left, Changbai Guishuai flashed his figure, disappeared in place, and quietly went to where Lin Jiu was.Changbai Guishuai's cultivation base is stronger than Lin Jiu's. In addition, Changbai Guishuai hid it deliberately, so Lin Jiu didn't notice Changbai Guishuai's arrival in the first place.

Fortunately, Lin Jiu was staying in the formation at this time, and the power of this formation was extremely powerful, so Changbai Guishuai didn't know what was going on in the formation, so naturally it was impossible to know how strong Lin Jiu was?

Looking at the formation laid down by Lin Jiu, a gleam flashed in Changbai Guishuai's eyes. The formation in front of him was extremely extraordinary. Even if he attacked with all his strength, it would be extremely difficult, even impossible, to destroy the formation in front of him. , no wonder he dared to enter Changbai Mountain to practice, this method is really extraordinary.

Afterwards, Changbai Guishuai didn't continue, and left quickly, returning to his grave.The moment he came here, Changbai Guishuai sensed that there was a trace of thunder and lightning power nearby. These thunder and lightning powers are extremely powerful. It is not difficult to see that Lin Jiu, a celestial master, has practiced this thunder method to a great extent. Low realm, I think the reason why my three subordinates died in Lin Jiu's hands so quickly is because of the great power of this thunder method.

Knowing that Lin Jiu has practiced the extremely powerful thunder technique, and he has cultivated this thunder technique to a high level, Changbai Guishuai's fear of Lin Jiu is even deeper.After all, this Lei Fa's restraint on these evil spirits is really too great. Even if his cultivation base is higher than Lin Jiu's, if he really fights, the possibility of dying in Lin Jiu's hands will be even greater .

At the same time, Changbai Guishuai felt lucky, and fortunately he came to check it out. If he didn't wait to fight Lin Jiu, he might suffer a big loss because of it.

As for the arrival of the Changbai Guishuai, Lin Jiu didn't notice it at the first time, but shortly after the Changbai Guishuai left, Lin Jiusheng sensed it and found a faint ghost aura remaining around.Although Lin Jiu didn't find too many things in this ghost aura, but the moment he saw this ghost aura, Lin Jiu knew that this ghost aura should be left by the Changbai ghost commander, because the other ghost generals , within a short period of time, they should not have the guts to come here.

After discovering the ghost aura, Lin Jiu didn't step out of the formation. He came to the ghost aura to investigate and see if he could see something from the ghost aura.

For him now, the most important thing is to protect Lu Yue and prevent others from knowing about Lu Yue's situation. It won't be too late to deal with other matters after Lu Yue leaves the customs.

Besides, Lin Jiu was worried that this was a trap set by Changbai Guishuai, the purpose of which was to let him get out of the formation, so as to know what state he had reached now.

I have just broken through to the realm of a celestial master, not long after, if the Changbai Guishuai knows about his situation, there is a high possibility that he will attack him immediately, hoping to capture him.After all, after cultivating to the realm of a celestial master, the yang energy on the body has undergone a transformation, which is very attractive to these evil spirits, especially the yang energy of a boy like him, the attraction is even greater, Lin Jiu didn't think that Changbai Guishuai could resist the temptation of this yang energy.

Although Lin Jiu doesn't know what state the Changbai Guishuai has reached, Lin Jiu is confident that with his own strength, even if he is not the opponent of the Changbai Guishuai, it is impossible for the Changbai Guishuai to do anything to him?But Lin Jiu was worried that the battle between himself and Changbai Guishuai would affect Lu Yue, making what Lu Yue did now fall short.

Therefore, just to be cautious, it is not too late for me to wait until Lu Yue succeeds.Besides, I don't know how strong Changbai Guishuai is, but with the help of many plants, Lu Yue doesn't necessarily know the strength of Changbai Guishuai?
But he said that after Changbai Guishuai left, he was about to go back to his grave, but just halfway there, he saw Xueying Yaoshuai and Jinhou Yaoshuai not far away.

Although the three of them have lived together in Changbai Mountain for a long time, the relationship between the three of them is not very harmonious, and it can even be said to be extremely vicious. If there is a chance to kill each other, they will never miss it this opportunity.

"You two monsters came to my commander today, what's the matter?" If he guessed correctly, these two monsters should know that three of his profitable men were beheaded by Lin Jiu, so they came here to laugh at him , See if you can stir up your hatred towards Lin Jiu, and go to Lin Jiu desperately to settle accounts, so that they can benefit from it.

"Changbai, we heard that three of your profitable subordinates were beheaded by a celestial master. I wonder if there is such a thing?" Xueying Yaoshuai looked at Changbai Guishuai jokingly and asked.

Looking at the banter in the eyes of the two monsters, Changbai Guishuai felt even more angry, but he nodded and said, "It is true, why do you two want to avenge them? If so, I will stay here first Instead of them, thank you two monster commanders."

"Changbai, what are you thinking? They are not our subordinates, and they don't have a good relationship with us. Why should we avenge them? We came here today to know how you plan to deal with this matter, Changbai Don't you want to lose face of our Changbai Mountain?"

"This is my business. I don't need you two to be hypocritical here. If the two of you have the guts, feel free to try against me or Master Tian?" After finishing speaking, Changbai Guishuai ignored him. The two of them walked towards their graveyard.

Regarding Changbai Guishuai's departure, the two demon commanders did not stop them. However, the two demon commanders did not just leave, but looked at Changbai Guishuai's back, and their mood became dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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